Chutkan just denied Trump's discovery request for videotapes--she actually thinks a witness's demeanor can be gleaned from a written record.

I am begining to think that P01135809 is now getting his lawyers from a box of Cracker-Jack.

Why would a top notch defense attorney sign on to defend a client who:
  • refuses to take legal advice
  • demands that his lawyers use spurious arguments based on laws that done't exist, and will likely fire you if you refuses
  • goes on national television and confesses to the crime - "Yeah, I did it, it's not illegal." Well yes it is, and you just made a public confession
  • Everyone who has ever taken a meeting with Trump makes notes and/or audio recordings of because when, not if, Trump throws them under the bus and blames them for his crimes, they can defend themselves in court; and
  • last but not least, he doesn't pay his lawyers (See Guiliani, Powell, Ellis)
Anybody who isn't anti trump is totally misinformed
Anyone who is anti-trump is totally misinformed and doesn't deserve to live in this great country.

The defense is entitled to look at everything during discovery, not just what the prosecutor tells them he might use, Dumbass.

There could be all kinds of exculpatory evidence in there that Jack Smith won't touch.

Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance of our court system.

That may be true, but Trump should know what's in the evidence, he was there. He should know what evidence he has that caused him to act this way, and what should exonerate him.

If the prosecutor tells them what he's going to use, that's a huge head start because this is the stuff he has to call into dispute directly.

For example, the case I'm currently involved in, the defense is trying to use a Court Order given at a Hearing which was subsequently overturned as being "invalidly given", as part of his evidence against me. I'm submitting the subsequent Order quashing the original order and calling it overturned on Appeal, "irrelevant" to the current matter, in which I am the Plaintiff.

If this is how the Defendant intends to win this case, he has no evidence whatsoever.
That may be true, but Trump should know what's in the evidence, he was there. He should know what evidence he has that caused him to act this way, and what should exonerate him.

If the prosecutor tells them what he's going to use, that's a huge head start because this is the stuff he has to call into dispute directly.

For example, the case I'm currently involved in, the defense is trying to use a Court Order given at a Hearing which was subsequently overturned as being "invalidly given", as part of his evidence against me. I'm submitting the subsequent Order quashing the original order and calling it overturned on Appeal, "irrelevant" to the current matter, in which I am the Plaintiff.

If this is how the Defendant intends to win this case, he has no evidence whatsoever.
Really? Trump was there for every second of the investigation by Jack Smith and privy to what they were putting together?

Once again you demonstrate your complete ignorance of our legal system, you KKKanadian vermin shit.
Really? Trump was there for every second of the investigation by Jack Smith and privy to what they were putting together?

Once again you demonstrate your complete ignorance of our legal system, you KKKanadian vermin shit.
The Vermin are active and vicious in this thread. Anti-American pieces of shit who don't care about the rule of law and fairness across political lines. They don't deserve to live in America and should definitely move to a place which embodies their principles of dishonesty and persecution.
The Vermin are active and vicious in this thread. Anti-American pieces of shit who don't care about the rule of law and fairness across political lines. They don't deserve to live in America and should definitely move to a place which embodies their principles of dishonesty and persecution.
Isn't it you fail whites who are here crying about rulings from a court of law? 😄
Isn't it you Vermin who would allow persecution of political enemies and degradation of our society with identity politics?
No one is persecuting you you fucking snowflakes. :itsok:

Some of you are being prosecuted because you broke the law. Either way, if you're being prosecuted or persecuted begging us to stop like a little bitch is unlikely to have any affect. You're going to have to put your big boy pants on and make us.
No one is persecuting you you fucking snowflakes. :itsok:

Some of you are being prosecuted because you broke the law. Either way, if you're being prosecuted or persecuted begging us to stop like a little bitch is unlikely to have any affect. You're going to have to put your big boy pants on and make us.
Says the little bitch vermin who is busy with his evil persecution. You don't deserve to live in this great country.
Frankly, I'm highly shocked and disappointed that our legal system has no remedy for nor an instant correction for such massive abuse as I'm seeing here. How is it possible that judges can act so blatantly against a defendant unchecked, clearly fervently biased against him? Proves that "Lady Liberty"--- blindfolded holding her balance scales is just a total CROCK OF BULLSHIT.

It can only be one of two things:
  • Either the courts are revealing themselves to be so corrupt that they can all but arrest enemies of the state at will and disappear them regardless of laws, truth and facts.
  • This trial is only meant to exhaust Trump of money and reputation to so weaken and poison him that his reelection is impossible.
In effect, our "Justice" system is saying that innocent or guilty, if they don't like you, they can punish you by wiping you out regardless of your guilt or being proven innocent, while money is no object to them.
The only one “unchecked” so far has been Trump.
Thank you for acknowledging our victory over you fail whites. Maybe stop crying about corruption, like a bitch, and get to proving it where it counts, a court of law.
Thanks for acknowledging how corrupt you are. You are going to fail however because you are a whiny little bitch who doesn't deserve to be in this great nation. Fucking little communist who doesn't care about the rule of law and lies about it. Little bitch
She's either the dumbest Federal judge or a rubber stamp for Jack Smith.


Or she could be both.

But she has already set a record for appealable rulings and we haven't reached the trial date.

All she wants is a DC jury, 92% Democrats, to convict Trump so the MSM can call him a 'felon' and work election interference at new levels. Never mind the eventual overturning of any conviction on appeal.

She clearly knows the videos are missing and will concoct any farfetched excuse to protect J6 committee and DOJ

She can't actually deny those they're setting her up and she's falling for it. What they're doing is forcing her to show her bias which is very stupid of her.
Thank you for acknowledging our victory over you fail whites. Maybe stop crying about corruption, like a bitch, and get to proving it where it counts, a court of law.
Haha.... The only thing the court does is enshrine the corruption.
Probably have a better chance on the streets.
Thanks for acknowledging how corrupt you are. You are going to fail however because you are a whiny little bitch who doesn't deserve to be in this great nation. Fucking little communist who doesn't care about the rule of law and lies about it. Little bitch
Are you we going to fail by magic or little hopes and dreams? You fail whites are going to actually get off your assess and do something. 😄
Judge Chutkan is a maestro dealing with the vapidity of the Orange World.

And what one's writings reveal about oneself: why, just look at Excalbur's.
Are you we going to fail by magic or little hopes and dreams? You fail whites are going to actually get off your assess and do something. 😄
White people are the reason that you have ANYTHING. You should get down on your knees and kiss our asses LOL

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