Christine Ford is psychic. Which means she's a fraud. Which means Obama was born in Kenya

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.
Political activists who want to be believed when they falsely accuse someone of 'almost rape' should not name someone as an eye witness who says it never happened.

Another ^ one who doesn't get it a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk" who wrote a book called Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is NOT going to be a good witness.
You're posts often make me face-palm .. this one is no exception! :eusa_doh:
YOU don't get it. Why did the accuser bother to name this person as a 'credible witness' then? In other words she has no witnesses.

It's just the blurry, fuzzy-memory-fueled accusation from a self-identified Trump-hating Progressive Liberal activist against a respected Judge who has now been defended by a parade of respected women who will vouch for his character.

Dr Ford called Mark Judge a "credible witness"? No, she said both he and Kav were "stumbling DRUNK".
Hey, we'll see how it goes on Monday - Kav is a known liar. Thus far Dr Ford is not.

She calls a stumbling drunk a credible witness?

You simply can't make this shit up.

And in your next breath you will call her credible.

Do you believe life's a box of chocolate?
So she is psychic because she told a therapist that she was sexually assaulted by 4 boys and did not mention any of them by name?

So we are just going to ignore they can’t say when or where it happened, that She admits being drunk, can’t name whose party it was or provide any evidence that there even was a party all because she told her therapist a story in 2012 that contradicts her current and doesn’t mention any names?

Sure, why bother thinking?
So, were these "repressed" memories?


What a complete fraud.
She calls a stumbling drunk a credible witness?
You simply can't make this shit up.
And in your next breath you will call her credible.
Do you believe life's a box of chocolate?

WTF are you talking about? Easy said she called him a credible witness. She did no such thing. Go back to bed.
So she is psychic because she told a therapist that she was sexually assaulted by 4 boys and did not mention any of them by name?

So we are just going to ignore they can’t say when or where it happened, that She admits being drunk, can’t name whose party it was or provide any evidence that there even was a party all because she told her therapist a story in 2012 that contradicts her current and doesn’t mention any names?

Sure, why bother thinking?
So, were these "repressed" memories?


What a complete fraud.

I'm really hoping we don't have to hear about her other "repressed memories", especially the anal probing by aliens.
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.

In 2012 Kav was on the DC Circuit. MANY SCOTUS justices have come from the DC Circuit. It is not a stretch for her to have been concerned 6 years ago that he could wind up a Supreme. No psychic abilities needed on that one.

C'mon Stormy - Put on your thinking cap

Yes, she made up a lie back in 2012 just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Just like Obama's birth announcement in that Hawaiian newspaper.

Do you understand the difference between a high profile judge on the DC Circuit Court eight years ago and a baby boy's mother "in Kenya" 57 ago?

Apparently not - Kinda sad .. TERRIFIC OP fail however! :113:

Maybe if you weren't such a rabid partisan desperate for a talking point, you would understand it.
No, that is reality. He attempted to rape her. That sort of thing goes unreported by women ALL THE TIME. I did not report an attempted rape when I was 18...but if that motherfucker ever got nominated to anything, I'd be telling my story all over the place
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.
Kavanaugh is an opportunistic anti-Trump progressive activist.

Her family's foreclosure was presided over by Kananaugh's mother, also a judge.

She is a card-carrying Trump-hating, DNC donor and pu$$y hat-wearing women's march participant. She completely scrubbed all of her social media pages / content before coming forward to hide all of this.

The man she claims is her #1 witness, who rushed in, jumped on top of them, and saved her form being 'raped' has come forward to say IT NEVER HAPPENED.

By all means let her come before Congress to tell her story. Have her key witness sitting right next to her. Of course her lawyer, who dismissed Bill Clinton's and Al Franken's victims' claims, will be on the other side of her.

You’re referencing the wrong professor.

And the guy that said it didn’t happen wrote about his blackout episodes because he was a fall down drunk as a teen.
From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.
Political activists who want to be believed when they falsely accuse someone of 'almost rape' should not name someone as an eye witness who says it never happened.

Another ^ one who doesn't get it a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk" who wrote a book called Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is NOT going to be a good witness.
You're posts often make me face-palm .. this one is no exception! :eusa_doh:
YOU don't get it. Why did the accuser bother to name this person as a 'credible witness' then? In other words she has no witnesses.

