Zone1 Christians, Jews and Muslims: Who is going to Hell and why.

If you belong to one of these three faiths, please provide a cogent response to the title question. Thanks.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I love when Christians try to tell me they believe non Christians go to heaven. No they don't. If they do they don't believe Jesus. Cherry pickers. Or they know the bible is not to be taken literally so they'll put their spin on this.
You would have to start by ascertaining whether each tradition has a parallel and comparable concept of heaven and hell. Judaism understanding of the fate of the soul after death is a bit different from other religions' so just asking for a simple "who goes to hell" isn't really useful.
You would have to start by ascertaining whether each tradition has a parallel and comparable concept of heaven and hell. Judaism understanding of the fate of the soul after death is a bit different from other religions' so just asking for a simple "who goes to hell" isn't really useful.

I like it that when our ancestors were cavemen who knew how to make fire they told each other that those lights in the sky were loveones who died. Their camp fires.

But weren't those camp fires there before we knew how to make fire?
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I love when Christians try to tell me they believe non Christians go to heaven. No they don't. If they do they don't believe Jesus. Cherry pickers. Or they know the bible is not to be taken literally so they'll put their spin on this.
Yes, non-christians can go to heaven. It has long been understood that people that have never been exposed to Christianity get a free pass to heaven. Yes, accept Christ as your savior and you get into heaven. But if you have never been made aware of that choice, you get a free pass.

I mean let's take the Native Americans as an example. the primary purpose of missionary work to them was to give them the choice. Christians of the time didn't really like the idea of giving them a free pass. Another example would be an infant that dies. They never had the chance to make that choice, are they destined to hell because of that? Of course not. They get a free pass. But finally, since it is the topic of the day. The Jews. They absolutely refuse to accept Christ as their savior even though they are completely aware of his works. So yeah, they are destined to hell. I mean this is some simple ass shit.
Yes, non-christians can go to heaven. It has long been understood that people that have never been exposed to Christianity get a free pass to heaven. Yes, accept Christ as your savior and you get into heaven. But if you have never been made aware of that choice, you get a free pass.

I mean let's take the Native Americans as an example. the primary purpose of missionary work to them was to give them the choice. Christians of the time didn't really like the idea of giving them a free pass. Another example would be an infant that dies. They never had the chance to make that choice, are they destined to hell because of that? Of course not. They get a free pass. But finally, since it is the topic of the day. The Jews. They absolutely refuse to accept Christ as their savior even though they are completely aware of his works. So yeah, they are destined to hell. I mean this is some simple ass shit.
John 1:12 puts the idea of "universal" salvation right down the toilet. Jesus made it abundantly clear that ONLY those who are born again, regardless of where they come from, will go to Heaven
G-d Himself is so Holy and pure He will.not allow sin in His presence.
Yes, non-christians can go to heaven. It has long been understood that people that have never been exposed to Christianity get a free pass to heaven. Yes, accept Christ as your savior and you get into heaven. But if you have never been made aware of that choice, you get a free pass.

I mean let's take the Native Americans as an example. the primary purpose of missionary work to them was to give them the choice. Christians of the time didn't really like the idea of giving them a free pass. Another example would be an infant that dies. They never had the chance to make that choice, are they destined to hell because of that? Of course not. They get a free pass. But finally, since it is the topic of the day. The Jews. They absolutely refuse to accept Christ as their savior even though they are completely aware of his works. So yeah, they are destined to hell. I mean this is some simple ass shit.

OMG what a dick! LOL. You mean those poor people were already going to heaven and then you told them a story that they should have rejected on face value and then told them either they believe it or they won't go to heaven?

That's mean.

So all the Atheists you know. All the Jews who know the story but don't believe it. They aren't going to heaven?

I bet you have a clause for the Jews. You probably also have a clause for the Mormons who believe the Catholic Church lost it's authority from God during the dark ages and that God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and told him to start his own church. You give the Mormon's a pass because they acknowledge the Jesus story. But their spin is they don't follow the New Testament because that religion lost it's way a long time ago. If you want the most current/best/real religion today, you have to go with the 1800 Mormon story.

I like my Indian friend (dot head) believes that God visits every 500 years or so.

Moses was 5000 years ago?
Jesus 2000
Mohammad 500
Mormon 200
Seems he comes more frequently. He must be due for another visit.
If you belong to one of these three faiths, please provide a cogent response to the title question. Thanks.

No heaven. No hell. Just crap that don't mean a thing in the long run. I know Jews do not believe in hell. Christians have so many different variations of their faith I've lost count. Heaven and hell are moral absolutes. To many of the RW christians use their version of their god as a weapon.
No heaven. No hell. Just crap that don't mean a thing in the long run. I know Jews do not believe in hell. Christians have so many different variations of their faith I've lost count. Heaven and hell are moral absolutes. To many of the RW christians use their version of their god as a weapon.
Therein lies your problem. G-d in fact does deal in absolutes. You either accept Him and His wonderful gift of eternal life, or suffer the consequences of rejecting Him.
Therein lies your problem. G-d in fact does deal in absolutes. You either accept Him and His wonderful gift of eternal life, or suffer the consequences of rejecting Him.

