Chuck Hagel: Unworthy of Confirmation


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Chuck Hagel: Unworthy of Confirmation

February 1, 2013
By Joseph Klein


Chuck Hagel’s battle to become the next Secretary of Defense, succeeding Leon Panetta, took center stage on Thursday at his Senate confirmation hearing. At times appearing like a deer caught in the headlights, he was unable to handle the tough questions addressed at his record. He appeared at times dazed, bewildered and unable to defend his record of disturbing policy positions, many of which he disavowed during the hearing and could not explain why. In light of his performance, those senators who had been undecided about confirming Hagel certainly have ample reason now to join with their conservative colleagues in refusing to send a candidate so unworthy to the Pentagon.

Things got off to a rocky start when a protester demanding benefits for gay and lesbian families who serve in the military stood up holding a sign that said, “We serve equally. We deserve equality.” But this friendly fire from the Left was only the beginning.


• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”

• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization. And, on multiple occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran—a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue a nuclear weapons capability, and employ terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to threaten the security of Israel and the region.”


Chuck Hagel: Unworthy of Confirmation
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I find it amazing that an American veteran of war is criticized because he can think on his own, has his own opinions, and doesn't follow the crowd. What has happened to the American sense of freedom and honor in this partisan climate of hatred?

"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point of their life, signed a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of 'up to and including my life. " anon

• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”

• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization. And, on multiple occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran—a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue a nuclear weapons capability, and employ terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to threaten the security of Israel and the region.”

Awww, you forgot to mention the real reason behind this.
He refuses to swear allegiance to the Fflag......of Israel.

That's what's behind it all, a man refuses to put a foreign country before his own so the agents of that rogue state use all their power to get rid of him

When will Americans stop foreign countries, sorry, a foreign country dictating who can serve in the US government?
I find it amazing that an American veteran of war is criticized because he can think on his own, has his own opinions, and doesn't follow the crowd. What has happened to the American sense of freedom and honor in this partisan climate of hatred?

"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point of their life, signed a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of 'up to and including my life. " anon

You forgot to mention that he also has the endorsement of Iran. What has happened to the American sense of freedom and honor in this partisan climate of hatred, indeed. What has happened to putting the safety of America first when it comes to dictators and lying politicians who support them? Iran is run by Islamist clerics. The elections are a sham.

• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”

• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization. And, on multiple occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran—a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue a nuclear weapons capability, and employ terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to threaten the security of Israel and the region.”

Awww, you forgot to mention the real reason behind this.
He refuses to swear allegiance to the Fflag......of Israel.

That's what's behind it all, a man refuses to put a foreign country before his own so the agents of that rogue state use all their power to get rid of him

When will Americans stop foreign countries, sorry, a foreign country dictating who can serve in the US government?

Israel is a democracy. Iran has endorsed him; therefore, He is swearing allegiance to Iran, a repressive dictatorship run by Islamist clerics.
NONSENSE, more western Taliban fools posturing. Hagel of course was an enlisted man, in combat. That is what alienates the STAY AT HOME soldiers. They want an OTHER PRIORITIES than MILITARY SERVICE DoD chief like Cheney. MOVE to your most favored nation, Saudi Arabia. Grovel at your King's feet, like baby Bush.
If Hagel is unable to support our allies, like Israel and instead supports our enemies, like Iran, he should not serve in the office of Secretary of Defense. He can have all the personal opinions he wants. But he should not serve in an office where his opinions will be used in policies for the detriment of our government.

That's why it's surprising that democrats don't want him. If it wasn't for the exhibition of cluelessness, they probably would. The questioning of Chuck Hagel looked like a clip from Jimmy Kimmel's LieWitness News. That's how dumb he looked.
I have to agree that Chuck Hagel is not the best for that position. I dislike his stance on Israel in the past and him being anti war doesnt bother me as much as he seemed to be anti military.
I wouldnt be disapointed if he didnt get the nod
I find it amazing that an American veteran of war is criticized because he can think on his own, has his own opinions, and doesn't follow the crowd. What has happened to the American sense of freedom and honor in this partisan climate of hatred?

"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point of their life, signed a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of 'up to and including my life. " anon

You forgot to mention that he also has the endorsement of Iran. What has happened to the American sense of freedom and honor in this partisan climate of hatred, indeed. What has happened to putting the safety of America first when it comes to dictators and lying politicians who support them? Iran is run by Islamist clerics. The elections are a sham.

Weren't jews who live in Iran approached by isareali jews who said come live in israel. Their reply "ummm..... no thanks"? Not everyone in Iran is a fanatic contrary to what israel firsters & rw'ers in general may say @ here.

• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”

• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization. And, on multiple occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran—a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue a nuclear weapons capability, and employ terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to threaten the security of Israel and the region.”

Awww, you forgot to mention the real reason behind this.
He refuses to swear allegiance to the Fflag......of Israel.