It's just the blurry, fuzzy-memory-fueled accusation from a self-identified Trump-hating Progressive Liberal activist against a respected Judge who has now been defended by a parade of respected women who will vouch for his character.

Dr Ford called Mark Judge a "credible witness"? No, she said both he and Kav were "stumbling DRUNK".
Hey, we'll see how it goes on Monday - Kav is a known liar. Thus far Dr Ford is not.

Ford was that high school class slut type whore who would sleep with anyone, blackout from being drunk all the time, and falsely accuse people.
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

Yeah, its only about delaying the nomination.
If this woman had accused Obama I think we all know how the left would react.

When a woman, or in the case of Clinton, many women-come forward at any point in time accusing a Democrat, the women are immediately cast off as whores or sluts.

I don’t think Christine Ford is a whore or slut, I think she is a politically motivated hack willing to do what it takes even if it means lying
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

Even if the letter was leaked as a delay tactic, I don't see how it matters at this point.

Protocol for Supreme Court Nomination Delays
Sexual assault allegation is brought against nominee:
No Delay​
Nominee was nominated by a black man:
Delay one year​
And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

Even if the letter was leaked as a delay tactic, I don't see how it matters at this point.

Protocol for Supreme Court Nomination Delays
Sexual assault allegation is brought against nominee:
No Delay​
Nominee was nominated by a black man:
Delay one year​
I don't know why either Republicans or Democrats are surprised by this bullshit. They do this to each other all the time. The delay tactic on Obama's appointment of garland was nothing more than payback for what the Democrats did.

Both of these parties are full of shit and I'm tired of them.

Can we all agree to just vote libertarian, let consequence follow?
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

Even if the letter was leaked as a delay tactic, I don't see how it matters at this point.

Protocol for Supreme Court Nomination Delays
Sexual assault allegation is brought against nominee:
No Delay​
Nominee was nominated by a black man:
Delay one year​
I don't know why either Republicans or Democrats are surprised by this bullshit. They do this to each other all the time. The delay tactic on Obama's appointment of garland was nothing more than payback for what the Democrats did.

Both of these parties are full of shit and I'm tired of them.

Can we all agree to just vote libertarian, let consequence follow?
The delay of Garland by the Republicans has set a precedent. Now anytime the senate is not held by the party of the president, the senate can and will hold up the president's nominee.
We know Republicans are liars.

We know they’re for billionaires.

We know they don’t care about children and have no empathy.

We know they enjoy pollution.

We know they’re the most dishonest people in our country.

And yet Republican men think they’re the honest ones.

It’s just plain weird.
You just proved that everything you know is wrong.
what was she doing in a bedroom with the ELITIST BOYS at age 17?

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.

You occasionally make sense - Sorry, not on this one and SERIOUSLY - Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public?

Jesus :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

She shouldn't go to a "party" with mostly boys where heavy drinking is the entertainment.
From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.
Political activists who want to be believed when they falsely accuse someone of 'almost rape' should not name someone as an eye witness who says it never happened.

Another ^ one who doesn't get it a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk" who wrote a book called Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is NOT going to be a good witness.
You're posts most often make me face-palm .. this one was no exception! :eusa_doh:
It's unfortunate that she named him as a witness then, isn't it? Apparently, "bad witness" is your euphemism meaning a witness who doesn't support your case.
She calls a stumbling drunk a credible witness?
You simply can't make this shit up.
And in your next breath you will call her credible.
Do you believe life's a box of chocolate?

WTF are you talking about? Easy said she called him a credible witness. She did no such thing. Go back to bed.
She still said that he's a witness, and he contradicts her story.
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.
This has nothing to do with "proper vetting." This is a scam. it's about derailing the appointment. It's a sleazy dishonest smear of the lowest possible brand.
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

Even if the letter was leaked as a delay tactic, I don't see how it matters at this point.

Protocol for Supreme Court Nomination Delays
Sexual assault allegation is brought against nominee:
No Delay​
Nominee was nominated by a black man:
Delay one year​
I don't know why either Republicans or Democrats are surprised by this bullshit. They do this to each other all the time. The delay tactic on Obama's appointment of garland was nothing more than payback for what the Democrats did.

Both of these parties are full of shit and I'm tired of them.

Can we all agree to just vote libertarian, let consequence follow?
Democrats do it to Republicans, never the other way around.

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