Christopher Dorner kills three threatens more deaths.

its your party whpo said out loud " second amendment remedies" in response to not winning the next election.

Its your party who lionized people like Weaver and Koresh.

You created Tim McVeigh

I hope you don't mean me when you say "your party". I don't have a party.
Weaver broke the law and the ATF mishandled the situation.
Koresh too, and the ATF mishandled that situation even more badly.
4 wrongs don't make any of it right, hopefully the ATF has addressed these issues.
Mcviegh was a nut, I met him before he went to OK city when he came to Eagar to meet Bill Cooper, who was also a nutter as well my friend.He came asking Bill to give him a command in the Arizona Citizen's militia, and was refused due to being seemingly crazy. That's right, the citizen's militia refused him because he was a nutter. I don't know anyone more 'right wing' than the members of the citizen's militia, and they refused him. Nolan Udall reported his behavior to the FBI, and they did nothing. The rest is history.

Aside from all that, back in my younger days, if I kept my hair a little long, people told me I looked like David
Wasn't weaver set up by the FBI, something about a shotgun being sawed off to the FBI agents spec's, and then once he did this for the agent, he was arrested and charged in the case? Then when Randy didn't show up for court that day because he had the dates wrong, the agents went to his home and it all began?

He had the dates wrong because the papers he had contained the wrong date. Deliberately, the wrong date. This was the justification the government used for the ambush in the first place. The "violation" was that that the shotgun was 1/4" too short. Sort of like the Marine being held in mexico because his shotgun was 1/2" too short.
I hope you don't mean me when you say "your party". I don't have a party.
Weaver broke the law and the ATF mishandled the situation.
Koresh too, and the ATF mishandled that situation even more badly.
4 wrongs don't make any of it right, hopefully the ATF has addressed these issues.
Mcviegh was a nut, I met him before he went to OK city when he came to Eagar to meet Bill Cooper, who was also a nutter as well my friend.He came asking Bill to give him a command in the Arizona Citizen's militia, and was refused due to being seemingly crazy. That's right, the citizen's militia refused him because he was a nutter. I don't know anyone more 'right wing' than the members of the citizen's militia, and they refused him. Nolan Udall reported his behavior to the FBI, and they did nothing. The rest is history.

Aside from all that, back in my younger days, if I kept my hair a little long, people told me I looked like David
Wasn't weaver set up by the FBI, something about a shotgun being sawed off to the FBI agents spec's, and then once he did this for the agent, he was arrested and charged in the case? Then when Randy didn't show up for court that day because he had the dates wrong, the agents went to his home and it all began?

He had the dates wrong because the papers he had contained the wrong date. Deliberately, the wrong date. This was the justification the government used for the ambush in the first place. The "violation" was that that the shotgun was 1/4" too short. Sort of like the Marine being held in mexico because his shotgun was 1/2" too short.

Also If I am not mistaken, by the time it came to court, there was a new president and administration. Some of the outcome therefore could have been influenced by partisan politics.

It was "proven" in the civil case weaver launched that the wrong date was on the court papers, and that the ATF was negligent. If my memory serves me, two charges of assault on those ATF officers were dropped because the judge ruled he acted in self defense. It was a big mess, and an embarrassment to the ATF.
This is not political you fucking morons.

best post ever.....
Just because he says so eh ?

Why did Obama and his crew make the gun issue political ? Now they are backing up from all the idiocy that began after Connecticut was cast into the news due to that shooting. It was like the left was just waiting for another chance to pounce, and by all of their actions afterwards, it seemed to be tied to an agenda in which they have been after for quite sometime now. I say leave law abiding gun owners alone, and do everything possible to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals, and keeping all options on the table (without walking on the second amendment) open to do so. All one has to do is watch Gangland, and it just blows ones mind how these guns are in the hands of criminal elements like that, and also how young these youth are for whom are affiliated or directly involved in such activity. This stuff is so unacceptable it isn't funny, but somehow it was able to grow and grow within these major cities in this nation, but why ? Who was running these cities during all this build up of this kind of activity and trouble among these people like this ? Are these cities terminally corrupt, along with their leaders? Who are these leaders, and what party affiliation do they have while leading these cities? Do the good citizens of these cities have no say in any of this, where as it is just pure corruption that they are up against, so they just sit back and hope that it doesn't affect them in their little area carved out amongst a sea of sharks now swimming all around them ?
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This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

this is why he killed.

He was driven insane by a PD which was commiting crimes agains people.

anyone who pays attention to the LAPD knows they have big problems.

The guy has no right to take anyones life.

hes a nutter


sick, just fucking sick
This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

this is why he killed.

He was driven insane by a PD which was commiting crimes agains people.

anyone who pays attention to the LAPD knows they have big problems.

The guy has no right to take anyones life.

hes a nutter


sick, just fucking sick

She's playing the he's a victim card, that shouldn't have killed.
This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

this is why he killed.

He was driven insane by a PD which was commiting crimes agains people.

anyone who pays attention to the LAPD knows they have big problems.

The guy has no right to take anyones life.

hes a nutter


sick, just fucking sick

This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

this is why he killed.

He was driven insane by a PD which was commiting crimes agains people.

anyone who pays attention to the LAPD knows they have big problems.

The guy has no right to take anyones life.

hes a nutter


sick, just fucking sick

A little deeper, and a little bit more reading into the patterns within the context of his speaking, and you will see what maybe he is saying over all (using the victim card for this perp), and so this is what seems to be the jest of his post in concerns of this person who is disgruntle against the LAPD or so he (the perp) is allegedly using as the excuse for what he has done. You take this one line and think that people are picking on TM, when TM is putting his readers in this frame of mind by what he wrote or is writing.
The gun control people have already said this is why we need to ban guns.

Once again in what universe? When the people the gun grabbers say are the only ones who should have them are shooting up the town it doesn't bode well for their argument.
Dorner wants to kill children and the left loves dead children.

Don't worry....this won't affect gun owners' rights.
However he's a gun grabber that wants to disarm America. Now explain how that works in your world. A gun grabber going around and shooting people?
It was because of the LAPD, don't you know that by now...That excuses everything in the libs mind...Them dirty nasty old cops wid all them guns & their abusive
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This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

this is why he killed.

He was driven insane by a PD which was commiting crimes agains people.

anyone who pays attention to the LAPD knows they have big problems.

The guy has no right to take anyones life.

hes a nutter


sick, just fucking sick

She's playing the he's a victim card, that shouldn't have killed.
Well, it's interesting that she has enough of a point that the LAPD is going to reopen his case.

But keep ignoring that TM VERY CLEARLY said that "The guy has no right to take anyones life."

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