Churches Denounce Israel Violence Aganst Christians

So what's the deal-eee-o, folks... did we ever hear from the Israelis, explaining why they strong-armed the Coptic priest? If that's already materialized here and I've missed it, my apologies. Any feedback yet from the ones who are accused of doing it?

i.e. - have we heard from both sides yet?
Israel apologized to Egypt for it. I mentioned that already, and the abuse against an Egyptinan cleric was forever memorialized in a video. Article. Christians denounce Israel’s manhandling of worshipers at Holy Sepulcher on Easter weekend; Israel apologizes to Egypt.Christians denounce Israel's manhandling of worshipers at Holy Sepulchre on Easter weekend; Israel apologizes to Egypt

That's nice Israel apologized because someone felt man-handled in crowd
control efforts I am impressed with Israel-----turkey has yet to apologize
for murdering two million armenian CIVILIANS ---unarmed men woman and
children in 1915 Perhaps Israel can avoid the problem altogether
by CLOSING Jerusalem to all non jews-----just as muslims avoid such problems
by closing mecca and medina to all non muslims and even Egypt avoids problems
in Cairo by closing the synagogue of Maimonides to jews Tunisia avoided
the PILGRIMAGE PROBLEM by burning the 2500 year old synagogue there
to the ground ----it had been a site of pilgrimage for some jews for more than
1000 years
A group that calls itself*Palestinian Christians*issued an alarming* "angry" appeal to the heads of churches stating that Palestinian Christians were unable to enter the church. They called on the leaders to "say a word of truth to the Israeli Authorities... your silence kill us..... this year, was the worst."From the group's Facebook post:Military barriers were put in the Old city of Jerusalem. Christian Palestinians, from the Christian Quarter could not reach the Holy Sepulchre Church.All the ways going to the Holy Sepulchre were closed.All entrances to the Holy Sepulchre were closedThe place before the Basilica was closedInside the Church were also military barriers, even around the “Stone of Anointment” and the “Sepulchre”.Christians were forbidden to reach freely to the Church. The soldiers aggressed them.Whose intention is it to forbid us to pray in the Holy Sepulchre?The Church was full with Israeli soldiers with their weapons, guns, hats, eating sandwiches, joking, speaking with their mobile phones, hearing songs, laughing loudly…
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A video released Tuesday showed Jerusalem Police assault an elderly Egyptian Coptic priest outside an Old City church on May 4, while he and various other Egyptian clerics and diplomats attempted to attend a holiday mass one day before Easter.Related:Church leaders condemn J’lem police ‘brutality’The six-minute video, released by*Maariv, clearly depicts the highly-publicized assault, during which Father Arsanios, the 85-year-old head of the Coptic Church in Ramallah, can be seen being battered by the officers.Following the melee, which reportedly started due to a disagreement over how the parishioners could enter the church, Arsanios briefly lost consciousness, and was subsequently treated and released at an area hospital.The confrontation resulted in a formal apology from Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin on Thursday to Cairo, as well as a joint letter from heads of the Churches of Jerusalem condemning the Jerusalem officers.While Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld would not discuss details of the video when contacted for comment Tuesday, he said police are actively meeting with representatives of the Egyptian church to resolve the incident.“ Video shows Jerusalem Police assault elderly priest | JPost | Israel News This article refers to a 6 minute Maariv video, my phone is not pulling up the video link in the artickle, it may or may not be the video I am posting in my next post.
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A group that calls itself*Palestinian Christians*issued an alarming* "angry" appeal to the heads of churches stating that Palestinian Christians were unable to enter the church. They called on the leaders to "say a word of truth to the Israeli Authorities... your silence kill us..... this year, was the worst."From the group's Facebook post:Military barriers were put in the Old city of Jerusalem. Christian Palestinians, from the Christian Quarter could not reach the Holy Sepulchre Church.All the ways going to the Holy Sepulchre were closed.All entrances to the Holy Sepulchre were closedThe place before the Basilica was closedInside the Church were also military barriers, even around the “Stone of Anointment” and the “Sepulchre”.Christians were forbidden to reach freely to the Church. The soldiers aggressed them.Whose intention is it to forbid us to pray in the Holy Sepulchre?The Church was full with Israeli soldiers with their weapons, guns, hats, eating sandwiches, joking, speaking with their mobile phones, hearing songs, laughing loudly… Christians denounce Israel's manhandling of worshipers at Holy Sepulchre on Easter weekend; Israel apologizes to Egypt
Oh! The utter brutality in that video. Like watching a martial arts kick boxing match. The blood and gore was horrific.
New Developments: RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – UNESCO will send a fact-finding commission on May 20 to investigate ongoing Israeli measures in Jerusalem, the Palestinian minister of foreign affairs said Thursday.*Riyad al-Malki told a news conference in Ramallah that the commission would spend five days in Jerusalem before returning to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to submit a detailed report.*The last time an international commission investigated Israeli procedures in Jerusalem was in 2004.*Al-Malki highlighted that Israeli assaults against holy places in Jerusalem were part of a systematic policy crystallized recently. There have been clear attempts to take control of the al-Aqsa Mosque and its squares and gates, he said.President Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, has asked the ministry of foreign affairs to call an emergency meeting of the Arab League. The council convened Sunday, added al-Malki, and came up with several decisions related to Jerusalem.*Messages have also been sent to foreign ministers all over the world urging them to help protect Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem and to exert pressure on Israel.*
New Developments: RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – UNESCO will send a fact-finding commission on May 20 to investigate ongoing Israeli measures in Jerusalem, the Palestinian minister of foreign affairs said Thursday.*Riyad al-Malki told a news conference in Ramallah that the commission would spend five days in Jerusalem before returning to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to submit a detailed report.*The last time an international commission investigated Israeli procedures in Jerusalem was in 2004.*Al-Malki highlighted that Israeli assaults against holy places in Jerusalem were part of a systematic policy crystallized recently. There have been clear attempts to take control of the al-Aqsa Mosque and its squares and gates, he said.President Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, has asked the ministry of foreign affairs to call an emergency meeting of the Arab League. The council convened Sunday, added al-Malki, and came up with several decisions related to Jerusalem.*Messages have also been sent to foreign ministers all over the world urging them to help protect Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem and to exert pressure on Israel.*
UNESCO to send fact-finding commission to Jerusalem | Maan News Agency
Resource: Muslim persecution of Christians in Palestine | Norway, Israel and the Jews

