Christians offended at DNC statue at Iowa state house

Gawd. Oh the victims!
Right. Any Children dragged past by their parents. You want them seeing that thing?
It is satire, you do know that, right?

Be that as it may, government land and funding is used for this sort of thing. Fine by me.


Entrance to public Government Gardens, Rotorua.

Kids walk by all the time. No one raises an eyebrow. You're a snowflake.
It is satire, you do know that, right?

Be that as it may, government land and funding is used for this sort of thing. Fine by me.


Entrance to public Government Gardens, Rotorua.

Kids walk by all the time. No one raises an eyebrow. You're a snowflake.
it may be in the satire section but its a true story .
  • Funny
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how many needy hungry people do they feed compared to Christian orgs ..
The Christian organizations would feed more poor people if they were not so busy in the slave trade, so there is that.


Christians Offended By Democrat Statue In Iowa Capitol
POLITICS·Dec 12, 2023 ·
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DES MOINES, IA — Christians in Iowa and across the nation are outraged after a Democrat statue was unveiled at the state's Capitol Building.
"I believe in freedom of speech and religion, but this just goes too far," said Gov. Kim Reynolds to reporters. "Sick, disturbing, Democrat displays have no place in the house where state laws are passed. I'm horrified."
Sources say a local Democrat non-profit is responsible for the frightening statue, which they say is a true representation of everything Democrats proudly stand for. "We have a right to express our Democratic views," said a spokesperson for the group. "We will not be intimidated into removing our altar or our severed goat head from government buildings. This is America!"

The rest of the statement was not recorded, as the spokesperson's eyes rolled back into his head and he began uttering an ancient incantation in a dead eldritch tongue.
Respected Christian thought leader Phil Vischer was quick to defend the statue. "This artistic rendering of Democrat values represents everything beautiful about America," said Vischer. "If you object to this or express any concern whatsoever, you are a dangerous Christian Nationalist who worships political power."
At publishing time, Iowa Republican legislators calmed their frustrated constituents by setting up a golden statue of Trump in the Capitol.
Oh well, freedom of
Oh look, another dishonest, bad faith question.
So, for the peanut gallery, let's summarize. You write something. I reference what you write and ask a clarifying question about it. You don't like the question, so you pretend it's dishonest and in bad faith so you have cover to avoid answering it. Is that about the size of it?

You made the charge, why can't you back it up?
Some folks take the Babylon Bee a bit too seriously.
So, for the peanut gallery, let's summarize. You write something. I reference what you write and ask a clarifying question about it. You don't like the question, so you pretend it's dishonest and in bad faith so you have cover to avoid answering it. Is that about the size of it?

You made the charge, why can't you back it up?
It was a dishonest, bad faith qiestion. You know it. Anyone can read it for themselves.
It was a dishonest, bad faith qiestion. You know it. Anyone can read it for themselves.
You said, and I quote:

"Is it attached to book that gives instructions on slave owning?


Then it's already morally superior to any Christian display."

Yes, anyone can read what you wrote and understand, given your previous antipathy toward Christianity, that you were attempting to denigrate Christianity on the grounds that you think a book they use gives instruction on slave owning. It is legitimate, therefore, to ask what those instructions are (you should know since you made the claim). The fact that you are unable/unwilling to answer and keep attempting to discredit the question reveals that you really don't know and were just throwing it out there, hoping no one would challenge you on it.

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