Christine Ford is psychic. Which means she's a fraud. Which means Obama was born in Kenya

Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.
She is a psycho, therefore not credible. She is also 36 motherfucking years too late, and thus, not credible.

So an alter boy in youth, calling out the Priest who abused him 30 years ago, is too late as well?

What makes something 'too late'?

Too late for what? It's 5 years statute of limitation if you mean criminal actions, but does that mean the ex alter boy should just keep his trap shut?
You didn't report it, which means you put others in danger by failing get a rapist off the streets. Good job.

On the other hand, it probably didn't even happen. I have trouble believing it was attempted rape. You are just flattering yourself.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

No that just a lie, it all about delaying. Ford is not a credible witness for anything, she can't say where it happened, who else was at the alleged party, can't say what day it was, can't say what month it was, cant's say how old she was and can't even be sure what damn year it was. So tell me what is there to investigate? You don't even know the when and where.

And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.
This has nothing to do with "proper vetting." This is a scam. it's about derailing the appointment. It's a sleazy dishonest smear of the lowest possible brand.

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.
Political activists who want to be believed when they falsely accuse someone of 'almost rape' should not name someone as an eye witness who says it never happened.

Another ^ one who doesn't get it a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk" who wrote a book called Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is NOT going to be a good witness.
You're posts most often make me face-palm .. this one was no exception! :eusa_doh:
It's unfortunate that she named him as a witness then, isn't it? Apparently, "bad witness" is your euphemism meaning a witness who doesn't support your case.
Nice continuous spin.

You give her an out either way - the guy is a loser or a liar. BS.
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.
She is a psycho, therefore not credible. She is also 36 motherfucking years too late, and thus, not credible.

So an alter boy in youth, calling out the Priest who abused him 30 years ago, is too late as well?

What makes something 'too late'?

Too late for what? It's 5 years statute of limitation if you mean criminal actions, but does that mean the ex alter boy should just keep his trap shut?

But the alter boy would tell his friends not to become alter boys because the Priest is a pervert. Now, most of them were likely much younger than Dr. Ford at the time. Having hung out with more than a few High School girls in my time I know that if something like the good doctor described actually happened she would have reached out to any number of her friends to warn them not to hang out with Kav or Judge. None have come forward, have they?

This story is as bogus as they come.
And you'll keep believing that until you hear the exact same story from someone you care about...a sister, a mother, a daughter. The #metoo movement didn't come from no where...
The koo-koo bird Ms Ford didn't tell her story to anyone for 30 years. Not her parents, not her friends. Don't you think if a woman was sexually assaulted that she would at least have told a friend about it?

I don't believe we know if she told anyone else at the time of the incident. Maybe that's why the nomination should be delayed while an investigation takes place.

Thanks for admitting what this is all about, DELAY! Feinstein forfeited any right to delay anything by sitting on the "letter" for 6 weeks, any investigation should have started then.

Of course Ford is insisting she never intended to come out publicly, yet she supposedly took a polygraph and hired a lawyer last month. Nothing is sounding credible. I see you knew exactly how old you were, Ford can't seem to even come up with that little detail.


No, it’s not about delaying the nomination, it’s about properly vetting a candidate for a lifetime appointment.

No that just a lie, it all about delaying. Ford is not a credible witness for anything, she can't say where it happened, who else was at the alleged party, can't say what day it was, can't say what month it was, cant's say how old she was and can't even be sure what damn year it was. So tell me what is there to investigate? You don't even know the when and where.


My question is-----why does that "person" ------who was prancing around
in a bedroom----dressed in a bathing suit as a 17 year old------in the company
of other inebriated teens---------call an episode that was nothing more than
a FEEL UP "rape"??? is she nuts? If two grown boys had a girl
in a bedroom and WANTED to rape her------what was stopping them? He
"put his hand over her mouth"?? yeah? forever? How long could this
"FEEL UP" over that one piece bathing suit have lasted? Just how much had
she IMBIBED? As to "bathing suit" ------back then the one piece things
had cement padded bras----------he could not even FEEL MUCH other than that
stiff crap out of which they CONSTRUCTED those tops. Hand over mouth------
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.

