Christians Responsible for Most 'Hateful Internet Speech,

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

That B.S. far left talking point has been debunked and done so by the people crossing the border who say they come here because they believe once there here they will be allowed to stay FYI there is a legal process for coming here which does not put children in the hands of drug cartels and human smugglers.
good grief

so says, the washingtoncompost religion reporter

that paper is the rag of hate and the op is number one poster of hate

that editor deserves vile remarks
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An editor for The Washington Post's religion section claimed that Christians were behind the majority of nasty and vile feedback she had received throughout her career in an op-ed Thursday. :eusa_whistle:

Christians Responsible for Most 'Hateful Internet Speech,' Says Washington Post Religion Reporter

Makes sense. Religion seems to turn most people into confused hypocrites. How you can take a message like peace, love, and tolerance and turn it into some of vilest atrocities on the planet has always baffled me.

some of the people on this board claiming to be xstian make me

Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?

Yeah if a church took in refugee kids and started teaching them about Jesus, you would be the first one to claim separation of church and state. Talk about a hater.
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?

I have never understood why the left are for the criminals and law breakers.
Why would you want these kids who broke our law, overwhelming our classrooms and burdening more on our teachers and our health care system and wanting more on the snap program?

These kids are being exploited by the drug cartel and coyotes (smugglers).

Organized crime groups in Central America have exploited the slow U.S. legal process and the compassion shown to children in apparent crisis, according to David Leopold, an immigration attorney in Cleveland.

He said smugglers, who may charge a family up to $12,000 to deliver a child to the border, often tell them exactly what to say to American officials.

"The cartels have figured out where the hole is," he said.
Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S. - LA Times

Why are the left for the drug cartel, smugglers and law breakers and against the people in congress who are against these despicable people?
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?

Yeah if a church took in refugee kids and started teaching them about Jesus, you would be the first one to claim separation of church and state. Talk about a hater.

Not I, the children may acept or reject the teaching.
An editor for The Washington Post's religion section claimed that Christians were behind the majority of nasty and vile feedback she had received throughout her career in an op-ed Thursday. :eusa_whistle:

Christians Responsible for Most 'Hateful Internet Speech,' Says Washington Post Religion Reporter

Makes sense. Religion seems to turn most people into confused hypocrites. How you can take a message like peace, love, and tolerance and turn it into some of vilest atrocities on the planet has always baffled me.

some of the people on this board claiming to be xstian make me ...
There are many 'flavors' of Christians, philosophically, never mind branches and sects...

There are Literal Christians, who take all aspects of early (core) teachings at literal and face value, and attempt to order their lives, aligned with that literalism...

There are Practical Christians, who attempt to order their lives in accordance with basic teachings, insofar as these may be observed and practiced by laymen, living ordinary lives... and it is this 'flavor' of 'variety' of Christian that constitutes the majority of 'true Christians' in this or any other 'Christian' country.

There are Cafeteria Christians, who vaguely order their lives in accordance with basic teachings as convenient and insofar as these do not interfere with the needs and wants and desires of the practitioner, and who borrow from other philosophies as needed...

There are Nominal Christians, Christians in name only, who hail from the same cultures and societies which Christianity dominates (demographically or actually), and who have Christian -leaning sympathies, and whose ethics and morality have some nodding acquaintance with basic Christian teachings, but whom are not active adherents or practioners, and whose commitment to such principles do not run very deep or strong...

And... I'm sure... one or two other 'flavors', that escape me at the moment of writing, but, the point is, there are several varieties of Christians, even on the nominal level, and one must take all into account when painting with such a broad brush as 'Christians' or 'Christianity'...
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Wow! Imagine what an Einstein you'd be if you had read "The Night Before Christmas" or "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"!
Of course the filthy blood-thirsty jews are the so-called "gawds chosen" because THOSE hypocrites wrote the BS Bible, not gawd. DUH! It's a self-righteous how to pussify the gentiles primer and idiots like you suck it down like a thirsty whore on a Friday night.
If you ever had an original thought, it would rain sh*t on you in heavenly amounts.
I'd tell you to eat shit, but you'd probably enjoy it.

That is vulgar, and mean...............not unwarranted, but still vulgar, and unkind.
Really? Of the two of us, you choose to castigate me, and not him?
An editor for The Washington Post's religion section claimed that Christians were behind the majority of nasty and vile feedback she had received throughout her career in an op-ed Thursday. :eusa_whistle:

Christians Responsible for Most 'Hateful Internet Speech,' Says Washington Post Religion Reporter

Always important to differentiate between people of genuine faith, and people prone to writing newspapers. :)

There's a huge difference between true Christians and the hate mongers who just thump bibles but that difference is lost on the bible thumpers.
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?

