Christians United For Israel

I'm going to play the game.
You're right! The Jews are blood thirsty for Christian blood, which they save in jars for their EVIL PASSOVER CEREMONY.
I need some of that blood now! Where is it?
It must cost a fortune in bullets, labor and body bags; where do those f*ing Jews get all that money from?
I know! From the bank accounts of those stupid, stubborn Christians who would rather be slaughtered en masse than leave Israel.
The Jews MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're sick.

I paraphrase you and you see how sick you appear to be.


Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it.
Well, that's what YOU post all day long.

It does, but I never said anything like that.
You're sick.

I paraphrase you and you see how sick you appear to be.


Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it.
Well, that's what YOU post all day long.

It does, but I never said anything like that.

You NEVER say...

You post this EXACT stuff all day long.
At best it is physically impossible for a new nation not to be on land previously occupied by people.
Most of the Middle-East was divided in WWI and WWII against the wishes of the majority of their residents.
Most of these residents have been at war for over 1,000 years.
Israel exists back past the Green Line.

It doesn't exist in the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

Israel won a war.
If the losers want it back, let them start another war.
Oh, that's right...they did.
Israel won that war and yet didn't take another inch of land because everyone told Israel that if they held back there would never be another war.
Then, mostly under Clinton, 300+ Jews were blown up by suicide bombers.

You figure out Israel's next move.
I know, leave Israel for New York. I get it.
It is very strange that Mr. Tinmore, who "claims he is a Christian" appears to not be interested at all in the enormous amount of Christians who have been murdered and are still being murdered in the Middle East by the Muslims and wants the readers to think that the Jews target Christians just because they are non Jews.

Historian: Israel safest place in Mideast for Christians - Israel Today | Israel News

There she goes, the lady troll trying to hijack the thread into a different subject.

There goes the moron who also doesn't particularly concern himself with the thousands and thousands of Christians murdered. I would think that as someone who said he went to Catholic school, he would be keeping up on what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East. By only concerning himself with what goes on in the Israel/Palestine conflict tells an awful lot about him.

Persecution of Christians in the Middle East is a crime against humanity | Tom Holland | Comment is free |
All this crap about Israel treating Christians respectfully, is a bunch of bullshit!

The myth of Israel’s favorable treatment of Palestinian Christians

Israel’s Christian minority is marginalized in much the same manner as its Muslim one

Israel’s fundamental basis is as a racist state built for Jews only, and the majority of the Jewish population doesn’t really care what religion we are if we’re not Jewish.
At best it is physically impossible for a new nation not to be on land previously occupied by people.
Most of the Middle-East was divided in WWI and WWII against the wishes of the majority of their residents.
Most of these residents have been at war for over 1,000 years.
Israel exists back past the Green Line.

It doesn't exist in the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

Israel won a war.
If the losers want it back, let them start another war.
Oh, that's right...they did.
Israel won that war and yet didn't take another inch of land because everyone told Israel that if they held back there would never be another war.
Then, mostly under Clinton, 300+ Jews were blown up by suicide bombers.

You figure out Israel's next move.
I know, leave Israel for New York. I get it.

When did Israel ever win any Palestinian land?

All this crap about Israel treating Christians respectfully, is a bunch of bullshit!

The myth of Israel’s favorable treatment of Palestinian Christians

Israel’s Christian minority is marginalized in much the same manner as its Muslim one

Israel’s fundamental basis is as a racist state built for Jews only, and the majority of the Jewish population doesn’t really care what religion we are if we’re not Jewish.

You're right, those Israelis are the biggest bastards on earth.
They should be wiped out.
Heil Hitler!
There goes the moron who also doesn't particularly concern himself with the thousands and thousands of Christians murdered. I would think that as someone who said he went to Catholic school, he would be keeping up on what is happening to the Christians in the Middle East. By only concerning himself with what goes on in the Israel/Palestine conflict tells an awful lot about him.

Persecution of Christians in the Middle East is a crime against humanity | Tom Holland | Comment is free |
Wipe your ass with that bullshit!

Your only goal is to derail any conversation on Israel.

That's all you're doing.
Here's how Israel treats Christians...

Israeli occupation, not Islam, forcing Palestinian Christians out of the West Bank

One third of Aboud’s open space has been turned into a buffer zone.
Hundreds of olive trees have been uprooted to make way for a dirt road
closed off with barbed wire and patrolled by the Israeli army
. . .

Aboud’s parish priest Father Firas Aridah blames the Israeli barrier
for decimating the income of Aboud’s Christian community and forcing 34
families since 2000 to leave in search of more stability and security.

