Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives ‘Unprecedented’ Raise

Democrats will still say
The military hates Trump
Trump started unnecessary wars and sent the military to die.
Trump reduced military pay and raided the VA.
obama did better.
In what universe is a 3.1 percent military pay raise “unprecedented “?
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
Not the biggest.......

Have either of you pieces of shit ever served?

Not the biggest in the past 10 years.

Military Pay Raises - 2004 to 2019

LOL. 2004 to 2019 is more than 10 years you stupid crackwhore

You are one stupid fucking bitch, your article said it was the largest pay increase in the past 10 years and it wasn't and I pointed out that 2009 and 2010 were larger pay increases that is withing the past 10 years.

Yes, I did serve in the military you sleazy slut from early 68 to late 71. Oh btw as pointed out in many threads I am a male that picked an ID you can google all day long and it won't lead to me unlike you and showing the whole internet how bi polar you are. Catholic girls always laid on their backs. Open your filthy mouth so take what's coming to you.

I’ve seen many raises over 4 percent in the 90s


Clinton, like Obama, hated our men and women in uniform.

Military pay raises under Clinton...

View attachment 296117

Source, .

United States military pay - Wikipedia

Goddamn you idiot your own link says the raises were higher in 09 and 10. Damn how fucking dumb can you be?
Beyond your understanding? I’ll dumb it down for you.
When steal from working people (taxes) it lowers their standard of living.

I'll dumb this down for YOU you little punkass bitch:

The military is one of the few things that the Federal government actually IS supposed to spend money on, so paying the soldiers is not "stealing" from the people you ignorant punk.

Read the Constitution you snotty little fuck. See what the Federal government is SUPPOSED to do, and that "Congress shall have Power To ...raise and support Armies."

And by the way, most WORKING Americans are good people and are glad to pay the military what they need. I think that you are NOT a working American. I think that you are just some snotty dickless bitch being an asshole on a computer.

Now shut the fuck up and fuck off punk

Look who's being an asshole on the computer. You don't post like this on twitter oh they would kick your filthy whore ass off on twitter.
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?

The fact we have an American president who is accomplishing things for Americans rather than his deep state cabal.

Which makes your head explode as a member of the cabal.
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?

The fact we have an American president who is accomplishing things for Americans rather than his deep state cabal.

Which makes your head explode as a member of the cabal.
What has he acccomplished for Americans?

Took away healthcare, education benefits, worker protections

I’ve seen many raises over 4 percent in the 90s


Clinton, like Obama, hated our men and women in uniform.

Military pay raises under Clinton...

View attachment 296117

Source, .

United States military pay - Wikipedia

Goddamn you idiot your own link says the raises were higher in 09 and 10. Damn how fucking dumb can you be?

Where did I say otherwise?

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