Maybe we should look back and see if Romney who was running for POTUS at the time ever referenced BK as a SCOTUS pick he would put through if elected.
But the alter boy would tell his friends not to become alter boys because the Priest is a pervert. Now, most of them were likely much younger than Dr. Ford at the time. Having hung out with more than a few High School girls in my time I know that if something like the good doctor described actually happened she would have reached out to any number of her friends to warn them not to hang out with Kav or Judge. None have come forward, have they?

This story is as bogus as they come.

Boys really are clueless about girls.
But the alter boy would tell his friends not to become alter boys because the Priest is a pervert. Now, most of them were likely much younger than Dr. Ford at the time. Having hung out with more than a few High School girls in my time I know that if something like the good doctor described actually happened she would have reached out to any number of her friends to warn them not to hang out with Kav or Judge. None have come forward, have they?

This story is as bogus as they come.

Boys really are clueless about girls.

You're a heartless bitch that would let your friends hang out with guys that tried to get you drunk and sexually assault you?

You a whore as well? Well of course you are, you have a whore as your Avatar.

Man, I obviously hung out with a better class of chick in High School (of course I did, there were no rape enabling chicks in my High School) than you.
what was she doing in a bedroom with the ELITIST BOYS at age 17?

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.

You occasionally make sense - Sorry, not on this one and SERIOUSLY - Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public?

Jesus :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

She shouldn't go to a "party" with mostly boys where heavy drinking is the entertainment.

Did you attend parties in high school where there was beer involved and girls present? Sorry, but just about girl can find herself in a bad spot, and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.
From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.
Political activists who want to be believed when they falsely accuse someone of 'almost rape' should not name someone as an eye witness who says it never happened.

Another ^ one who doesn't get it a self-admitted "drooling blackout drunk" who wrote a book called Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is NOT going to be a good witness.
You're posts most often make me face-palm .. this one was no exception! :eusa_doh:
It's unfortunate that she named him as a witness then, isn't it? Apparently, "bad witness" is your euphemism meaning a witness who doesn't support your case.

She did not at any time suggest that he would be a "good witness". She clearly stated that both boys were "stumbling drunk".
what was she doing in a bedroom with the ELITIST BOYS at age 17?

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.

You occasionally make sense - Sorry, not on this one and SERIOUSLY - Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public?

Jesus :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

She shouldn't go to a "party" with mostly boys where heavy drinking is the entertainment.

Did you attend parties in high school where there was beer involved and girls present? Sorry, but just about girl can find herself in a bad spot, and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.

Yes, attended many. And if any of the boys tried anything like Dr. Ford alleges, in the manner she alleged, it would have spread like wildfire through the female population of the school as the "victim" would warn the other girls TO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE ABUSIVE MALE!

Strange that not a single girl from that school has stepped forward.
and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.

That you didn't see the dripping sarcasm was what's stupid. Go back and re-read the thread, dumbass.
what was she doing in a bedroom with the ELITIST BOYS at age 17?

From the sound of things, they were the ones who showed up at a girl party. But you're essentially right. Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public.

You occasionally make sense - Sorry, not on this one and SERIOUSLY - Teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public?

Jesus :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

She shouldn't go to a "party" with mostly boys where heavy drinking is the entertainment.

Did you attend parties in high school where there was beer involved and girls present? Sorry, but just about girl can find herself in a bad spot, and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.

Yes, attended many. And if any of the boys tried anything like Dr. Ford alleges, in the manner she alleged, it would have spread like wildfire through the female population of the school as the "victim" would warn the other girls TO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE ABUSIVE MALE!

Strange that not a single girl from that school has stepped forward.

I am not a BIG proponent of "STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" -----in fact I
dispute that crap in all PROVABLE CRIMES ----ie documented proof.
HOWEVER this case is utterly idiotic--------and should be thrown out in its
entirety------and the jerky girl sued for libel
and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.

