Christine Ford is psychic. Which means she's a fraud. Which means Obama was born in Kenya

You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

That should have started in July, don't you think?

Yeah, it should have but Republicans want to rush his appointment. Republicans have obviously known about this allegation a while or they wouldn't have had a binder full of women at the ready. Remember that Mitch McChinless warned the Oompa Loompa Oligarch not to nominate Bart O'Kavanagh to the SCOTUS because of his extensive paper trail. They thought they could hold back documents and rush his appointment and maybe get away with not properly vetting him.

Well, maybe it's time to slow down and properly vet him or pick a different candidate that doesn't believe a sitting president should be investigated for crimes they commit.

The opposition had this allegation in their back pocket since July. They said absolutely nothing during the hearings, which is when you're supposed to dig into these things. Only NOW are they complaining and wanting to postpone the vote (obviously hoping to prevent it altogether). Their timing stinks to high heaven. Why not bring it out in the hearings?

I believe they wanted to maximize damage and prevent actual investigation since the story is very well (very few details that can be objectively verified), which makes the whole thing a political ploy.
No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

That should have started in July, don't you think?

In July all anyone had was one anonymous letter stating the accusation. There was nothing to go on.

Now, after someone leaked the letter to the media, Ford has stepped forward to identify herself and provide additional information. Now, there's something to go on. I'm sure that whomever leaked the letter was doing so for political reasons, but that doesn't matter much at this point.

But cheer up! This should still take much less time than it took for Merrick Garland to be not receive a hearing.
No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.

You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

That should have started in July, don't you think?

In July all anyone had was one anonymous letter stating the accusation. There was nothing to go on.

Now, after someone leaked the letter to the media, Ford has stepped forward to identify herself and provide additional information. Now, there's something to go on. I'm sure that whomever leaked the letter was doing so for political reasons, but that doesn't matter much at this point.

But cheer up! This should still take much less time than it took for Merrick Garland to be not receive a hearing.

It shouldn't take very long at all. Given these:

1. Sexual predators display a pattern of behavior (see Bubba Clinton).
2. Kevenaugh has had a stellar career with no other allegations of impropriety.
3. Kevenaugh has been checked out by the FBI multiple times with no problems.
4. The allegations against Kavenaugh are vague. There are no locations or dates that can actually be checked out.

If the accuser cannot quickly overcome these, the whole thing should be tossed and Kavenaugh confirmed.
We know Republicans are liars.

We know they’re for billionaires.

We know they don’t care about children and have no empathy.

We know they enjoy pollution.

We know they’re the most dishonest people in our country.

And yet Republican men think they’re the honest ones.

It’s just plain weird.
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

That should have started in July, don't you think?

In July all anyone had was one anonymous letter stating the accusation. There was nothing to go on.

Now, after someone leaked the letter to the media, Ford has stepped forward to identify herself and provide additional information. Now, there's something to go on. I'm sure that whomever leaked the letter was doing so for political reasons, but that doesn't matter much at this point.

But cheer up! This should still take much less time than it took for Merrick Garland to be not receive a hearing.

Feinstein is the one that made the anonymous letter public, the night before the scheduled committee vote. It's all games and dirty tricks.

Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.

The lack of specifics that Ms. Ford reports is suspicious to say the least.
I'm sure that Feinstein told her not to report a specific time or place, as that could be actually checked out.

Picking a time when Kavanaugh was at his family's villa in Europe or working at his high school gig at the Greasy Spoon- or choosing a location that wasn't built in 1982 , would be awfully embarrassing and are the kinds of facts that could conceivably be checked out.
Bart O'Kavanagh wasn't nominated for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land for the last 36 years...
So, rape only matters when the accused is nominated to the SCOTUS?

You people are fucking idiots.

No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place.

How painfully idiotic.

So he’s guilty just bc he’s been accused? He’s guilty bc rapes go unreported? LOL these argument aren’t at all logical. There’s no way to know what’s true or not and that’s the problem here.
Bart O'Kavanagh wasn't nominated for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land for the last 36 years...
So, rape only matters when the accused is nominated to the SCOTUS?

You people are fucking idiots.

No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place.
You will be more believable if you report it now when the stakes are not so high. So go ahead and report that attempted rape.

So we shouldn't believe all the kids raped by priests decades ago because they didn't report at the time? You don't know why someone doesn't report at the time. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Doesn’t mean it did happen either.
Bart O'Kavanagh wasn't nominated for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land for the last 36 years...
So, rape only matters when the accused is nominated to the SCOTUS?

You people are fucking idiots.

No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place.

How painfully idiotic.

So he’s guilty just bc he’s been accused? He’s guilty bc rapes go unreported? LOL these argument aren’t at all logical. There’s no way to know what’s true or not and that’s the problem here.

It's how she rolls afterall
So, rape only matters when the accused is nominated to the SCOTUS?

You people are fucking idiots.

No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place.
You will be more believable if you report it now when the stakes are not so high. So go ahead and report that attempted rape.

So we shouldn't believe all the kids raped by priests decades ago because they didn't report at the time? You don't know why someone doesn't report at the time. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Apparently my post went over your head.

No it didn't. There are millions of reasons women don't report. I didn't because I was 18 and I was someplace I wasn't supposed to be when my attempted assault took place. I was staying in the barracks (I lived off base) and visitors had to leave by 10. A guy caught me going back to a friend's room and tried to have his way with me. He threatened to call the MAA on me if I didn't fuck him.

If that guy ever ran for office, despite my saying nothing decades ago, I'd be telling my story, that really did happen, to every media outlet that would listen.

Hopefully that guy wouldn’t run as Democrat...
She recalled all that, but can't come up with where? Are you fucking kidding me? I've known far to many sexual assault victims to think that this HUGE DETAIL would ever have been forgotten.

You’re right. People tend to remember specific things about traumatic experiences. Just look at how all of us can recall where we were and what we were doing when 9/11 happened. I was raped and remember where I was, the time of day, the time of year, WHICH year...
She recalled all that, but can't come up with where? Are you fucking kidding me? I've known far to many sexual assault victims to think that this HUGE DETAIL would ever have been forgotten.

You’re right. People tend to remember specific things about traumatic experiences. Just look at how all of us can recall where we were and what we were doing when 9/11 happened. I was raped and remember where I was, the time of day, the time of year, WHICH year...

Correct, it's a HUGE problem with her story.
The lack of specifics that Ms. Ford reports is suspicious to say the least.

Actually, we won't known any of that until we hear her in front of Congress next week.

Even then, we might not know any specifics. If I were advising this broad, I'd tell her to remain as vague as possible as to dates and times.

The Republicans are going to have fact checkers checking out her words. And if the event is inconsistent with the facts, the libs will be humiliated.
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.
Kavanaugh is an opportunistic anti-Trump progressive activist.

Her family's foreclosure was presided over by Kananaugh's mother, also a judge.

She is a card-carrying Trump-hating, DNC donor and pu$$y hat-wearing women's march participant. She completely scrubbed all of her social media pages / content before coming forward to hide all of this.

The man she claims is her #1 witness, who rushed in, jumped on top of them, and saved her form being 'raped' has come forward to say IT NEVER HAPPENED.

By all means let her come before Congress to tell her story. Have her key witness sitting right next to her. Of course her lawyer, who dismissed Bill Clinton's and Al Franken's victims' claims, will be on the other side of her.

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