Christopher Dorner kills three threatens more deaths.

If this guy is not caught, he will become a posterboy for both sides of the gun control issue.
Gun supporters already have(correctly IMHO) pointed out this situation is exactly why we need an armed citizenry.

The gun control people have already said this is why we need to ban guns.

The real, non-political, look out for the public good lesson this guy teaches us, once again, is that we need to address the mental health issue.
Anyone in a high risk job can be 'normal' one day and snap the next.
I agree as you do, that this is exactly why we need to keep and armed citizenry, and to respect and keep their privacy among the wackadoodles, so the wackadoodles won't know what hit them when they try and breach the freedoms and invade the innocence in which we and our families enjoy in this nation.

The DC snipers were left leaners also as I recall, because they were sympathetic to the extremist Muslims view, and one was actually a Muslim, and so with the left, they think that we can all somehow just lie down with the lions now, and that the lions won't eat us, so they allow the lion to somehow live in and amongst the lambs here or they are constantly attempting this, while telling us as lambs/Americans that it's ok, because it is our arrogance and all that makes them want to eat us, so if we would just change our ways, then the lions will leave us be as we all just graze happily on the range together.

Which is it?

Left leaning or extreme muslim?

Because you cannot be both.

Left leaning or extreme muslim, I personally think they were menatlly ill, like Mcviegh in the previous post.

In fact, one thing that seems to tie these mass murders together is mental illness.

I answered this post to have a 3 way conversation. Guys, I appreciate the conversation....thanks
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How guilty were those two females those cops shot? No one talks about them and those shitty cops.

Did the police deliberately track them down and kill them? The women made mistakes. One of those mistakes was driving around in the dark with their lights off.

a crime punishable by death if your brown huh?

kinda like wearing a hoody while brown
If it means anything to ya, I myself didn't know that they were brown until you just said this, but you still haven't answered my question truth, about if you think he is justified in what he has done because of the LAPD ? Your defense mounted against those here, might not be directly related to his actions committed, but rather spoken by you in defense of due to a problem with the LAPD as you put it, just makes me wonder where you stand on this whole event that has taken place truthfully.
If this guy is not caught, he will become a posterboy for both sides of the gun control issue.
Gun supporters already have(correctly IMHO) pointed out this situation is exactly why we need an armed citizenry.

The gun control people have already said this is why we need to ban guns.

The real, non-political, look out for the public good lesson this guy teaches us, once again, is that we need to address the mental health issue.
Anyone in a high risk job can be 'normal' one day and snap the next.
I agree as you do, that this is exactly why we need to keep and armed citizenry, and to respect and keep their privacy among the wackadoodles, so the wackadoodles won't know what hit them when they try and breach the freedoms and invade the innocence in which we and our families enjoy in this nation.

The DC snipers were left leaners also as I recall, because they were sympathetic to the extremist Muslims view, and one was actually a Muslim, and so with the left, they think that we can all somehow just lie down with the lions now, and that the lions won't eat us, so they allow the lion to somehow live in and amongst the lambs here or they are constantly attempting this, while telling us as lambs/Americans that it's ok, because it is our arrogance and all that makes them want to eat us, so if we would just change our ways, then the lions will leave us be as we all just graze happily on the range together.

Tim McVeigh was a right wing wackadoodle

he killed many more than both these nutters
Agree, but we did what we did against him, just as we should do against any nutter who takes action in these ways, yet all the while leaving the good and law abiding citizens alone, but that doesn't go along with the agenda now does it ?
The item people are missing is that the officer accused of police brutality is a woman. A small woman facing off against a 400 pound schizophrenic in full episode.

There was an interview with the abused suspect's father on the local news. The suspect himself wasn't coherent enough to interview NOW. Who knows what he was like then. One thing we DO know about the exact incident is that neither the suspect nor the family made any complaint of police brutality. They were interviewed and questioned at the time Dorner made the accusation and the female officer was cleared of police brutality.

Christopher Dorner should change his name to Charlie Brown because every body's always picking on him. Starting in the first grade. Yet, he really did feel that HE should have carte blanche to attack anyone he felt like attacking. Then say they deserved it because he heard a "racial slur". He has a history of filing false complaints against fellow officers based on perceived racism. Just like all his outbursts.

The left will stop at NOTHING to make this insane man a folk hero. They don't care how many people die in the process.

who is heroizing him?
I agree as you do, that this is exactly why we need to keep and armed citizenry, and to respect and keep their privacy among the wackadoodles, so the wackadoodles won't know what hit them when they try and breach the freedoms and invade the innocence in which we and our families enjoy in this nation.

