Christie acting stupid on CNBC

I agree with you that Christie does have a path to the nomination, but not to actually being elected President. The charges are bogus, but there are a lot of establishment Republicans who are just looking for a way to get the Trumpsters out of the Party.

But the disrespect he gave Sleepy Joe yesterday doesn't help him with his pandering the D's, that he will be needing to get if he hopes for a position in the Biden Administration.
I don’t think he’s looking for a position in the Biden administration. He’s looking to the future and the top position in a Christie administration.
I don’t think he’s looking for a position in the Biden administration. He’s looking to the future and the top position in a Christie administration.

I don't think there is a chance of a snowball in you know where that Christie can win the Presidency in 2024. A path to victory just doesn't exist IMHO for the fat man. Personally, I can't see voting for him under any circumstance in the general election.
I don't think there is a chance of a snowball in you know where that Christie can win the Presidency in 2024. A path to victory just doesn't exist IMHO for the fat man. Personally, I can't see voting for him under any circumstance in the general election.
I don’t think he can win this time and neither does he. By the future I meant 28, ‘32, ‘36…
I don’t think he can win this time and neither does he. By the future I meant 28, ‘32, ‘36…

That's really long term planning then. Although, even then I can't see it. The idea of nominating someone just because they've been around forever, like the GOP did with McCain and Good Old Bob Dole, never resulted in victory before for the party
Fatfuck knows what's coming. He's morbidly obese, not completely stupid. A couple primaries at .0000003% (hi kamala!) and then it's off to the lincoln project where he can touch boys and eat double cheeseburgers.... or maybe an occasional appearance on mslsd for the all-you-can-eat buffet and bus fare so he can tell 12 rabid viewers how much better he is than Trump, "if only people understood me".

That 6.5 magnitude earthquake we experience next year will be the fatfuck jumping off one of the bridges he blocked.
Have a nice day, with this in your head....:abgg2q.jpg:

christie cameltoe.jpg
Why doesn’t he just run as a Democrat?

His goal isn't to win the election and to set government policy. Christie's goal is Republican respectability in defeat and getting love from the D's like he did with Obama during the Superstorm Sandy love affair he had with B. Hussein O.
Considering the fact he is committed to supporting Sleepy Joe in next year's general election, in fact no other Republican would even accept his endorsement, he really screwed the pooch on CNBC yesterday evening.

He actually was critical of his President, even though he is the leader of the Never-Trumpers who installed him.

The Fat Man is really erring here. He needs to understand his base better. He NEEDS to attract Biden supporters.

If I were advising Gov. Christie, I'd tell him to have the theme of his campaign that he is just like Biden, only "better". Call himself "Biden 2.0" and remind people constantly that his state of New Jersey is adjacent to Delaware.

Otherwise, he won't win the respectability he is looking for in the 2024 election, were he to be nominated.

Democrats don't care about respect, just power.
Crispy Cream is nothing more than a washed up run of the mill narcissistic politician with a vendetta.
Fatfuck knows what's coming. He's morbidly obese, not completely stupid. A couple primaries at .0000003% (hi kamala!) and then it's off to the lincoln project where he can touch boys and eat double cheeseburgers.... or maybe an occasional appearance on mslsd for the all-you-can-eat buffet and bus fare so he can tell 12 rabid viewers how much better he is than Trump, "if only people understood me".

That 6.5 magnitude earthquake we experience next year will be the fatfuck jumping off one of the bridges he blocked.
Have a nice day, with this in your head....:abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 825521
No one said he was cute. :puke:
Considering the fact he is committed to supporting Sleepy Joe in next year's general election, in fact no other Republican would even accept his endorsement, he really screwed the pooch on CNBC yesterday evening.

He actually was critical of his President, even though he is the leader of the Never-Trumpers who installed him.

The Fat Man is really erring here. He needs to understand his base better. He NEEDS to attract Biden supporters.

If I were advising Gov. Christie, I'd tell him to have the theme of his campaign that he is just like Biden, only "better". Call himself "Biden 2.0" and remind people constantly that his state of New Jersey is adjacent to Delaware.

Otherwise, he won't win the respectability he is looking for in the 2024 election, were he to be nominated.

He needs to file a 14th Amendment lawsuit if he's serious.
Considering the fact he is committed to supporting Sleepy Joe in next year's general election, in fact no other Republican would even accept his endorsement, he really screwed the pooch on CNBC yesterday evening.

He actually was critical of his President, even though he is the leader of the Never-Trumpers who installed him.

The Fat Man is really erring here. He needs to understand his base better. He NEEDS to attract Biden supporters.

If I were advising Gov. Christie, I'd tell him to have the theme of his campaign that he is just like Biden, only "better". Call himself "Biden 2.0" and remind people constantly that his state of New Jersey is adjacent to Delaware.

Otherwise, he won't win the respectability he is looking for in the 2024 election, were he to be nominated.

Christie is partly correct.

The Fed is responsible for cooling inflation. However, the Fed was responsible for creating inflation in the first place, along with the profligate spending of Obama, Trump, and Biden.

And every voter cheered them on as they did it.

Now it's a real shit sandwich, and we all have to take a bite.

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