Church Hires Convicted Sex Offender, Kids banned from Church while he is present.


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Church Hires Convicted Sex Offender, Kids banned from Church while he is present.

A convicted sex offender can keep on preaching, but children are barred from attending his sermons.

The Florida Times Union reports that lawyers for Darrell Gilyard withdrew a motion to allow minors at sermons conducted by the former Jacksonville, Fla., megachurch pastor.

Though children are not allowed, attendance at the Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church has spiked since Gilyard began preaching in January, less than two months after he was released from prison, according to the Times Union.

Darrell Gilyard Controversy: Church Hires Convicted Sex Offender, No Kids Allowed At Sermons (VIDEO)

Gilyard, 50, pleaded guilty in 2009 to lewd or lascivious conduct and molestation involving two girls younger than 16. He remains on a three-year supervised probation that bars him from having unsupervised contact with minors.

And membership and attendence is UP at the church! WTF is happening to this world?

I can't wrap my head around the parent that says "our new pastor just got out of jail for molestation, let's take the kids to hear him speak". ...

"We came because the children who we should be teaching and preaching cannot come out today," said Mikhail Muhammad, the leader of the New Black Panther party, a group of protesters who want Gilyard, who was only released from prison in December, to leave the church.
"The black ministers in the city of Jacksonville ought to be ashamed of themselves. How can you say you're a follower of Christ but you won't stand up and speak out against this injustice?," Muhammad asked. There have been several "ugly exchanges" between church-goers and protesters, the Guardian*reported, as many are divided over whether a man convicted of such a crime deserves to preach in front of a congregation again."

Looks like his preaching is not sitting well with the community. Sheesh this guy sounds like a real piece of work.

I can't wrap my head around the parent that says "our new pastor just got out of jail for molestation, let's take the kids to hear him speak". ...

I read one article where the Bishop said they were down ( meaning the church was not doing that good) and the preacher was down, so this is to "lift both parties up" and give the church and this convicted molestor a second chance!

"We came because the children who we should be teaching and preaching cannot come out today," said Mikhail Muhammad, the leader of the New Black Panther party, a group of protesters who want Gilyard, who was only released from prison in December, to leave the church.
"The black ministers in the city of Jacksonville ought to be ashamed of themselves. How can you say you're a follower of Christ but you won't stand up and speak out against this injustice?," Muhammad asked. There have been several "ugly exchanges" between church-goers and protesters, the Guardian*reported, as many are divided over whether a man convicted of such a crime deserves to preach in front of a congregation again."

Looks like his preaching is not sitting well with the community. Sheesh this guy sounds like a real piece of work.

What kills me is he was just released from jail, not like he attended any program or even finished parole. He was released and then hired!

And you know what? The molestation in the article I posted was NOT his only stint with sexual misconduct:

While in his 20s, Gilyard pastored Victory Baptist Church in Texas, one of the nation's 10 fastest-growing congregations, but left in 1993 after he was accused of sexual impropriety.

He then went on to Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, which had to settle a sexual misconduct allegation against him in 1996.

However, the accusations against Gilyard extend further than his conviction of abusing the 15-year-old girl. According to the Guardian's report, in 2004, Gilyard also admitted that he had fathered a child with a woman who had accused him of raping her during a counseling session – however, the pastor was never charged with a crime.

Read more at Pastor Darrell Gilyard's Sex Offender Status Divides Fla. Community

I can't wrap my head around the parent that says "our new pastor just got out of jail for molestation, let's take the kids to hear him speak". ...

Well, some people don't deserve to be parents.
Democrats believe that he has paid his debt to society and deserves to be restored to his place as a free citizen as if the molestations never happened.