The DC snipers were left leaners also as I recall, because they were sympathetic to the extremist Muslims view, and one was actually a Muslim, and so with the left, they think that we can all somehow just lie down with the lions now, and that the lions won't eat us, so they allow the lion to somehow live in and amongst the lambs here or they are constantly attempting this, while telling us as lambs/Americans that it's ok, because it is our arrogance and all that makes them want to eat us, so if we would just change our ways, then the lions will leave us be as we all just graze happily on the range together.

Tim McVeigh was a right wing wackadoodle

he killed many more than both these nutters
Agree, but we did what we did against him, just as we should do against any nutter who takes action in these ways, yet all the while leaving the good and law abiding citizens alone, but that doesn't go along with the agenda now does it ?

are you talking about the right wing agenda that heroized Koresh and randy weaver?

that agenda?
I'm glad the threads were merged, I am glad the title of the merged threads is what it is.

In order to have a productive conversation, we need to stop accusing the left or the right of being in favor of murders. This is not a left-right issue, neither the left nor the right condones murder. We all know that, it is hateful, mean and very stupid to pretend they do.

If we want to stop these stories of mass murders in the news every week or so we have to discuss this as citizens. Falling into the right-left two-party trap will assure that NOTHING is done.
The item people are missing is that the officer accused of police brutality is a woman. A small woman facing off against a 400 pound schizophrenic in full episode.

There was an interview with the abused suspect's father on the local news. The suspect himself wasn't coherent enough to interview NOW. Who knows what he was like then. One thing we DO know about the exact incident is that neither the suspect nor the family made any complaint of police brutality. They were interviewed and questioned at the time Dorner made the accusation and the female officer was cleared of police brutality.

Christopher Dorner should change his name to Charlie Brown because every body's always picking on him. Starting in the first grade. Yet, he really did feel that HE should have carte blanche to attack anyone he felt like attacking. Then say they deserved it because he heard a "racial slur". He has a history of filing false complaints against fellow officers based on perceived racism. Just like all his outbursts.

The left will stop at NOTHING to make this insane man a folk hero. They don't care how many people die in the process.

And the right will make him out to be crazy without actually listening to what he was trying to say. Lies will spew like you saying the person the 'little' woman kicked was 400 pounds. I do care about the shooter but i care more about ople the cops are shooting by mistake. Two unarmed Hispanic women, one shot in the back......was a mistake? That is what makes all of us unsafe. The shooter dll be killed, those cops will conntinue to carry guns and be in the public.
its your party whpo said out loud " second amendment remedies" in response to not winning the next election.

Its your party who lionized people like Weaver and Koresh.

You created Tim McVeigh
agreed, guns are easier to get.
Cyanide is easy to come by, because someone may do it, I ain't telling you where to get it in a public forum. I would feel guilty.
Serin is fairly easily extracted, again, not gonna say how in a public forum.
Anthrax is not hard to get either, but unless you have a lab, it's usually a suicide mission.

The fact is this guy is nuts, before he is caught it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he used methods other than a gun to wage his crazy ass war on the LAPD.
Time will tell.


Since those methods are so readily should be able to link the plethora of crimes they have been used in..

And what's Serin?

Best I came up with is a bird.
European Serin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think it would virtually impossible to get enough Serins together..and teach them to inflict enough damage on one human to kill them..let alone participate in mass murder.

I apologize, my spelling is off, it is sarin;
Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

surprisingly easy to extract even in a bare bones type lab. Its as easy as making bubble hash.

That link has one example of it being used.

I appreciate your point and will concede that guns are the easiest way, if the perp doesn't care about being caught. We don't know how many people are poisoned, as it can easily go undetected, allowing the perp to go free.

We need to do several things, mental illness being the first item to address IMHO.
Yes, but this area can also be exploited and abused as well, so how about we find out who is sane amongst us all again (promote Americanism), and then rely on their input to find out who is insane amongst us, yet all the while being very careful that this area is not exploited by no one when being used as another tool in keeping us all safe ?

As long as we have and continue fomenting these divisions that we have now in this nation. I don't see how any tool in which we have can work, and this is a very serious dilemma now in this nation.
Tim McVeigh was a right wing wackadoodle

he killed many more than both these nutters
Agree, but we did what we did against him, just as we should do against any nutter who takes action in these ways, yet all the while leaving the good and law abiding citizens alone, but that doesn't go along with the agenda now does it ?

are you talking about the right wing agenda that heroized Koresh and randy weaver?

that agenda?
You didn't just go to Randy Weaver now did ya ? Wasn't that one of the left's biggest botched cases, in which they did everything wrong, even killing the mans wife, son and wounding the baby with their tactics? Then they exonerated Randy in a court of law after such a botched operation, just like they had botched in Waco also, should we go and on and on maybe ? Janet Reno was as dumb as a box of rocks, and Clinton was no better. It could very well be that the left doesn't care how many dies when you look back at history now.
its your party whpo said out loud " second amendment remedies" in response to not winning the next election.