“The biggest problem is the loss of their land. Their olive trees
have been cut down, and this in turn has cut them off from their source
of livelihood,” said Aridah.

The Fawadleh brothers, George, Francis and Khalil, watched 117 trees
owned by their family for generations being uprooted early last year.
They now have only 26 left and worry those will be destroyed as well.

“It felt like having a stroke,” said George Fawadleh, a Catholic.
“It’s our land. When they uprooted the trees, it was a catastrophe for
Exodus of Christians is regional and nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with Muslim tolerance or lack of.

Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem
Israel News | Israel's #1 News Site - Israel National News › News*
Dec 9, 2008 - Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem ... torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion," he said.
Palestinians are Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem - YouTube
► 2:09► 2:09*
Jul 18, 2012 - Uploaded by Redemption1948
Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem Muslims in Judea ... In late 2007 an evangelical ...
Muslims Drive out Christians from "Disputed" Territories, Bethlehem ...*
Dec 19, 2011 - Op-Ed: Muslims Drive out Christians from PA Territories Arutz Sheva "The ... kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion.
O, Muslim town of Bethlehem... | Mail Online - Daily Mail*
Dec 16, 2006 - Christians flee persecution in Jesus's birthplace leaving Islam so dominant ... The stars were out in force to cheer on Rafael Nadal and Novak ...
Disappearing Christians in the Middle East :: Daniel Pipes*
"Christian leaders are being forced to abandon their followers to the forces of ... Today Ramallah is a large Islamic city and Bethlehem's Christians are near ...
War on Christmas Comes to Muslim-Run Bethlehem (VIDEO ...
War on Christmas Comes to Muslim-Run Bethlehem (VIDEO) | FrontPage Magazine
Dec 26, 2012 - Christians have been forced out of Bethlehem and the city went from a Christian majority under the Israelis to a Muslim majority under ...

Here's how Israel treats Christians...

Israeli occupation, not Islam, forcing Palestinian Christians out of the West Bank

One third of Aboud’s open space has been turned into a buffer zone.
Hundreds of olive trees have been uprooted to make way for a dirt road
closed off with barbed wire and patrolled by the Israeli army
. . .

Aboud’s parish priest Father Firas Aridah blames the Israeli barrier
for decimating the income of Aboud’s Christian community and forcing 34
families since 2000 to leave in search of more stability and security.

“The biggest problem is the loss of their land. Their olive trees
have been cut down, and this in turn has cut them off from their source
of livelihood,” said Aridah.

The Fawadleh brothers, George, Francis and Khalil, watched 117 trees
owned by their family for generations being uprooted early last year.
They now have only 26 left and worry those will be destroyed as well.

“It felt like having a stroke,” said George Fawadleh, a Catholic.
“It’s our land. When they uprooted the trees, it was a catastrophe for
Exodus of Christians is regional and nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with Muslim tolerance or lack of.

Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem
Israel News | Israel's #1 News Site - Israel National News › News*
Dec 9, 2008 - Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem ... torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion," he said.
Palestinians are Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem - YouTube
► 2:09► 2:09*
Jul 18, 2012 - Uploaded by Redemption1948
Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem Muslims in Judea ... In late 2007 an evangelical ...
Muslims Drive out Christians from "Disputed" Territories, Bethlehem ...*
Dec 19, 2011 - Op-Ed: Muslims Drive out Christians from PA Territories Arutz Sheva "The ... kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion.
O, Muslim town of Bethlehem... | Mail Online - Daily Mail*
Dec 16, 2006 - Christians flee persecution in Jesus's birthplace leaving Islam so dominant ... The stars were out in force to cheer on Rafael Nadal and Novak ...
Disappearing Christians in the Middle East :: Daniel Pipes*
"Christian leaders are being forced to abandon their followers to the forces of ... Today Ramallah is a large Islamic city and Bethlehem's Christians are near ...
War on Christmas Comes to Muslim-Run Bethlehem (VIDEO ...
War on Christmas Comes to Muslim-Run Bethlehem (VIDEO) | FrontPage Magazine
Dec 26, 2012 - Christians have been forced out of Bethlehem and the city went from a Christian majority under the Israelis to a Muslim majority under ...

Here's how Israel treats Christians...

Israeli occupation, not Islam, forcing Palestinian Christians out of the West Bank

One third of Aboud’s open space has been turned into a buffer zone.
Hundreds of olive trees have been uprooted to make way for a dirt road
closed off with barbed wire and patrolled by the Israeli army
. . .

Aboud’s parish priest Father Firas Aridah blames the Israeli barrier
for decimating the income of Aboud’s Christian community and forcing 34
families since 2000 to leave in search of more stability and security.