That's what's behind it all, a man refuses to put a foreign country before his own so the agents of that rogue state use all their power to get rid of him

When will Americans stop foreign countries, sorry, a foreign country dictating who can serve in the US government?

Israel is a democracy. Iran has endorsed him; therefore, He is swearing allegiance to Iran, a repressive dictatorship run by Islamist clerics.

Nice try, smoke, but a nice try.
His grilling was mainly about his less than enthusiastic position regarding Israel.

Basically, he's not pro Israel enough so he's not suitable to be an American politician, regardless of what American voters though when they voted for him.

Israel has such power in American politics, the AMERICAN voter have no actual say in their own government, at least the bits regarding Israel.
Weren't jews who live in Iran approached by isareali jews who said come live in israel. Their reply "ummm..... no thanks"? Not everyone in Iran is a fanatic contrary to what israel firsters & rw'ers in general may say @ here.

I'd have to look up your 'fact' before I could comment but I've met a lot of Iranians and liked all except one.
Watching documentaries about cultural/everyday life in Iran suggests the country is a pretty nice place but I can't say I'm keen on the government there.

I would not support any attack on Iran because:
Too many innocents would get hurt
The evidence for a nuclear program is dodgy at best
Iran has attacked no one

I know the Israeli lot are going to come back and tell me how Iran attacks by proxy but tell me Israel doesn't and I'll accept your argument.
Chuck Hagel: Unworthy of Confirmation

February 1, 2013
By Joseph Klein


Chuck Hagel’s battle to become the next Secretary of Defense, succeeding Leon Panetta, took center stage on Thursday at his Senate confirmation hearing. At times appearing like a deer caught in the headlights, he was unable to handle the tough questions addressed at his record. He appeared at times dazed, bewildered and unable to defend his record of disturbing policy positions, many of which he disavowed during the hearing and could not explain why. In light of his performance, those senators who had been undecided about confirming Hagel certainly have ample reason now to join with their conservative colleagues in refusing to send a candidate so unworthy to the Pentagon.

Things got off to a rocky start when a protester demanding benefits for gay and lesbian families who serve in the military stood up holding a sign that said, “We serve equally. We deserve equality.” But this friendly fire from the Left was only the beginning.


• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”

• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization. And, on multiple occasions, he has advocated for direct negotiations with Iran—a regime that continues to repress its people, doggedly pursue a nuclear weapons capability, and employ terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to threaten the security of Israel and the region.”


Chuck Hagel: Unworthy of Confirmation
Thank you for a thought provoking link, American Jihad. I read all of it, and was particularly concerned about a point raised by Senator Inhofe, who is the ranking Republicann on the Armed Services committee. Hagel snubbed his request for his finances. This is important in military items to ensure that the person is not receiving remunerations of any kind from foreign hostile (or friendly) sources. He summarized it this way and left a list of 3 very important deficiencies in the candidate's credentials which are at the above link along with this quote:

Then came the turn of Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), the new ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee. Inhofe has serious problems with the Hagel nomination. First, he complained that he had not received the information on Hagel’s finances that he had requested. Then he took a shot at Hagel’s lack of judgment on the critical national security issues facing the nation.
“We are just too philosophically opposed on the pressing issues facing our country for me to support his nomination,” Senator Inhofe said. “His record demonstrates what I view as a lack of sound judgment and steadfast support for policies that diminish U.S. power and influence.”

Senator Inhofe's 3 following points were made about the nominee:

• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”
• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”
• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization.
My worry would be he would revert back to his firm stand in favor of terrorists and reluctance to deal with their evil plans to wipe Israel off the face of the map. If I were a Senator, I'd have a tough time giving this particular brave American former soldier top billing. While he served honorably, he's coddled people who sent their IEDs to Iraq that maimed and killed many of our soldiers. When we reinforced troops' humvees to protect them from these deadly IEDs, Iran sent IEDs to correspondingly destroy the quadruple-reinforced humvees.

Hagel can't stand up to Iran. He's not showing a clean financial record. There is a reason he didn't show his financial record, and the American people shouldn't tolerate this snub of someone who is accountable to the American people as ranking Republican Armed Services Committee Senator Inhofe is.

Do not under any circumstances approve this secretive, change-story character as Secretary of Defense. He's total trouble, imho, namely on account of his refusal to come clean over his financial affairs. That is the elephant sitting on the table in this nomination. Nobody must serve in that job who may have accepted favors from the mullahs of Iran. I want proof positive he didn't since he's been so friendly to those terrorist supporters! Against our troops, too!!!!!
Senator Inhofe's 3 following points were made about the nominee:

• “On the defense budget and sequestration, Senator Hagel’s views are contrary to the judgment of our top civilian and military leaders.”
• “Too often, it seems, he is willing to subscribe to a worldview that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”
• “In 2001, he was one of just two Senators who voted against a bill extending harsh sanctions against Iran. A year later, he urged the Bush administration to support Iran’s membership in the World Trade Organization. He voted against a resolution designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps – a group responsible for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan—a terrorist organization.