Its your party who lionized people like Weaver and Koresh.

You created Tim McVeigh

I hope you don't mean me when you say "your party". I don't have a party.
Weaver broke the law and the ATF mishandled the situation.
Koresh too, and the ATF mishandled that situation even more badly.
4 wrongs don't make any of it right, hopefully the ATF has addressed these issues.
Mcviegh was a nut, I met him before he went to OK city when he came to Eagar to meet Bill Cooper, who was also a nutter as well my friend.He came asking Bill to give him a command in the Arizona Citizen's militia, and was refused due to being seemingly crazy. That's right, the citizen's militia refused him because he was a nutter. I don't know anyone more 'right wing' than the members of the citizen's militia, and they refused him. Nolan Udall reported his behavior to the FBI, and they did nothing. The rest is history.

Aside from all that, back in my younger days, if I kept my hair a little long, people told me I looked like David
The item people are missing is that the officer accused of police brutality is a woman. A small woman facing off against a 400 pound schizophrenic in full episode.

There was an interview with the abused suspect's father on the local news. The suspect himself wasn't coherent enough to interview NOW. Who knows what he was like then. One thing we DO know about the exact incident is that neither the suspect nor the family made any complaint of police brutality. They were interviewed and questioned at the time Dorner made the accusation and the female officer was cleared of police brutality.

Christopher Dorner should change his name to Charlie Brown because every body's always picking on him. Starting in the first grade. Yet, he really did feel that HE should have carte blanche to attack anyone he felt like attacking. Then say they deserved it because he heard a "racial slur". He has a history of filing false complaints against fellow officers based on perceived racism. Just like all his outbursts.

The left will stop at NOTHING to make this insane man a folk hero. They don't care how many people die in the process.

And the right will make him out to be crazy without actually listening to what he was trying to say. Lies will spew like you saying the person the 'little' woman kicked was 400 pounds. I do care about the shooter but i care more about ople the cops are shooting by mistake. Two unarmed Hispanic women, one shot in the back......was a mistake? That is what makes all of us unsafe. The shooter dll be killed, those cops will conntinue to carry guns and be in the public.
The man killing innocent people is not crazy ? You care about the shooter who is crazy and shooting innocent people ?
Agree, but we did what we did against him, just as we should do against any nutter who takes action in these ways, yet all the while leaving the good and law abiding citizens alone, but that doesn't go along with the agenda now does it ?

are you talking about the right wing agenda that heroized Koresh and randy weaver?

that agenda?
You didn't just go to Randy Weaver now did ya ? Wasn't that one of the left's biggest botched cases, in which they did everything wrong, even killing the mans wife, son and wounding the baby with their tactics? Then they exonerated Randy in a court of law after such a botched operation, just like they had botched in Waco also, should we go and on and on maybe ? Janet Reno was as dumb as a box of rocks, and Clinton was no better. It could very well be that the left doesn't care how many dies when you look back at history now.

To the left Randy Weaver IS GUILTY. It doesn't matter that he was exonerated. Nor that the government paid off. He's still guilty to the left and nothing is going to change that or stop them from trotting him out whenever justification is needed.
The item people are missing is that the officer accused of police brutality is a woman. A small woman facing off against a 400 pound schizophrenic in full episode.

There was an interview with the abused suspect's father on the local news. The suspect himself wasn't coherent enough to interview NOW. Who knows what he was like then. One thing we DO know about the exact incident is that neither the suspect nor the family made any complaint of police brutality. They were interviewed and questioned at the time Dorner made the accusation and the female officer was cleared of police brutality.

Christopher Dorner should change his name to Charlie Brown because every body's always picking on him. Starting in the first grade. Yet, he really did feel that HE should have carte blanche to attack anyone he felt like attacking. Then say they deserved it because he heard a "racial slur". He has a history of filing false complaints against fellow officers based on perceived racism. Just like all his outbursts.

The left will stop at NOTHING to make this insane man a folk hero. They don't care how many people die in the process.

And the right will make him out to be crazy without actually listening to what he was trying to say. Lies will spew like you saying the person the 'little' woman kicked was 400 pounds. I do care about the shooter but i care more about ople the cops are shooting by mistake. Two unarmed Hispanic women, one shot in the back......was a mistake? That is what makes all of us unsafe. The shooter dll be killed, those cops will conntinue to carry guns and be in the public.
The man killing innocent people is not crazy ? You care about the shooter who is crazy and shooting innocent people ?

