Zone1 Christians, Jews and Muslims: Who is going to Hell and why.

OMG what a dick! LOL. You mean those poor people were already going to heaven and then you told them a story that they should have rejected on face value and then told them either they believe it or they won't go to heaven?

That's mean.

So all the Atheists you know. All the Jews who know the story but don't believe it. They aren't going to heaven?

I bet you have a clause for the Jews. You probably also have a clause for the Mormons who believe the Catholic Church lost it's authority from God during the dark ages and that God visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and told him to start his own church. You give the Mormon's a pass because they acknowledge the Jesus story. But their spin is they don't follow the New Testament because that religion lost it's way a long time ago. If you want the most current/best/real religion today, you have to go with the 1800 Mormon story.

I like my Indian friend (dot head) believes that God visits every 500 years or so.

Moses was 5000 years ago?
Jesus 2000
Mohammad 500
Mormon 200
Seems he comes more frequently. He must be due for another visit.
I think you are outsmarting yourself with your cleverness.
Doesn't Jesus explicitly state in Matthew 7:21-23 that entrance into the kingdom of heaven can only be achieved by doing the will of his father in heaven?

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’
No. Good works cannot save you. Without the spiritual birth(John 3;3), you cannot gain Heaven. A fact Paul emphasizes on in Ephesians 2:8-9. The works we do are to be a witnes, a testimony to our born again relationship with G-d through Christ.
No. Good works cannot save you. Without the spiritual birth(John 3;3), you cannot gain Heaven. A fact Paul emphasizes on in Ephesians 2:8-9. The works we do are to be a witnes, a testimony to our born again relationship with G-d through Christ.
I didn't say good works. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven."

Seems pretty explicit to me.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I love when Christians try to tell me they believe non Christians go to heaven. No they don't. If they do they don't believe Jesus. Cherry pickers. Or they know the bible is not to be taken literally so they'll put their spin on this.

Then Jesus went to hell, he was a do know that right? Also, Jews do not believe in do know that right.
I didn't say good works. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven."

Seems pretty explicit to me.
And the will of G-d is simply this: to acknowledge our own sinfulness and inability to save ourselves, repent of our sins, and BY FAITH receive Christ as Lord, Master and Savior. Basically the Cliff Notes edition of the Gospel.
And the will of G-d is simply this: to acknowledge our own sinfulness and inability to save ourselves, repent of our sins, and BY FAITH receive Christ as Lord, Master and Savior. Basically the Cliff Notes edition of the Gospel.
I'm not so bold as to speak for God's will as you are. It's not that I don't understand what you are saying as much as it is there's a difference between notionally saying something and actually doing it.

There's a reason why Christ spoke those words. And in fact he was describing the risk facing religious people. Be careful about worshipping the form of religion is what he was saying.
And they are wrong about it.

Who are you to decide that "They are wrong about it". It is their faith practice not yours. You do not have the right to deicde what is wrong or right for another religious practice.

That yet another problem I have with you so-called "Christians", you take it upon yourself to decide another person fate simply because you think you have the right to do so. You do not.

You religious practice is exactly that, YOUR religious practice. You do not get to decide for anyone but you. Judaism was around thousands of years before Christinity. Jews have as much a right to engage religious practice and all it encompasses (including not believing in non-existent hell) as you have engage in your religious practice (including believing in a non-existent hell).

Absolutism in the name of non-existent Magical/Mythical/Mystical Sky Man has killed millions of people over past five thousand years.

People such as yourself make me glad everyday I reject the ridiculous notion of Monotheistic Male god head.

Jews have as much to practice their religion their way as you have the right your religion your way. Judge NOT lest ye be judged.
I'm not so bold as to speak for God's will as you are. It's not that I don't understand what you are saying as much as it is there's a difference between notionally saying something and actually doing it.

There's a reason why Christ spoke those words. And in fact he was describing the risk facing religious people. Be careful about worshipping the form of religion is what he was saying.
Precisely. And Matthew 28:18-20 , the Great Commission is why we must be bold.
Who are you to decide that "They are wrong about it". It is their faith practice not yours. You do not have the right to deicde what is wrong or right for another religious practice.

That yet another problem I have with you so-called "Christians", you take it upon yourself to decide another person fate simply because you think you have the right to do so. You do not.

You religious practice is exactly that, YOUR religious practice. You do not get to decide for anyone but you. Judaism was around thousands of years before Christinity. Jews have as much a right to engage religious practice and all it encompasses (including not believing in non-existent hell) as you have engage in your religious practice (including believing in a non-existent hell).

Absolutism in the name of non-existent Magical/Mythical/Mystical Sky Man has killed millions of people over past five thousand years.

People such as yourself make me glad everyday I reject the ridiculous notion of Monotheistic Male god head.

Jews have as much to practice their religion their way as you have the right your religion your way. Judge NOT lest ye be judged.
Not me, even the Pentateuch describes Hell. Your argument is against your Sovereign Creator. And you will lose, bank on it.
Not me, even the Pentateuch describes Hell. Your argument is against your Sovereign Creator. And you will lose, bank on it.

I do not believe in your brand of religious crap. There is no such thiing as a "Sovereign Creater", just mumbo jumbo individuals to scared to think for themselves.

No heaven. No hell. No Sky Man. Your religious practice is yours. Other people have other religious practice It is NOT your place to judge another person's religious practice.

Your brand of absolutism kills people.
I do not believe in your brand of religious crap. There is no such thiing as a "Sovereign Creater", just mumbo jumbo individuals to scared to think for themselves.

No heaven. No hell. No Sky Man. Your religious practice is yours. Other people have other religious practice It is NOT your place to judge another person's religious practice.

Your brand of absolutism kills people.
You buy right into Satan's lies hook line and sinker.
You buy right into Satan's lies hook line and sinker.

You really boring. I do not believe in Satan. I sure as hell don't believe a Sky Man. Your ignroance is shoiwng. If you think you scare me, no. I laugh at your fear of something that is not real.
You really boring. I do not believe in Satan. I sure as hell don't believe a Sky Man. Your ignroance is shoiwng. If you think you scare me, no. I laugh at your fear of something that is not real.
No, your beliefs and opinions are totally IRRELEVANT where the Inspired Word of G-d is concerned. Yet you are way too stupid to realize the wonderful gift He has for you. Romans Ch.1 states that they "Professed themselves to be wise, they became fools" Psalms 14:1 also states the "Fool in his heart says 'there is no G-d'". Your problem is with the Almighty. And yes, you will answer for your soul.
I didn't say good works. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven."

Seems pretty explicit to me.
So, those who kill infidel babies.

No. Good works cannot save you. Without the spiritual birth(John 3;3), you cannot gain Heaven. A fact Paul emphasizes on in Ephesians 2:8-9. The works we do are to be a witnes, a testimony to our born again relationship with G-d through Christ.

who wrote that uses the same silver coins they gave to judas - to claim jesus claimed he was the jewish messiah to have him tried and crucified by the jews.

a madeup religion. 4th century christianity.
And the will of G-d is simply this: to acknowledge our own sinfulness and inability to save ourselves, repent of our sins, and BY FAITH receive Christ as Lord, Master and Savior. Basically the Cliff Notes edition of the Gospel.

the crucifier speaks loudly ... their religion of servitude and denial.

by crucifying jesus they then use their name for their own corrupt religion. the christian bible.

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