Christians, I Don't Understand This...

Be so kind as to explain why Islam teaches that one must murder any one that leaves the religion.

I'm NOT a Muslim, Sir/Ma' should really direct your questions about Islam to Muslims. But Islam does not teach to murder apostates. I am a former Muslim myself; no one has ever threatened my life for leaving their (Muslim) community.
now who is lying? One must repent and rejoin or be killed is what Muslims teach about apostate.
Just for the record, I used to host a Bible study group where both men and women discussed the Bible at length. I held everyone's opinion in high regard and learned from both men and women. All the while I considered my group a "church" for where two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ there He is in the midst of them. On the other hand, our church wasn't a "formal" church and I didn't consider myself "a bishop."

I think there are possibly more stories in the bible that empower and glorify women than there are stories that empower and glorify men. Anti-Christian lunatics who don't know that are just advertising their ignorance of the bible that they claim to know so much about.

You think there are possibly? Not too sure of yourself are you.
Which passage is it that says you should cut out the tounge of a woman that interupts a man who is talking?
none, actually.......

Remember your New Testament is just a spin off of the Old Testament. If you can see that this ancient religion was bullshit, why can't you see so is your new and improved religion? In the Old:

Unmarried women were not allowed to leave the home of their father without permission.
Married women were not allowed to leave the home of their husband, without permission.
They were normally restricted to roles of little or no authority.
They could not testify in court.
They could not appear in public venues.
They were not allowed to talk to strangers.
They had to be doubly veiled when they left their homes. 1

Women were considered inferior to men:
/'re considered inferior to men and it hasn't stopped you.....meanwhile, I will be glad to review the text you say tells you to cut out the tongue of a woman who interrupts a man talking......

I am a man. We all know in Christian households the man is the head of the house. The woman may be the neck but the man is the head. Didn't you see My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Those were Greek Orthodox Christians. And just look at how GW's dumb wife sat quiet while he ruined the planet. She knew her role.
Which passage is it that says you should cut out the tounge of a woman that interupts a man who is talking?
none, actually.......

Remember your New Testament is just a spin off of the Old Testament. If you can see that this ancient religion was bullshit, why can't you see so is your new and improved religion? In the Old:

Unmarried women were not allowed to leave the home of their father without permission.
Married women were not allowed to leave the home of their husband, without permission.
They were normally restricted to roles of little or no authority.
They could not testify in court.
They could not appear in public venues.
They were not allowed to talk to strangers.
They had to be doubly veiled when they left their homes. 1

Women were considered inferior to men:
/'re considered inferior to men and it hasn't stopped you.....meanwhile, I will be glad to review the text you say tells you to cut out the tongue of a woman who interrupts a man talking......

Nope, women weren't, and aren't, considered inferior to men. They are considered different, but of equal value.

Remember Christ appeared first to women when he was resurrected. Esther is hugely revered and respected. Women were healed and miracles wrought almost exclusively for women, either directly (healing and protecting) or indirectly (raising loved ones from the dead, providing for widows).

Any honest, thinking person reading through the bible cannot ignore the blatant misogyny and barbarity towards women, but most Christians are bible illiterates – they only hear the palatable verses from the pulpit and blindly accept that the bible emanates goodness.

The simple fact is, it doesn’t. Certainly, when you go to church, all you will hear is the message of love. And sure, those verses are in the Bible, but so are a litany of examples of intolerance – sexism, racism, homophobia and cruelty – that reflect the Hebrew society of that time.

11:2-10… Woman created for man.
14:34 Women must be silent in churches.

5:22-24 Wives must submit to husbands in everything.

3:18 Wives submit to husbands.

2:11-15 Woman must not have authority – she must be silent. Women can be saved with childbearing.
5:9-10 Widows should be faithful to husband and must wash saints’ feet.

3:1 Wives submit.
3:5-6 Sarah calls husband master.

Oh no Olo, That question mark at the end tells me you don't have the courage to stand behind your convictions. You have to be bold:

LOL. I wasn't calling YOU a false prophet. I was calling them who ignore God's Word and preach "another Gospel" not of Christ.

Well whatever you claim, the state that the Bible is in (rife with contradictions) let's me know that the Bible is a Book that cannot be trusted on it's is an example of a Bible contradiction:

Matt. 11:13-14, NIV: "(13)For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John.(14)And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come."

John 1:19-21, NIV: "(19)Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.(20)He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely,'I am not the Messiah.'(21)They asked him,'Then who are you? Are you Elijah?' He said,'I am not.''Are you the Prophet?' He answered,'No.'"

The Holy Qur'an says that the Jews have tampered with the Bible and I incline more to the Qur'an for my beliefs THOUGH I AM NOT A MUSLIM.


there are no contradiction in scripture friend. Not one.
Be so kind as to explain why Islam teaches that one must murder any one that leaves the religion.

I'm NOT a Muslim, Sir/Ma' should really direct your questions about Islam to Muslims. But Islam does not teach to murder apostates. I am a former Muslim myself; no one has ever threatened my life for leaving their (Muslim) community.

that explains your hatred. Why do you call people names for? Are you 10 or something?
Which passage is it that says you should cut out the tounge of a woman that interupts a man who is talking?
none, actually.......

Remember your New Testament is just a spin off of the Old Testament. If you can see that this ancient religion was bullshit, why can't you see so is your new and improved religion? In the Old:

Unmarried women were not allowed to leave the home of their father without permission.
Married women were not allowed to leave the home of their husband, without permission.
They were normally restricted to roles of little or no authority.
They could not testify in court.
They could not appear in public venues.
They were not allowed to talk to strangers.
They had to be doubly veiled when they left their homes. 1

Women were considered inferior to men:
/'re considered inferior to men and it hasn't stopped you.....meanwhile, I will be glad to review the text you say tells you to cut out the tongue of a woman who interrupts a man talking......

I am a man. We all know in Christian households the man is the head of the house. The woman may be the neck but the man is the head. Didn't you see My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Those were Greek Orthodox Christians. And just look at how GW's dumb wife sat quiet while he ruined the planet. She knew her role.
hopefully, when the time comes for you to marry, you will know better......

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