In the equality world of the left, the police shooting someone accidentally (because of the victim's own suspicious actions) is exactly the same as tracking down an innocent girl and her innocent boyfriend and murdering them. It's the same thing. That's why the left makes this comparison.
are you talking about the right wing agenda that heroized Koresh and randy weaver?

that agenda?
You didn't just go to Randy Weaver now did ya ? Wasn't that one of the left's biggest botched cases, in which they did everything wrong, even killing the mans wife, son and wounding the baby with their tactics? Then they exonerated Randy in a court of law after such a botched operation, just like they had botched in Waco also, should we go and on and on maybe ? Janet Reno was as dumb as a box of rocks, and Clinton was no better. It could very well be that the left doesn't care how many dies when you look back at history now.

To the left Randy Weaver IS GUILTY. It doesn't matter that he was exonerated. Nor that the government paid off. He's still guilty to the left and nothing is going to change that or stop them from trotting him out whenever justification is needed.

He was guilty of minor firearms violations. He was not "exonerated", he was convicted of two charges I believe, and won a civil suit against the US government for the wrongful deaths of his family members.
its your party whpo said out loud " second amendment remedies" in response to not winning the next election.

Its your party who lionized people like Weaver and Koresh.

You created Tim McVeigh

I hope you don't mean me when you say "your party". I don't have a party.
Weaver broke the law and the ATF mishandled the situation.
Koresh too, and the ATF mishandled that situation even more badly.
4 wrongs don't make any of it right, hopefully the ATF has addressed these issues.
Mcviegh was a nut, I met him before he went to OK city when he came to Eagar to meet Bill Cooper, who was also a nutter as well my friend.He came asking Bill to give him a command in the Arizona Citizen's militia, and was refused due to being seemingly crazy. That's right, the citizen's militia refused him because he was a nutter. I don't know anyone more 'right wing' than the members of the citizen's militia, and they refused him. Nolan Udall reported his behavior to the FBI, and they did nothing. The rest is history.

Aside from all that, back in my younger days, if I kept my hair a little long, people told me I looked like David
Wasn't weaver set up by the FBI, something about a shotgun being sawed off to the FBI agents spec's, and then once he did this for the agent, he was arrested and charged in the case? Then when Randy didn't show up for court that day because he had the dates wrong, the agents went to his home and it all began?
its your party whpo said out loud " second amendment remedies" in response to not winning the next election.

Its your party who lionized people like Weaver and Koresh.

You created Tim McVeigh

I hope you don't mean me when you say "your party". I don't have a party.
Weaver broke the law and the ATF mishandled the situation.
Koresh too, and the ATF mishandled that situation even more badly.
4 wrongs don't make any of it right, hopefully the ATF has addressed these issues.
Mcviegh was a nut, I met him before he went to OK city when he came to Eagar to meet Bill Cooper, who was also a nutter as well my friend.He came asking Bill to give him a command in the Arizona Citizen's militia, and was refused due to being seemingly crazy. That's right, the citizen's militia refused him because he was a nutter. I don't know anyone more 'right wing' than the members of the citizen's militia, and they refused him. Nolan Udall reported his behavior to the FBI, and they did nothing. The rest is history.

Aside from all that, back in my younger days, if I kept my hair a little long, people told me I looked like David
Wasn't weaver set up by the FBI, something about a shotgun being sawed off to the FBI agents spec's, and then once he did this for the agent, he was arrested and charged in the case? Then when Randy didn't show up for court that day because he had the dates wrong, the agents went to his home and it all began?

Something along those lines, yes. In the end he was charged with 10 counts, all but two were dropped. He was convicted of two charges, failure to appear and the illegal shotgun. I think the shotgun charge was later dropped. He did manage to win a big settlement in a civil suit against the US govt.
You didn't just go to Randy Weaver now did ya ? Wasn't that one of the left's biggest botched cases, in which they did everything wrong, even killing the mans wife, son and wounding the baby with their tactics? Then they exonerated Randy in a court of law after such a botched operation, just like they had botched in Waco also, should we go and on and on maybe ? Janet Reno was as dumb as a box of rocks, and Clinton was no better. It could very well be that the left doesn't care how many dies when you look back at history now.

To the left Randy Weaver IS GUILTY. It doesn't matter that he was exonerated. Nor that the government paid off. He's still guilty to the left and nothing is going to change that or stop them from trotting him out whenever justification is needed.

He was guilty of minor firearms violations. He was not "exonerated", he was convicted of two charges I believe, and won a civil suit against the US government for the wrongful deaths of his family members.

He was not found guilty of weapons violations. He was found guilty of failing to appear in court to answer for weapons violations.

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