Chuck Hagel: 'I'm a Republican. I'm not sure what that means anymore.'

Why would a republican consent to be interviewed by far left media outlet like MSNBC and dis his former president? Can you spell RINO?
"i'm a Christian, a conservative, and a that order!" - Mike Pence
it means worshipping and kissing Trump's feet!

you really need to seek help[ for your TDS,,, the republican party has bigger problems that trump,,

No they don’t. Anyone who doesn’t toe the line is being primaries by the extremists. In Alaska Trump has come out and already endorsed the primary challenger for Murkowski.

The last time they did that to her Murkowski won as a write in Independent. Instead of getting every seat possible filled by a Republican. They are making sure that any seats that are filled are done so by the right Republicans. Those who are approved by Trump.

Trump is literally their biggest problem. They can’t start looking at a majority until they put him out to pasture. And they won’t do that. If he dies they’ll turn him into Mao. Putting his mummified corpse on display for all time.
Hagel and those like him need to face the fact that his former party is now about one person.

I can understand his confusion, since America hasn't seen this before. But, hey, it is what it is.

It will be up to him and those like him to figure out a solution. Or just fade way, one of the two.

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