Chupacabra found alive in Texas?

Poor thing. Looks like a mangy dog. They need to get it to a shelter where vets can treat it...or see if it IS a different species newly found.
You're right, Gracie! I don't care what it is, it doesn't deserve to be kept in that little cage like that! Actually, that's the trap it was caught in, so apparently that's what they're keeping it in? What, does it have to go potty right in that little cage, too? That's animal abuse, someone needs to step in and make sure the little creature is treated humanely!
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You're right, Gracie! I don't care what it is, it doesn't deserve to be kept in that little cage like that! Actually, that's the trap it was caught in, so apparently that's what they're keeping it in? What, does it have to go potty right in that little cage, too? That's animal abuse, someone needs to step in and make sure the little creature is treated humanely!

Be thankful, they didn't shot and kill it, as many of these strange creatures have been. Supposedly they have dog DNA, but if a dog, I would think it's a new breed, and where did it come from? They have been killed from Kentucky to Texas and many states in between. I suspect, since TV coverage that there will be further investigation and better care taken of this little animal.
Seems a little too close to April Fools Day

But it doesn't appear to be a dog
It's a dog.
Looks more raccoon than dog but the snout does not look like a raccoon
The animal that was caught in Texas does not look like that hairless raccoon that was caught and rescued in Florida.
The nose and face seem different to me.


Florida hairless raccoon
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It does carry itself like a raccoon and the snarl was like a coon. It also used its paws like a raccoon would
Poor thing :( whatever he is he looks so scared....

I hope he gets the protection he needs.
Poor baby is a raccoon with mange. I hope they can treat it. Good for those that weren't sure that didn't just blow it away and wanted to find out what it was.

Dip it and set it free!
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By the way, what a sweetie pie. We're all commenting on what it is or isn't but the sweetheart is strangely adorable.

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