Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives ‘Unprecedented’ Raise

The OP stands as un-refuted fact, despite all the little crying worms in this thread:

Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives ‘Unprecedented’ Raise

Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives 'Unprecedented' Raise

President Trump brought Christmas early to members of the military, announcing he would be giving them a pay increase of more than three percent.

The pay raise is the third raise Trump has given to military service members, one each of the last three years.
“Your incredible contributions to our Nation are why I am proud to inform you that I recently signed into law major improvements to the compensation and benefits for Federal Employees as part of the 2020 National Defense Reauthorization Act,” he wrote in a public letter posted on his Twitter, as BizPac Review reports.

“Starting January 1, 2020, each service member will see their PAY INCREASE by 3.1 percent — the largest raise for our Military in more than 10 years,” he continued in the letter.

“While previous administrations allowed Military pay to stagnate, my Administration has secured pay raises for our Troops in each of the past 3 years — every year of my Presidency. This is unprecedented,” the president wrote

ME: I can tell you from experience that this means a lot. God bless the President.
The OP stands as un-refuted fact, despite all the little crying worms in this thread:

Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives ‘Unprecedented’ Raise

Christmas Comes Early For Military Members: Trump Gives 'Unprecedented' Raise

President Trump brought Christmas early to members of the military, announcing he would be giving them a pay increase of more than three percent.

The pay raise is the third raise Trump has given to military service members, one each of the last three years.
“Your incredible contributions to our Nation are why I am proud to inform you that I recently signed into law major improvements to the compensation and benefits for Federal Employees as part of the 2020 National Defense Reauthorization Act,” he wrote in a public letter posted on his Twitter, as BizPac Review reports.

“Starting January 1, 2020, each service member will see their PAY INCREASE by 3.1 percent — the largest raise for our Military in more than 10 years,” he continued in the letter.

“While previous administrations allowed Military pay to stagnate, my Administration has secured pay raises for our Troops in each of the past 3 years — every year of my Presidency. This is unprecedented,” the president wrote

ME: I can tell you from experience that this means a lot. God bless the President.
It is typical for the military to receive an annual pay raise

The Great Obama gave military raises for eight years in a row
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?

The fact we have an American president who is accomplishing things for Americans rather than his deep state cabal.

Which makes your head explode as a member of the cabal.
What has he acccomplished for Americans?

Took away healthcare, education benefits, worker protections

I wouldn't be surprised if he took away all of those things from you along with the do nothing job of yours.

Not the same with the rest of Americans, more jobs than ever for many groups.
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?

The fact we have an American president who is accomplishing things for Americans rather than his deep state cabal.

Which makes your head explode as a member of the cabal.
What has he acccomplished for Americans?

Took away healthcare, education benefits, worker protections

I wouldn't be surprised if he took away all of those things from you along with the do nothing job of yours.

Not the same with the rest of Americans, more jobs than ever for many groups.
Since when is being retired a do nothing job?
Unprecedented accomplishments for the American people for sure means democrats will have to try even harder to unpresident him.

But it is not going to happen. He is all of our president, whether you like it or not.
What is unprecedented ?

The fact we have an American president who is accomplishing things for Americans rather than his deep state cabal.

Which makes your head explode as a member of the cabal.
What has he acccomplished for Americans?

Took away healthcare, education benefits, worker protections

I wouldn't be surprised if he took away all of those things from you along with the do nothing job of yours.

Not the same with the rest of Americans, more jobs than ever for many groups.
Since when is being retired a do nothing job?

It is a job that I am looking forward to
First off...............let's take a look at what the word "unprecedented" means..........

[ uhn-pres-i-den-tid ]
1. without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.

Apparently neither Trump nor the OP knows what unprecedented means, because other presidents have given pay raises that were the same or higher in the past, so Trump claiming it's unprecedented (as in never before known or experienced), is wrong, and the OP spewing his "truthful hyperbole" as fact when it's easily disproved.

Oh..............and for those of you who don't understand the meaning of "truthful hyperbole", it's a made up term Trump uses for his lies, as those 2 words don't belong in the same sentence.

[ trooth-fuhl ]
1. telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
2. conforming to truth: a truthful statement.
3. corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.