It's how democrats elected an 8 time loser ex-con to political office, how Jesse Jackson Jr. won reelection quite easily, how Marion Berry got elected Mayor after he was released from prison and how Alan Grayson got so many votes.
Check out the sex offender thread. Some don't think he should be "reminded" of past crimes or stigmatized...and others think that it's the resposibility of the kids to identify and reject the advanced of pedophiles.
Check out the sex offender thread. Some don't think he should be "reminded" of past crimes or stigmatized...and others think that it's the resposibility of the kids to identify and reject the advanced of pedophiles.

It's a matter of fairness and equality. It's civil rights. This is what happens when a society, when a nation becomes degenerate. Degeneracy itself becomes acceptable. Where there is fairness the people lose the ability to judge right from wrong or good from evil. We owe the offender fairness and equality and we owe the children therapy to help them deal with the crimes committed on them. To learn to be more accepting themselves of what is evil. To get over it by becoming more accepting and inclusive themselves.
I believe that a person can change at any time in their life. If the guy doesn't do what he did time for anymore, then I think that he should be given the chance to show the rest of us that he is not the same person anymore. As for kids being banned from the church when he is there, to me, that is not fair. In my opinion, church is where kids need to be in this day and age and if the only way that they can be there is if the guy is supervised, then someone should be there to supervise him. The guy not minding the supervision will be another way for him to show that he has truly changed anyways. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and the victims of his past always!!! :) :) :)

I believe that a person can change at any time in their life. If the guy doesn't do what he did time for anymore, then I think that he should be given the chance to show the rest of us that he is not the same person anymore. As for kids being banned from the church when he is there, to me, that is not fair. In my opinion, church is where kids need to be in this day and age and if the only way that they can be there is if the guy is supervised, then someone should be there to supervise him. The guy not minding the supervision will be another way for him to show that he has truly changed anyways. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and the victims of his past always!!! :) :) :)


It really is all about fairness isn't it?
I believe that a person can change at any time in their life. If the guy doesn't do what he did time for anymore, then I think that he should be given the chance to show the rest of us that he is not the same person anymore. As for kids being banned from the church when he is there, to me, that is not fair. In my opinion, church is where kids need to be in this day and age and if the only way that they can be there is if the guy is supervised, then someone should be there to supervise him. The guy not minding the supervision will be another way for him to show that he has truly changed anyways. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and the victims of his past always!!! :) :) :)


Would you let your child be the first one he guides in the ways of the Lord so the world can see he is not the same sex offender who went to prison?

I would never expose my child to this creep. I am entrusted with my child's welfare and to make those decisions which will keep him safe and allow him to grow into a well balanced and happy individual. Taking a chance that my child my lose his innocence to a convicted child sex offender would make me as culpable and sick as the sex offender himself.
It doesn't matter than any one person isn't a degenerate themselves. Once they accept degeneracy, excuse it, reason it, rationalize it away, they become just as bad as the degenerate.

Who is the most culpable offender? The depraved that preys on children, or the parent who is certain that the depraved heart has changed.

It's the parent who knowingly sends their child into harm on the hope that the criminal won't commit a crime this time.
I believe that a person can change at any time in their life. If the guy doesn't do what he did time for anymore, then I think that he should be given the chance to show the rest of us that he is not the same person anymore. As for kids being banned from the church when he is there, to me, that is not fair. In my opinion, church is where kids need to be in this day and age and if the only way that they can be there is if the guy is supervised, then someone should be there to supervise him. The guy not minding the supervision will be another way for him to show that he has truly changed anyways. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and the victims of his past always!!! :) :) :)


Your feelings are valid to a point but we do not put our children at risk in order to give someone who has abused children another chance. We can forgive criminals....but we are under no obligation to put our children at risk. Pedophiles are dangerous, there is a reason they are not allowed to mingle with children in places where children congregate...churches, movie theatres, skate rinks, to name a few. Because those are the venues they frequent and use to hide their crimes.

Forgive him certainly..but if you want children in church, don't be such a moron as to hire a pedophile to lead the church. That's just stupidity. Perhaps convicted pedophiles should start preaching to their own, instead of continuing to troll for victims with the support of naive nitwits like you.
At my church, my children are very loving towards the pastor..they seek him out before and after services to give him a hug, they like to sit up front with him before we start, they like to eat with him. I don't want a convicted pedophile fulfilling that role in the kids' life.
The congregation should yank him...