I do not have a problem. NOT believing in something is NOT real is my right. Freedom of Religion is Freedom From Religion. I have no desire waste my time on on fictional manufactured deity.

You want to believe in yiour Sky Man, fine that is your right. A right that I fought for and bled for. But you do NOT have the right to me I have problem because I choose NOT to believe...that is my right. I am happy with my lack of belief. YOU do not have the right to judge because I do NOT believe and you sure as hell do NOT have the right to tell I have a problem because I do not believe. My right. My choice. You want me to respect your right to believe, you in return should respect my right NOT to believe.

The Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man is a con.

Man created his Sky Man, not the other way around.

There is no Sky Man, never has been or will be. Just people weak minded enough to taken by con.
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I do not have a problem. NOT believing in something is NOT real is my right. Freedom of Religion is Freedom From Religion. I have no desire waste my time on on fictional manufactured deity.

You want to believe in yiour Sky Man, fine that is your right. A right that I fought for and bled for. But you do NOT have the right to me I have problem because I choose NOT to believe...that is my right. I am happy with my lack of belief. YOU do not have the right to judge because I do NOT believe and you sure as hell do NOT have the right to tell I have a problem because I do not believe. My right. My choice. You want me to respect your right to believe, you in return should respect my right NOT to believe.

The Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man is a con.

Man created his Sky Man, not the other way around.

There is no Sky Man, never has been or will be. Just people weak minded enough to taken by con.
There may not be a "sky man" but there is G-d Himself. You refuse to submit to His Kingly authority. And it is also my right and moral duty to preach the Gospel throughout society.
There may not be a "sky man" but there is G-d Himself. You refuse to submit to His Kingly authority. And it is also my right and moral duty to preach the Gospel throughout society.

As stated, I do not believe is a Sky Man. Man created his god. I do not believe in that god. That god is not real. He has zero authority over me. Your "Moral Authority" does NOT give you the right to subject me or anyother person to your version of your god based on your version of your version bible.

As state perviously, it is your right to believe what you want. I fought for that right. I bled for that right and I damn died for that and believe it or not I would happily defend it again. That right written into our Constitution. But your right to believe ends at my right NOT to believe. You do not get judge me on what choose believe or not believe. Keep your god to yourself.

Moral authority be damned, who are to say you have any "More Authority" over me or anyone else. Your morals do not make you special. I live my life a moral code that do I NOT get from book. I worked for over 20+years with the Homeless and at risk of Homeless. I do not need a god to tell what I did was right. Once a freaking year so-called "Christians" suddenly as if by magic decide to see the Homeless and do something, the rest of the year they step over them.

You believe in your bible fine. Your bible says that a woman has the right to get rid of an unwanted baby. Your blble says that fetus is property Your bible says that if man stirkes a pregnant woman and she dies, he is executed. That same man srrikes a pregnant woman and she lives but the fetus dies, he pays a fine. Your jesus never said one freaking word about Homosexuals, or Homosexual Realationships. Your jesus condemned Captial Punishment.

Cherry picking your bible is common, But because I know the bible is just fiction I do not believe in the words it contains
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Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I love when Christians try to tell me they believe non Christians go to heaven. No they don't. If they do they don't believe Jesus. Cherry pickers. Or they know the bible is not to be taken literally so they'll put their spin on this.
So all Jews and Muslims are going to hell because they don't believe in Jesus, got it.
Yes, non-christians can go to heaven. It has long been understood that people that have never been exposed to Christianity get a free pass to heaven. Yes, accept Christ as your savior and you get into heaven. But if you have never been made aware of that choice, you get a free pass.

I mean let's take the Native Americans as an example. the primary purpose of missionary work to them was to give them the choice. Christians of the time didn't really like the idea of giving them a free pass. Another example would be an infant that dies. They never had the chance to make that choice, are they destined to hell because of that? Of course not. They get a free pass. But finally, since it is the topic of the day. The Jews. They absolutely refuse to accept Christ as their savior even though they are completely aware of his works. So yeah, they are destined to hell. I mean this is some simple ass shit.
Romans 1:20-21 New International Version (NIV)

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20-21 New International Version (NIV)

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I love when Christians try to tell me they believe non Christians go to heaven. No they don't. If they do they don't believe Jesus. Cherry pickers. Or they know the bible is not to be taken literally so they'll put their spin on this.
Doesn't Jesus explicitly state in Matthew 7:21-23 that entrance into the kingdom of heaven can only be achieved by doing the will of his father in heaven?

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’
I like it that when our ancestors were cavemen who knew how to make fire they told each other that those lights in the sky were loveones who died. Their camp fires.

But weren't those camp fires there before we knew how to make fire?
Seems like they could have only thought that after they knew how to make fire.

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