I have never understood why the left are for the criminals and law breakers.
Why would you want these kids who broke our law, overwhelming our classrooms and burdening more on our teachers and our health care system and wanting more on the snap program?

These kids are being exploited by the drug cartel and coyotes (smugglers).

Organized crime groups in Central America have exploited the slow U.S. legal process and the compassion shown to children in apparent crisis, according to David Leopold, an immigration attorney in Cleveland.

He said smugglers, who may charge a family up to $12,000 to deliver a child to the border, often tell them exactly what to say to American officials.

"The cartels have figured out where the hole is," he said.
Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S. - LA Times

Why are the left for the drug cartel, smugglers and law breakers and against the people in congress who are against these despicable people?

If you and your family had a one in 6 chance of being murdered, if your children were in very real danger of being sold into sexual slavery, if you had no safe and legal way of supporting your family, how far would you be willing to go to change that?

What would any of you fine upstanding Americans, you "christians" be willing to do to feed your own loved ones?

How "despicable" would you be? How low would you go? What laws would you be willing to break to save your pre-teen daughter from sex traffickers?

Oh, I know - you would never break a law to feed your family and keep them safe.

Being RWs, you wouldn't have to break the law. Hell, you wouldn't even have to get up off the couch cuz you've got the libs to pay for your food stamps and housing and medical bills.
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?

I have never understood why the left are for the criminals and law breakers.
Why would you want these kids who broke our law, overwhelming our classrooms and burdening more on our teachers and our health care system and wanting more on the snap program?

These kids are being exploited by the drug cartel and coyotes (smugglers).

Organized crime groups in Central America have exploited the slow U.S. legal process and the compassion shown to children in apparent crisis, according to David Leopold, an immigration attorney in Cleveland.

He said smugglers, who may charge a family up to $12,000 to deliver a child to the border, often tell them exactly what to say to American officials.

"The cartels have figured out where the hole is," he said.
Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S. - LA Times

Why are the left for the drug cartel, smugglers and law breakers and against the people in congress who are against these despicable people?

If you and your family had a one in 6 chance of being murdered, if your children were in very real danger of being sold into sexual slavery, if you had no safe and legal way of supporting your family, how far would you be willing to go to change that?

What would any of you fine upstanding Americans, you "christians" be willing to do to feed your own loved ones?

How "despicable" would you be? How low would you go? What laws would you be willing to break to save your pre-teen daughter from sex traffickers?

Oh, I know - you would never break a law to feed your family and keep them safe.

Being RWs, you wouldn't have to break the law. Hell, you wouldn't even have to get up off the couch cuz you've got the libs to pay for your food stamps and housing and medical bills.

You have the right to believe that lie if you want to.

I believe the Guatemalan Ambassador .

Jorge Ramos, the host of the talk show suggested that children were leaving because of increased gang violence. But Ligorria rejected that notion saying the Guatemalan children were coming from north Guatemala, not the eastern part where gang violence has been concentrated.

Our teachers have enough on their plates, they don't need more.
Liberals and their hypocrisy. It just never ends.
From Page One of the Loony Liberals Handbook...


Race-Baiting comes on Page Two...

"It's all our fault, so we have to do penance" is an advanced hair-shirt topic, covered in later chapters...
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Reality check.

78% of Americans identify themselves as Christian.

This may have more to do with it than the religion think?

Christian is a generic term, The 78% you cite is as diverse as is the population throughout the US. Some are crazy - they post on this forum as conservatives; others actually believe in the word of Christ, and those are called Commies by the crazy ones.

But the worst are ...

He was gay as well. :D
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?
you libbs are desperate for Hispanic votes aren't you.
Its certainly true here.

And its the christians here who want the refugee kids sent back to be killed, sold into sexual slavery and kept away from their families.

I wonder if its always been so? And, is it mostly fundies or does this hatred come from mainstream religions as well?
you libbs are desperate for Hispanic votes aren't you.
They won't get 'em by pushing the Gay Mafia agenda, that's fer shure...
Washington Post You can take this story with a grain of salt. Same with New York Times.
Anyone else ever notice how liberals never start threads saying anything disparaging about Islam?

Is it as simple as they are mainly brown people, like I have claimed in the past?

Ever notice these brave liberals would never publicly say anything disparaging about Muhammad, like they do about Jesus?

What brave people. The funny thing about these cowards is how they claim Christianity is just as or more hateful towards people as Islam. Yet, these brave people would never have the balls to publicly berate the prophet Muhammad.

They won't understand what I am saying. I mean they will pretend they don't get the point like the hypocritical, double talking, intolerant pussies every one of them are.
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