That you didn't see the dripping sarcasm was what's stupid. Go back and re-read the thread, dumbass.

you were dripping?
Christine Ford described her teenage sexual assault in 2012 to her therapist, and separately to her husband. According to her therapist's the details she relayed were the same that have been publicly stated now, and identified her attackers as “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington” as the Washington Post describes it. Her husband also states that she revealed Kavanaugh's name to him back then.

There's really only one explanation for this. Christine Ford is psychic. Her clairvoyance allowed her to know that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and was setting the stage to make her false accusations sound credible. It's not as crazy as it sounds. The same thing happened back when Obama was born in Kenya and his people published fraudulent birth announcements in a Hawaiian newspaper so that he could one day become an illegitimate President. It all makes so much sense now.

Besides, everyone knows that psychics are total bullshit. They're all liars. It's clear that this is a last ditch effort to delay the nomination. That's why Ford came forward in July. Because it's all last minute.

This is the kind of diseased partisan stupidity that has reached epidemic proportions in our country.
She is a psycho, therefore not credible. She is also 36 motherfucking years too late, and thus, not credible.

So an alter boy in youth, calling out the Priest who abused him 30 years ago, is too late as well?

What makes something 'too late'?

Too late for what? It's 5 years statute of limitation if you mean criminal actions, but does that mean the ex alter boy should just keep his trap shut?

If it involves allegations against a nutbar judge they want badly enough, a month would be "too late" :wink:
But the alter boy would tell his friends not to become alter boys because the Priest is a pervert. Now, most of them were likely much younger than Dr. Ford at the time. Having hung out with more than a few High School girls in my time I know that if something like the good doctor described actually happened she would have reached out to any number of her friends to warn them not to hang out with Kav or Judge. None have come forward, have they?

This story is as bogus as they come.

Boys really are clueless about girls.

You're a heartless bitch that would let your friends hang out with guys that tried to get you drunk and sexually assault you?

You a whore as well? Well of course you are, you have a whore as your Avatar.

Man, I obviously hung out with a better class of chick in High School (of course I did, there were no rape enabling chicks in my High School) than you.

Oh look, the "she wasn't assaulted she's just a whore" defense. You should copyright that now. Nobody ever thought of that one before.

Why do so many men think the way to prove they're chivilariously defensive of women is to belittle them? "Bitch, I hit you because I love you. Now shut up before I love you some more! You're lucky I put up with you at all."
and for Stormy to suggest that teenage girls who don't want to be sexually assaulted shouldn't go out in public PERIOD was stupid.

That you didn't see the dripping sarcasm was what's stupid. Go back and re-read the thread, dumbass.

Okay - You sounded serious. My apology.

I attributed Ford's 2012 discussions to her being psychic and compared her doubters to birthers. You need to pay attention better.
But the alter boy would tell his friends not to become alter boys because the Priest is a pervert. Now, most of them were likely much younger than Dr. Ford at the time. Having hung out with more than a few High School girls in my time I know that if something like the good doctor described actually happened she would have reached out to any number of her friends to warn them not to hang out with Kav or Judge. None have come forward, have they?

This story is as bogus as they come.

Boys really are clueless about girls.

You're a heartless bitch that would let your friends hang out with guys that tried to get you drunk and sexually assault you?

You a whore as well? Well of course you are, you have a whore as your Avatar.

Man, I obviously hung out with a better class of chick in High School (of course I did, there were no rape enabling chicks in my High School) than you.

Oh look, the "she wasn't assaulted she's just a whore" defense. You should copyright that now. Nobody ever thought of that one before.

Why do so many men think the way to prove they're chivilariously defensive of women is to belittle them? "Bitch, I hit you because I love you. Now shut up before I love you some more! You're lucky I put up with you at all."

It should be no problem to show where I called Dr. Ford a Whore than. My post is right here. Quote it. It doesn't exist.

I asked if you were/are a whore. Completely different, unless of course, you are Christine Ford posting as Stormy Daniels.

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