Christie: trump election night speech was 'one of the most dangerous pieces of political rhetoric' he's ever heard

And what did trump do that was dangerous
Ahhhh...well...unless you think trying to overturn an election and attempting to stop the certification of a fairly elected President is cool....we can come up with a couple dozen other stupid stuff that he did.

Good MAGA people are really eat up with trumpism....
Are we going to have to listen to selected Christie sound bites for the next three years while the Country goes down the drain?
NO, I hope the DOJ does it's job and prosecutes those who planned and funded January 6th. Then they will be in prison where they should have been all along.
Ahhhh...well...unless you think trying to overturn an election and attempting to stop the certification of a fairly elected President is cool....we can come up with a couple dozen other stupid stuff that he did.

Good MAGA people are really eat up with trumpism....
And you have proof of this?
And you have proof of this?
I don't....but the Select Committee may. Of course, the Liar in Chief is desperately trying to run the clock out again on them. Gotta keep the evidence of conspiracy against the United States secret.

Funny thing is, Hillary willfully testified about Benghazi for hours in an investigation that costs the country Millions and went nowhere. The whiner trump stonewalls even a request for documents about the greatest threat against this country since the Civil War....cause he is a weeny and a little girl.
Like every other pathetic, podgy, scared, insecure bully who has ever disgraced a schoolyard, Chris Christie talks a big game. But when he was called upon to meet the biggest threat of his life—a doughy, soft-handed trust-fund baby with authoritarian aspirations—Christie didn’t just walk away from an argument. He waddled as fast as he could go in his urine-soaked pull-ups.
and possibly more violence in the future.
Nah, Jimmy, what will lead to more violence is the pot-stirring rhetoric of the power-grab. You can hear it all day by those who fear Trump. I'll make a modest prediction. IF this country falls into widespread, general violence over politics, it will be because Americans cease to trust our elections. YOUR party is laying the groundwork right now to be able to deny the validity of any election they don't win.

For well over 200 years, Americans followed our Constitution which specified a particular DAY on which people got to vote. Everyone knew that day and obeyed the law surrounding that Constitutional prescript. We slowly began making changes to that rule and most of those adjustments were reasonable. The mail-in absentee ballot has long served to make it possible for the ill or those who would be out of the country to exercise their franchise.

2020 Changed all of that and it doesn't matter whether you and those like you ever admit it. Your scummy reps up in DC are in an all-out power grab and if they do it by removing the filibuster, it will end this nation. I doubt it will take another 4 years.
The part of this that still amazes me is that so many millions of Democrats actually believe they can break all the rules and FORCE the compliance of 100+ million of their neighbors. What will happen is that all respect for the laws coming out of DC will be lost and the only place where DC's law will rule will, be in the enclaves where they use deadly force to compel it. Sounds like a win, yeah? IDIOTS...
Nah, Jimmy, what will lead to more violence is the pot-stirring rhetoric of the power-grab. You can hear it all day by those who fear Trump. I'll make a modest prediction. IF this country falls into widespread, general violence over politics, it will be because Americans cease to trust our elections. YOUR party is laying the groundwork right now to be able to deny the validity of any election they don't win.

For well over 200 years, Americans followed our Constitution which specified a particular DAY on which people got to vote. Everyone knew that day and obeyed the law surrounding that Constitutional prescript. We slowly began making changes to that rule and most of those adjustments were reasonable. The mail-in absentee ballot has long served to make it possible for the ill or those who would be out of the country to exercise their franchise.

2020 Changed all of that and it doesn't matter whether you and those like you ever admit it. Your scummy reps up in DC are in an all-out power grab and if they do it by removing the filibuster, it will end this nation. I doubt it will take another 4 years.
The part of this that still amazes me is that so many millions of Democrats actually believe they can break all the rules and FORCE the compliance of 100+ million of their neighbors. What will happen is that all respect for the laws coming out of DC will be lost and the only place where DC's law will rule will, be in the enclaves where they use deadly force to compel it. Sounds like a win, yeah? IDIOTS...
Your pals on the right don't trust elections because like you they've been lied to by that demented lying s.o.b. Trump that the 2020 election was a fraud.

He puked the same shit in Arizona the other night. Trump is a sick fuck who gets his rocks off manipulationg people with his lies.

trump is a cancer on this country. His lies led to January 6th and possibly more violence in the future.

But then Christie says he would support him in
With the left, Christie just went from a zero to a hero.
Maybe Trump will pick Christie as a running mate! The Republicans would have a ticket made up of 1,400 pounds of BS.

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