“The biggest problem is the loss of their land. Their olive trees
have been cut down, and this in turn has cut them off from their source
of livelihood,” said Aridah.

The Fawadleh brothers, George, Francis and Khalil, watched 117 trees
owned by their family for generations being uprooted early last year.
They now have only 26 left and worry those will be destroyed as well.

“It felt like having a stroke,” said George Fawadleh, a Catholic.
“It’s our land. When they uprooted the trees, it was a catastrophe for

Oh jees, a who's who of Israeli propaganda sites.
Exodus of Christians is regional and nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with Muslim tolerance or lack of.
Nothing ever has anything to do with Israel. That's Israel's biggest problem. You never take responsibility for anything you do. It's always someone else. Israel is never at fault for anything and I think that's a bunch of bullshit!
You're right, those Israelis are the biggest bastards on earth.
They should be wiped out.
Heil Hitler!
See what I mean? This emotional mood swing to the extreme, is not the response of a rational adult. But it is typical of some punk kid, trying to act like he knows shit.

I'm mocking you.
And getting quite a good laugh out of it.
You post this and you think you're being mature.

You do realize that the ONLY reason the Arabs who lived in Israel in 1948 are perhaps still alive, or who have surviving children, is because they were locked out of their neighbors borders.
If they breached those borders they would have been shot dead.
I'm mocking you.
And getting quite a good laugh out of it.
You post this and you think you're being mature.

You do realize that the ONLY reason the Arabs who lived in Israel in 1948 are perhaps still alive, or who have surviving children, is because they were locked out of their neighbors borders.
If they breached those borders they would have been shot dead.
What the hell does that mean?

You're not making any sense.
I'm mocking you.
And getting quite a good laugh out of it.
You post this and you think you're being mature.

You do realize that the ONLY reason the Arabs who lived in Israel in 1948 are perhaps still alive, or who have surviving children, is because they were locked out of their neighbors borders.
If they breached those borders they would have been shot dead.
What the hell does that mean?

You're not making any sense.

The VERY sad fact is that NO Arab nations want these Bedouins; they bring nothing to the table except as political pawns.
They are NOT allowed into Jordan.
If they crossed the border they would be shot dead to rot in the sun.
The VERY sad fact is that NO Arab nations want these Bedouins; they bring nothing to the table except as political pawns.
They are NOT allowed into Jordan.
If they crossed the border they would be shot dead to rot in the sun.
Why should they want them?

Their ancestral homeland is right where they are.
I'm mocking you.
And getting quite a good laugh out of it.
You post this and you think you're being mature.

You do realize that the ONLY reason the Arabs who lived in Israel in 1948 are perhaps still alive, or who have surviving children, is because they were locked out of their neighbors borders.
If they breached those borders they would have been shot dead.
What the hell does that mean?

You're not making any sense.

The VERY sad fact is that NO Arab nations want these Bedouins; they bring nothing to the table except as political pawns.
They are NOT allowed into Jordan.
If they crossed the border they would be shot dead to rot in the sun.

They do not want foreigners in their country any more than the Palestinians want foreigners in theirs.
The VERY sad fact is that NO Arab nations want these Bedouins; they bring nothing to the table except as political pawns.
They are NOT allowed into Jordan.
If they crossed the border they would be shot dead to rot in the sun.
Why should they want them?

Their ancestral homeland is right where they are.

Wrong again In fact --etymologists and anthropologists have determined
that the BEDOUINS of the Negev are MIGRANTS FROM ARABIA -----Bedoouins --
have roamed over LARGE AREAS for centuries----ignoring national borders----
they have no actual "HOMELAND" ---except for many who migrated fairly recently---
ie in the approximately the past 1500 years FROM ARABIA -------the same is true of
bedouins of SINAI ----and---of course---of Jordan. Your notion that Bedouins have
STAYED PUT for thousands of years is actually ludicrous. Bedouins are
nothing new------they are described in the bible and talmud------caravan robbers and
SLAVE TRADERS-----arabians. -----they followed their herds and the caravan
trails. As caravans traveled from the east ------to west----even as far as Libya---
they moved along the same trails and back and forth ----etc etc. They are DEFINED
in the talmud as having -----NO HOMES-----nomads (also illiterate and dangerous)

Their language is arabic-----they did not LEARN arabic because of arab invasion---
it is their native tongue because they ORIGINATED IN ARABIA For the record---
the muslims of SUDAN----also orginated in ARABIA------they are arabs who developed
sudan as a slave trading outpost more than 2000 years ago. The muslims of KHARTOUM---
identify themselves as "ARABS" and they are right------they are true arabs originating
in arabia

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