Christie vs Clinton

Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.
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Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.

So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool
Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

Christie would not be among my first several choices to be nominated, but if he's nominated, I will support him. I would rather vote for my Llewellin Setter birddog than The Hildebeast! Christie would be far different and better than her.

Christie is a social liberal in a liberal state which was necessary to get elected. He is fairly conservative fiscally however. He would make a strong leader, although I would not likely appreciate some of his decisions. He would sign Republican bills, and that would help to get our country back together.

If it's Christie against Clinton, he should win.
Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.

So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool

I did comment on your "why me" bitch-fest.

The GOP is so extreme in it's views that the "left" is actually moderate.

And that "bullshit" is exactly how a lot of the electorate see the you disagree? 332-206...and that ain't no bullshit.
Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.

So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool

Considering the ignorant idiocy of the OP, the post was perfectly appropriate.

Obama, Clinton, Kerry, and Gore are indeed moderates; democrats haven’t nominated a liberal since 1988 – it’s one of many reasons why democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections since then.

And democrats aren’t ‘whining’ about anything – they’re simply telling you what any first year political science student would tell you: if you continue to run extreme rightwing candidates, expect to continue to lose.

The American people will never tolerate political extremism, be it left or right. Democrats learned that hard lesson after 1988, and have benefited accordingly; republicans, not.
Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.


To women:


To minorities:

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This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.

So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool

Considering the ignorant idiocy of the OP, the post was perfectly appropriate.

Obama, Clinton, Kerry, and Gore are indeed moderates; democrats haven’t nominated a liberal since 1988 – it’s one of many reasons why democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections since then.

And democrats aren’t ‘whining’ about anything – they’re simply telling you what any first year political science student would tell you: if you continue to run extreme rightwing candidates, expect to continue to lose.

The American people will never tolerate political extremism, be it left or right. Democrats learned that hard lesson after 1988, and have benefited accordingly; republicans, not.

First time for everything they say.... so enjoy the neg.
Both of these women are wonderous. Embraced and dearly loved.

Pisses off the lefts women altogether. I never did get that. I admired Hillary for staying on point in her own right.

I've admired many D women. But it's a weird thing. You just cannot get a left wing woman to admire a right wing woman.

Why? Because progressives are bigots and can't give an inch.
This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.

So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool

I did comment on your "why me" bitch-fest.

The GOP is so extreme in it's views that the "left" is actually moderate.

And that "bullshit" is exactly how a lot of the electorate see the you disagree? 332-206...and that ain't no bullshit.


You didn't comment at all on the possibility of Christie vs Clinton. You simply went off into your little rant about your nonsensical talking points.

And Obama's reelection WAS 100% BULLSHIT.

Once skin color isn't a factor you morons will get slapped back into reality.
Both of these women are wonderous. Embraced and dearly loved.

Pisses off the lefts women altogether. I never did get that. I admired Hillary for staying on point in her own right.

I've admired many D women. But it's a weird thing. You just cannot get a left wing woman to admire a right wing woman.

Why? Because progressives are bigots and can't give an inch.

Fuck that shit.

Forget sex and skin color. I admire great Americans regardless of their politics or sex or color. Hillary is no great American. She is a rider of coat tails and nothing more.
Now back to the OP. If this is the race as decided by all the pundits and all the superpacs led by Rove I swear to the heavens almighty I will come down and campaign against a RINO Christie choice to make Hillary smear him into the new almighty to end RINOS.

I just want to see them all dead in the water if this is what they are going to give everyone one more time.


Sheesh. Is everyone just a freaking masochist? I keep thinking "surely they jest". Look how well Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney have worked out for them.

What game is this?
Both of these women are wonderous. Embraced and dearly loved.

Pisses off the lefts women altogether. I never did get that. I admired Hillary for staying on point in her own right.

I've admired many D women. But it's a weird thing. You just cannot get a left wing woman to admire a right wing woman.

Why? Because progressives are bigots and can't give an inch.

Fuck that shit.

Forget sex and skin color. I admire great Americans regardless of their politics or sex or color. Hillary is no great American. She is a rider of coat tails and nothing more.

Well we'll have to agree to disagree. Clinton really did pull her own weight in NY State truly and you can pull my toe nails out for saying it Hillary really worked her state.

If you get thru all the bullshit, and I was just north of her I have to give her kudos. Clinton went from town to town, city to city.

She earned her stripes in my book as a Senator. *sigh* this doesn't come easy off my fingertips but I'm just telling you Hillary really did work for New York.
I did comment on your "why me" bitch-fest.

The GOP is so extreme in it's views that the "left" is actually moderate.

And that "bullshit" is exactly how a lot of the electorate see the you disagree? 332-206...and that ain't no bullshit.

The problem is that you view Pol Pot as the political center.

I'm just sayin.
I hope everyone can really take a step back in time. I really do. Look at the political landscape and wonder who do we want to lead us into the future.

I am in horror at those you have put up on the plate as so called conservative alternatives. McCain? The man only wants to give Megan tv shows. Romney? I swear he is a good man but he didn't even look like he wanted to run for the highest office.

