Zone1 Christians, Jews and Muslims: Who is going to Hell and why.

I had someone tell me once;
"Ozro, I don't think you're going to hell, but you won't be going to the best part of heaven either".
No, that's childish, immoral, and false nonsense.
No, it isn't immoral as far as G-d is concerned. Since man is evil, depraved, and utterly incapable of meeting His Standards for holiness and perfection, He cannot allow sin in His presence. Hence the need for Messiah.
The deification of Yeshua (jesus) did not occur for at least 100 to 150 years after his execution by Rome. Much of the written account(s) of Yeshua fiction created by the Men who needed a Christian Martyr. IF he existed, he was a wandering Rabbi.

He was executed for crimes against Rome, he died for no man's sin. Miryan (Mary) was only 14 or 15 when he was born. HIs Yosef (Joseph) his father was probably 20 Years old at least.

There was no "Immacuate Conception", more Yosef and Miryan were just plain bumping uglies. They may or may not have been married, probably two people just living together.

There ain't one whole helluva known about his early life, he died as historians can best put together at ag 33-Years Old.

Judas was the fall guy in the whole damn thing, but there to be a fall guy.
Yet you still haunt these threads
Albeit your remark was addressed to somebody else -- it's a bit like a parent trying to straighten out misguided and badly educated teen agers .
Should we really just stand by and leave you trapped within your Cults ?
We are like real good Shepherds -- always trying to find the one lost sheep who might heed our calls .
There is always hope for souls lost on the journey .
Albeit your remark was addressed to somebody else -- it's a bit like a parent trying to straighten out misguided and badly educated teen agers .
Should we really just stand by and leave you trapped within your Cults ?
We are like real good Shepherds -- always trying to find the one lost sheep who might heed our calls .
There is always hope for souls lost on the journey .
Although my focus is "the beam in my own eye". I will still parrot my Master and tell you, "EXCEPT YOU REPENT, YOU SHALL ALSO LIKEWISE PERISH"
Seems like they could have only thought that after they knew how to make fire.
Can you imagine forgetting the date when the first guy invented fire? We celebrate Christopher Columbus "discovering" America. I think fire was a much bigger discovery. Just like the Jesus story spread all over the world I wonder how fast word got around about fire. Instead of praying they did something useful. Rubbed two sticks together or banged rocks together to see which ones gave off a spark.
Can you imagine forgetting the date when the first guy invented fire? We celebrate Christopher Columbus "discovering" America. I think fire was a much bigger discovery. Just like the Jesus story spread all over the world I wonder how fast word got around about fire. Instead of praying they did something useful. Rubbed two sticks together or banged rocks together to see which ones gave off a spark.
It's been argued that fire allowed man to consume enough calories so that his brain (which requires 20% of the body's energy) could evolve. So fire and opposable thumbs (i.e. spatial awareness) were integral to intelligence evolving.
No, your beliefs and opinions are totally IRRELEVANT where the Inspired Word of G-d is concerned. Yet you are way too stupid to realize the wonderful gift He has for you. Romans Ch.1 states that they "Professed themselves to be wise, they became fools" Psalms 14:1 also states the "Fool in his heart says 'there is no G-d'". Your problem is with the Almighty. And yes, you will answer for your soul.

John Nelson Darby invented the rapture and the rest of Hal Lindsey's BS in 1830.
It's been argued that fire allowed man to consume enough calories so that his brain (which requires 20% of the body's energy) could evolve. So fire and opposable thumbs (i.e. spatial awareness) were integral to intelligence evolving.
I can see that. And if rubbing two sticks together will produce that, what else is possible? What will they think of next? LOL.

Imagine all the experiments they did with fire. finally making swords and cups and bowls and knives.

Did you hear the Christians who say Halloween is demonic? Dressing up like other people, letting demons in to your home for the night. Demonic? And these are Christians. Are they right? Do you agree with them about Halloween? I wonder what percent of Christians is still superstitious like this. And why is it against the law in PA to take money for fortune telling but it's legal for a church to take money with the promise of a heaven? At least the fortune teller pays taxes.
I can see that. And if rubbing two sticks together will produce that, what else is possible? What will they think of next? LOL.

Imagine all the experiments they did with fire. finally making swords and cups and bowls and knives.

Did you hear the Christians who say Halloween is demonic? Dressing up like other people, letting demons in to your home for the night. Demonic? And these are Christians. Are they right? Do you agree with them about Halloween? I wonder what percent of Christians is still superstitious like this. And why is it against the law in PA to take money for fortune telling but it's legal for a church to take money with the promise of a heaven? At least the fortune teller pays taxes.
Living in Michigan you should worry more about the AMOC collapsing.
Gross. And immoral.
Christians are just fine with sin. Lie, cheat, steal, even murder. None of it stops them from getting into heaven. Because they believe in Jesus.

So do a lot of women who get abortions. So why do these liars, cheats and thiefs judge these aborters?

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