.) the current congress is responsible for the sequestration even existing
.) Repubs prefer using the military over diplomacy in no small part to keep the military industrial complex pumping out $ to contractors/campaign donors. I get it.
.) Unilateral sanctions only hurt the businesses in America which are losing out.

bottom line he is a Vietnam vet, as well as his brother, walking around with shrapnel in his chest and a 2-term senator

becki talking about "our troops" lol. Hagel's a vet, I'm a vet. becki? not so much.
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the current congress is responsible for the sequestration even existing
Repubs prefer using the military over diplomacy. I get it.
Unilateral sanctions only hurt the businesses in america which are losing out.
So you want to feather the nests of a government that has engaged in a war by proxy with American troops by saboteuring them in their vehicles, leaving thousands of them maimed, legless, and sexless for life.

That's what Chuck Hagel has stood for since 9/11--no matter what they do or threaten, be nice to these maimers of our troops. I'm not putting up with that. :poop:
I looked it up. Those terrorists Hagel has cozied up to for years took out the lives of 4,287 troops between 2003-2009 and sent 30,182 home with serious if not life-threatening wounds. Losing your mobility is not only very inconvenient, it takes off 15 years from life expectancy. And they're still going after our troops and our embassies, funded by oil-rich governments of the Middle East by proxy, any which way they can, our troops are their targets.

No slush funds for terrorists. Give us a military leader who deals with criminal governments with strength. Only then will we be left alone. this kissing ass to terrorist governments rather than making them accountable for their unleashings against our service people, over there doing their jobs to keep murderers out of power is not acceptable. US Casualties in Iraq
I looked it up. Those terrorists Hagel has cozied up to for years took out the lives of 4,287 troops between 2003-2009 and sent 30,182 home with serious if not life-threatening wounds. Losing your mobility is not only very inconvenient, it takes off 15 years from life expectancy. And they're still going after our troops and our embassies, funded by oil-rich governments of the Middle East by proxy, any which way they can, our troops are their targets.

No slush funds for terrorists. Give us a military leader who deals with criminal governments with strength. Only then will we be left alone. this kissing ass to terrorist governments rather than making them accountable for their unleashings against our service people, over there doing their jobs to keep murderers out of power is not acceptable. US Casualties in Iraq

"looked it up"? Wheres the link? I hope you're not referring to that "war-of-choice" that the last Republican admin started becki because that means those casualties & injuries could have been avoided. How many combat rotations YOU been on in your life? :doubt: YET you don't hesitate to talk sabre rattling like other repub civilian asswipes, throwing MORE troops into one of your hastily started meat-grinder wars.
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the current congress is responsible for the sequestration even existing
Repubs prefer using the military over diplomacy. I get it.
Unilateral sanctions only hurt the businesses in america which are losing out.
So you want to feather the nests of a government that has engaged in a war by proxy with American troops by saboteuring them in their vehicles, leaving thousands of them maimed, legless, and sexless for life.

That's what Chuck Hagel has stood for since 9/11--no matter what they do or threaten, be nice to these maimers of our troops. I'm not putting up with that. :poop:

Basically the certainty is that if america helps Iran kill all the Jews there will be world peace. If muslims aren't satisfied with killing the Jews, american liberals will be overjoyed to help them start on killing Christians. Libetals have a lot in common with fundamentalist muslims. They all want to rid the world of Jesus. His ethnicity and his believers.

Hagel is a believer. If we hate the way our enemies do, they will be our friends. Together they can rid the world of both Jews and Christians.
the current congress is responsible for the sequestration even existing
Repubs prefer using the military over diplomacy. I get it.
Unilateral sanctions only hurt the businesses in america which are losing out.
So you want to feather the nests of a government that has engaged in a war by proxy with American troops by saboteuring them in their vehicles, leaving thousands of them maimed, legless, and sexless for life.

That's what Chuck Hagel has stood for since 9/11--no matter what they do or threaten, be nice to these maimers of our troops. I'm not putting up with that. :poop:

Basically the certainty is that if america helps Iran kill all the Jews there will be world peace. If muslims aren't satisfied with killing the Jews, american liberals will be overjoyed to help them start on killing Christians. Libetals have a lot in common with fundamentalist muslims. They all want to rid the world of Jesus. His ethnicity and his believers.

Hagel is a believer. If we hate the way our enemies do, they will be our friends. Together they can rid the world of both Jews and Christians.
The last time they tried to rid the world of Jewish people, they murdered 6 million in cold blood. In the process, World War II was used as an opportunity around the world of governments to kill indigenous peoples they considered inconvenient, and the world cost in lives was well over 50 million people, with some estimates twice that when including Russian elimination tactics of starving out selected populations and China's revolution. World wars are horrific, and dictators take advantage of unwanted populations when their adversaries attention is elsewhere.

That's why we must have astute American military leadership that comes from within the military and not from feel-good guys who experiment around with theories that haven't particularly worked well in the real world. And Mr. Hagel is such a good looking man too. Unfortunately, his voting record probably is indicative that he would not be a power to reckon with after his history is known fully.
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