And betrayed on so many levels.
I did comment on your "why me" bitch-fest.

The GOP is so extreme in it's views that the "left" is actually moderate.

And that "bullshit" is exactly how a lot of the electorate see the you disagree? 332-206...and that ain't no bullshit.

The problem is that you view Pol Pot as the political center.

I'm just sayin.

holy freaking toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just scared deer dying laughing on this post of the year!!!!

Smoking! Smoking! OMG I can't breathe.
Why even bother? They are both mirror candidates of 08.

Democrats are always whining we need to put up moderates. Why the hell don't they? Kerry, Gore, Kusinich, Clinton, Obama... moderates my ass

This is the problem the GOP has with such extreme views. The Dems are in the mainstream simply by virture of holding on tight to most of the platform. If you're a GOP candidate, you have to explain away a lot of what your party represents; As uncharitable as it is alot of guys see you this way...and it's not that far from the truth in some cases:

To Women: Why aren't you in the kitchen making me pie?
To Minorities: Why aren't you serving me pie?
To the lower-income Americans: THIS is my pie; get your own
To non Christians; Our Pie is superior because we say so.


To women:


That's nice...too bad she isn't running or will ever run again.

Now time for some facts:

According to CNN's exit polls, 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney. Men preferred Romney by a margin of 52 to 45 percent, and women made up about 54 percent of the electorate. In total, the gender gap on Tuesday added up to 18 percent -- a significantly wider margin than the 12-point gender gap in the 2008 election.

Women's strong support in the swing states gave Obama a significant advantage over Romney, despite his losses among men and independents. While Obama lost by 10 percentage points among independents in Ohio, he won by 12 points among women in the state. In New Hampshire, women voted for Obama over Romney by a margin of 58 to 42 percent, while men preferred Romney by a narrow 4-point gap. Pennsylvania showed a 16-point gender gap that tipped the scale toward Obama.

Romney seemed to struggle to connect with women as a result of the GOP's escalating efforts to limit women's reproductive rights and a series of controversial comments from Republicans about rape, birth control and abortion. Romney, in particular, alienated many female voters by dodging questions about equal pay legislation, pledging to defund Planned Parenthood and overturn Roe v. Wade, and backing legislation that would allow employers to deny women birth control coverage.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win

It's time for some honest talk. It's not always pleasant and it's not always easy to hear, but it certainly beats talking points and trying to twist a narrative into a convenient pretzel.

You can't change reality until you face reality.

An August 7-8 CNN/ORC poll found that women today would vote for Obama (53%) over Romney (44%) if the election were held now. According to the same poll, 51% of women approve of President Obama's job performance (46% disapprove) and 48% of women believe the country would be better off if Democrats controlled Congress (39% believe we'd be better off if Republicans were in control). Fifty-eight percent of women hold a favorable opinion of Obama (40% unfavorable), while 49% of women have a favorable opinion of Romney (46% unfavorable).

Hold onto those stats for a moment.

On August 13, The Wall Street Journal disclosed that "The latest Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll showed that President Obama leads Mr. Romney 54% to 39% among women. The gap gets truly staggering when it comes to college-educated women. Here, Mr. Obama leads 63%-32%."

The sad truth about the 2012 women's vote | Fox News

To minorities:


On the question of race, these stats from Fox News sum it up nicely....

Sex by race

White men
Total Obama Romney 34% 35% 62%
White women
Total Obama Romney 38% 42% 56%
Black men
Total Obama Romney 5% 87% 11%
Black women
Total Obama Romney 8% 96% 3%
Latino men
Total Obama Romney 5% 65% 33%
Latino women
Total Obama Romney 6% 76% 23%
All other races
Total Obama Romney 5% 66% 31%
2012 Fox News Exit Poll | Politics | Fox News

The GOP has nothing to offer except their house specialties; fear and blame.
So instead of commenting on the op you post that bullshit?

Fuck off tool

I did comment on your "why me" bitch-fest.

The GOP is so extreme in it's views that the "left" is actually moderate.

And that "bullshit" is exactly how a lot of the electorate see the you disagree? 332-206...and that ain't no bullshit.


You didn't comment at all on the possibility of Christie vs Clinton.
Neither did you. You said "Whats the difference". Feel free to read your own post.

You simply went off into your little rant about your nonsensical talking points.
No, you asked why the Dems don't run a moderate; they've run nothing but Moderates (with the exception of Kerry whose administration would be one we won't know) since Clinton's victory.

And Obama's reelection WAS 100% BULLSHIT.
332-206...looks official to me. Suck on that. :lol:

Once skin color isn't a factor you morons will get slapped back into reality.

So let me get this straight; once a minority isn't on the ticket, the majority will do better?

Yesterday you were encouraging Republicans to avoid talking about their stances on social issues. Obviously the reason you're urging them to duck questions is because their stances are incredibly unpopular. You really think their stances on other issues are more popular? Really?


I predict the GOP will do well in 2014 and will likely do well in 2016. The American voters have a tendency to swing back and fourth from Party to Party. GOP principles won't have much to do with it.

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