Recent Comments

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Resource: Muslim persecution of Christians in Palestine

This resource page is intended for Norwegian journalists and scholars, who often blame Israel for the exodus of Christians from the Palestinian territories. Yet the situation in Palestine is only part of larger picture, with Christians having been persecuted by Muslims since long before the state of Israel was proclaimed in 1948.

It is Muslim intolerance that is driving Christians out of the region. This post, which will be updated regularly, provides links to sources of information. Norwegian journalists may not claim that they do not cover the issue due to a lack of reliable sources.

•Open Doors: An evangelical organization speaking for persecuted Christians worldwide. The Economist refers to this organization in its July-August issue (2010), in the article “Stop preaching or get out” (page 31) on Christians facing persecution in Morocco. If Open Doors is good enough for the Economist, it ought to be good enough for Norwegian journalists. Open Doors has a Norwegian/Swedish office.
•Minority Rights Group International offers the report “State of the world’s minorities and indigenous peoples 2010“.

•Asianews, March 17 2010, Palestinian Broadcaster shuts down the only Christian TV broadcaster in the territories,
•Washington Post, May 14th 2010, “Obliterating Iraq’s Christians” by Nina Shea, director of Hudson’s Institute for Religious Freedom.
•Jerusalem Post, January 25th 2007, Christian families in Betlehem say Muslim thugs are persecuting them, 15 years from now, there will be no Christians left in the city.
•BBC offers: Guide: Christians in the Middle East.
•Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) offers a wealth of information on the impact of Islamic conquest on the Christians of the Middle East, among other in this commentary to a 2009 issue of the National Geographic.
•Books: From the holy mountain, William Dalrymple (Amazon). In Norwegian, I skyggen av Byzants. Lila Gilbert, co-author of “Their blood cries out” (1997)

Wonder if the " christian" hypocrite sees anything wrong with the above. This is only one example.
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