....and I don't meant it that way either.
It really is all about fairness isn't it?
Well I am a fair skinned person. I can't tan worth a flip, so I might as well go all the way. :) :) :)

Would you let your child be the first one he guides in the ways of the Lord so the world can see he is not the same sex offender who went to prison?

I would never expose my child to this creep. I am entrusted with my child's welfare and to make those decisions which will keep him safe and allow him to grow into a well balanced and happy individual. Taking a chance that my child my lose his innocence to a convicted child sex offender would make me as culpable and sick as the sex offender himself.
Would I let my children be the first? If I had any children, sure! As long as I am always in their picture, why not? And if I don't like something that is said or done in my children's presence, then me and them are up and out of there. It is as simple as that. It is up to the parents and no one else what their kids are exposed to and its a parents responsibility to teach their kids what is right if they see another person say or do something wrong.

Your feelings are valid to a point but we do not put our children at risk in order to give someone who has abused children another chance. We can forgive criminals....but we are under no obligation to put our children at risk. Pedophiles are dangerous, there is a reason they are not allowed to mingle with children in places where children congregate...churches, movie theatres, skate rinks, to name a few. Because those are the venues they frequent and use to hide their crimes.

Forgive him certainly..but if you want children in church, don't be such a moron as to hire a pedophile to lead the church. That's just stupidity. Perhaps convicted pedophiles should start preaching to their own, instead of continuing to troll for victims with the support of naive nitwits like you.
As long as your kids are never out of your sight, what is there to worry about?

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, no one should be stripped of their right to go to church because of something that they did in their past, especially if they were appropriately punished for the wrong that they did and most especially do not do the wrong anymore. :) :) :)
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I believe that a person can change at any time in their life. If the guy doesn't do what he did time for anymore, then I think that he should be given the chance to show the rest of us that he is not the same person anymore. As for kids being banned from the church when he is there, to me, that is not fair. In my opinion, church is where kids need to be in this day and age and if the only way that they can be there is if the guy is supervised, then someone should be there to supervise him. The guy not minding the supervision will be another way for him to show that he has truly changed anyways. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and the victims of his past always!!! :) :) :)


Your feelings are valid to a point but we do not put our children at risk in order to give someone who has abused children another chance. We can forgive criminals....but we are under no obligation to put our children at risk. Pedophiles are dangerous, there is a reason they are not allowed to mingle with children in places where children congregate...churches, movie theatres, skate rinks, to name a few. Because those are the venues they frequent and use to hide their crimes.

Forgive him certainly..but if you want children in church, don't be such a moron as to hire a pedophile to lead the church. That's just stupidity. Perhaps convicted pedophiles should start preaching to their own, instead of continuing to troll for victims with the support of naive nitwits like you.

Do you know who gets the most love letters in prison? Serial killers on death row who kill women. Love letters, marriage proposals, money into the prison bank account.

He's changed.
I can change him.
I can love him and understand him so much that he won't ever hurt anyone again.
Never underestimate the power of love.

People don't change. They will never recognize evil among them. Especially today when there isn't any evil, there are just various levels of misunderstanding.

Did you hear the survivors' statements against Jared Loughner? Loughner was FAILED bya society that didn't help him. It wasn't his fault, he's sick. Child molesters are treated the same way, we don't trust them, we don't understand them, we don't help them enough. We must PROVE how much we trust them with children by giving them children.

The onus is never on the offender, it is always on the law abiding.
And it goes beyond is wonderful to forgive, and we are told to love one another, and appreciate we are all sinful. But even those who are saved by Christ must face consequences in this life as well. Sometimes those consequences are extreme, sometimes not. If he cannot be around children, they are foolhardy to place him in a position of power and confidence.

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