[ hahy-pur-buh-lee ]
noun Rhetoric.
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

Hey Terri, do yourself a favor, and spend a bit of time looking up words before you use them. It will help you to look like less of an idiot.
Trump also gave all civilian Fed workers a 3.1% raise!

My wife thanks him for her raise!

Must be an election year

What did Trump do for Federal Employees last Christmas?
Govt Shutdown

He also gave them Christmas Eve day off as an official holiday. My wife has to work it that means 12 hours of double time for her!

Thanks again Donny!
You know, each December, I always volunteered for (and got) Christmas day duty. Why? Because I was single and it guaranteed that I would get New Years Eve and New Years day off.

Not only that, but the people who were home on Christmas felt bad for those of us who were on duty, and lots of them would bring in stuff from their dinners to share with the duty crew. Best part was, that being on duty in the squadron, I had a better Christmas feast than most people out in town.

I’ve seen many raises over 4 percent in the 90s


Clinton, like Obama, hated our men and women in uniform.

Military pay raises under Clinton...

View attachment 296117
I thought Clinton hated the military?

{I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes,} - Bill Clinton
First off...............let's take a look at what the word "unprecedented" means..........

[ uhn-pres-i-den-tid ]
1. without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.

Apparently neither Trump nor the OP knows what unprecedented means, because other presidents have given pay raises that were the same or higher in the past, so Trump claiming it's unprecedented (as in never before known or experienced), is wrong, and the OP spewing his "truthful hyperbole" as fact when it's easily disproved.

Oh..............and for those of you who don't understand the meaning of "truthful hyperbole", it's a made up term Trump uses for his lies, as those 2 words don't belong in the same sentence.

[ trooth-fuhl ]
1. telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
2. conforming to truth: a truthful statement.
3. corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.

[ hahy-pur-buh-lee ]
noun Rhetoric.
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

Hey Terri, do yourself a favor, and spend a bit of time looking up words before you use them. It will help you to look like less of an idiot.
Nothing will help terri It's an unprecedented idiot

I’ve seen many raises over 4 percent in the 90s


Clinton, like Obama, hated our men and women in uniform.

Military pay raises under Clinton...

View attachment 296117
I thought Clinton hated the military?

{I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes,} - Bill Clinton

Source, oh censored one?


Oh, I see...
First off...............let's take a look at what the word "unprecedented" means..........

[ uhn-pres-i-den-tid ]
1. without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.

Apparently neither Trump nor the OP knows what unprecedented means, because other presidents have given pay raises that were the same or higher in the past, so Trump claiming it's unprecedented (as in never before known or experienced), is wrong, and the OP spewing his "truthful hyperbole" as fact when it's easily disproved.

Oh..............and for those of you who don't understand the meaning of "truthful hyperbole", it's a made up term Trump uses for his lies, as those 2 words don't belong in the same sentence.

[ trooth-fuhl ]
1. telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
2. conforming to truth: a truthful statement.
3. corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.

[ hahy-pur-buh-lee ]
noun Rhetoric.
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”

Hey Terri, do yourself a favor, and spend a bit of time looking up words before you use them. It will help you to look like less of an idiot.
It is unprecedented for Trump to give anyone who works for him a 3.1 percent raise

I’ve seen many raises over 4 percent in the 90s


Clinton, like Obama, hated our men and women in uniform.

Military pay raises under Clinton...

View attachment 296117
I thought Clinton hated the military?

{I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes,} - Bill Clinton
Trump also gave all civilian Fed workers a 3.1% raise!

My wife thanks him for her raise!

Must be an election year

What did Trump do for Federal Employees last Christmas?
Govt Shutdown

He also gave them Christmas Eve day off as an official holiday. My wife has to work it that means 12 hours of double time for her!

Thanks again Donny!
Spent 33 years working for the Govt

That was common
Who tried to overturn an election?

The side that lost and couldn't accept defeat.

We accepted defeat, Trump was sworn in as President

Not our fault if he can’t stop himself from criminal acts
Actually, most lefties claim that Trump lost by millions of votes, even though there were only 538 to be had. This suggests that lefties cannot accept defeat. 3 straight years of trying to overturn the 2016 election also suggest that lefties cannot accept defeat.

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