Christians to Confront Largest Mosque in Colorado

MissileMan said:
No, I'm saying that it is reasonable to think that Muslims might be as easily offended by a group of Christians disrespecting Islam as you were offended by a shit-smeared statue of Mary.

So christians discussing their own faith = smearing shit on the quaran? that's what you're saying. You consistently keep your standard asymmetrical. quit being a hack.
MissileMan said:
No, I'm saying that it is reasonable to think that Muslims might be as easily offended by a group of Christians disrespecting Islam as you were offended by a shit-smeared statue of Mary.

So you would agree that the smeared feces is worse?

Where was the outrage on the left when that happened? The point has been made over and over in this thread that the left seem much more worried about our Muslim brothers' feelings, than about Christians'. The support from the left for funding of blasphemous "art" is a good example of how libs in general (not directed to you) seem to extend their concern only for the sensitivities of non-Christian religious groups.
-Cp said:
It's not arrogance when you know you're right... Christians aren't in the "minority" in all cases as you assert here... in fact, they are the largest religion in the world:


ya just put missileman in his place...I noticed it is red against green...sorta smacks as blue against red...very profound stuff here...also Mr.P and Missile watch way too many cartoons...whats with the wascally wabbitt stuff anyway...thump-thump-thump! :cheers2:
archangel said:
ya just put missileman in his place...I noticed it is red against green...sorta smacks as blue against red...very profound stuff here...also Mr.P and Missile watch way too many cartoons...whats with the wascally wabbitt stuff anyway...thump-thump-thump! :cheers2:

I suppose you're going to assert that 33% is a majority too?
MissileMan said:
I suppose you're going to assert that 33% is a majority too?

Are you asserting noone should be allowed to believe their religion is correct? Or is it only Christians who must walk around denying their faith to please you, Satan?
Missileman believes fanaticism is solely a function of belief and does not believe a religion which promotes violence to spread itself is more fanatical than one which does not. How messed up is that?

He's gotta be this messed up to maintain his "hate america" attitude.
MissileMan said:
I suppose you're going to assert that 33% is a majority too?

33% is the largest number on the scale posted..what say you? Now if ya put it into proper perspective say the good old USA....I am sure the number would be much higher...say between 66 and 75 %...I could care less about the world...I live in the USA and vote in the USA....... :link:
archangel said:
33% is the largest number on the scale posted..what say you? Now if ya put it into proper perspective say the good old USA....I am sure the number would be much higher...say between 66 and 75 %...I could care less about the world...I live in the USA and vote in the USA....... :link:

So God is only a national concept to you?
rtwngAvngr said:
Missileman believes fanaticism is solely a function of belief and does not believe a religion which promotes violence to spread itself is more fanatical than one which does not. How messed up is that?

He's gotta be this messed up to maintain his "hate america" attitude.

Here's an idea. Go start your own thread and argue with yourself. That way when you make up imaginary statements about the person you are arguing with, it can be attributed to the person who actually said it.
MissileMan said:
Here's an idea. Go start your own thread and argue with yourself. That way when you make up imaginary statements about the person you are arguing with, it can be attributed to the person who actually said it.

You said it, though not as concisely. You said regardless of tactics, religions are equally fanatical if they both believe they're right. You want me to go find it?
MissileMan said:
So God is only a national concept to you?

maybe ya should move to Iraq....cause ya seem to think negotiation with Islam will work...I go on History 101...Ottoman Empire et al....have fun fool! :blowup:
rtwngAvngr said:
You said it, though not as concisely. You said regardless of tactics, religions are equally fanatical if they both believe they're right. You want me to go find it?

Knock yourself out! It's your interpretation of what I said.
archangel said:
maybe ya should move to Iraq....cause ya seem to think negotiation with Islam will work...I go on History 101...Ottoman Empire et al....have fun fool! :blowup:

So your contention is that there's only room for Christians in the U.S.?
MissileMan said:
So your contention is that there's only room for Christians in the U.S.?

my contention is I will defend myself against anyone who is bent on taking my life..albeit Islam or any other entity...however at the present time Islam is the problem...what part of this diatribe do you not understand? :smoke:
MissileMan said:
Knock yourself out! It's your interpretation of what I said.

Here's what you said.

Missilieman said:
The fanatacism to spread is on par with the radicals from other religions. The only difference is the means each are willing to use to achieve their goals.

You are saying the fanaticism is equal but the means are different. separating them thusly, you are implying that fanaticism is not a function of tactic. I'd say the tactic of prostelytizing is the MOST IMPORTANT factor in determining fanaticism.
archangel said:
my contention is I will defend myself against anyone who is bent on taking my life..albeit Islam or any other entity...however at the present time Islam is the problem...what part of this diatribe do you not understand? :smoke:

You find it offensive when someone makes the stereotypical statement that all Catholic priests are pedophiles, yet you have no compunction against alleging that all Muslims are out to kill you. Some might call that a double standard.

The mosque in question in this thread is right here in the good ol' USA, being attended by American citizens. What's your problem with that?
MissileMan said:
So your contention is that there's only room for Christians in the U.S.?

No. there's only room for people who understand the notion of a multiethnic society and respect that. As much as you want to accuse christians of "theocracy" the charge is simply silly and without merit.
MissileMan said:
You find it offensive when someone makes the stereotypical statement that all Catholic priests are pedophiles, yet you have no compunction against alleging that all Muslims are out to kill you. Some might call that a double standard.

The mosque in question in this thread is right here in the good ol' USA, being attended by American citizens. What's your problem with that?

out of 1.3 billion Muslims 5 % or approximately 65 million are out to get me and thats a force that I would consider to be recond with...if ya think the diatribe of pedophile priest will get my goat...think again...I for one did work as a investigator in Child Porn...65% of all pedophiles were gay men..
They were found equally in other trades...attorneys were by far the biggest offenders...anymore stupid diatribes? But then again ya support the ACLU who supports NAMBLA...bite me! :firing:

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