CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

It is the same demographic....

Brennan and Zelenskyy

Now, about those bio weapons labs, did Hunter Biden get a kickback there too???
Innuendos with no explanations are a waste of everybody's time.
I couldn't give a fk about America's corrupt domestic politics.
Address the topic or get lost.
Hunter and the big guy.

Part of the hesitation to helping Ukraine was the fear of the issue of Burisma coming up about COMPROMISING Biden's position - conflict of interest.

If you are already bought and paid for....

But the Wuhan style bio weapon labs in Ukraine, the CIA initially lied about those too. They are there. We put them there. Legit war targets for Putin and grounds to once again expose Dr Fauci as the completely sick mass murderer he is...
Part of the hesitation to helping Ukraine was the fear of the issue of Burisma coming up about COMPROMISING Biden's position - conflict of interest.

If you are already bought and paid for....

But the Wuhan style bio weapon labs in Ukraine, the CIA initially lied about those too. They are there. We put them there. Legit war targets for Putin and grounds to once again expose Dr Fauci as the completely sick mass murderer he is...
These Bio Weapons labs are being strategically placed around the world for the release of the next Scamdemic. If you think The Fauci virus came from just one lab and spread that fast, you are mistaken.

Ask me how I know......

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.
It would be a sign of good faith/honesty to actually link the NBC article. But if it was this, you lie.

Almost as much as you Ruskie trolls feed us with misinformation.

Nothing to do with propaganda.
The reality is that Zelensky really is totally corrupt, was murdering eastern Ukraine dissidents using fascist gangs, was stealing oil, taking US bribes, violating treaties, attempting to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately started the war by cutting negotiations.
Zelensky clearly has to go.
Russia had no choice in this matter.
Doesn't matter what one's opinion of Russia is in general.
In THIS case, Russia is in the right.
Why not read the actual fucking article they are talking about rather than the commentary on the article...

The article states that CIA are being looser with the truth, the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, not that it is wrong...

This is an information wa and the US has to fight fire with fire... Why the OP is supporting the Russians is a bit disgraceful....

Russians will pump out any shit 24/7 but he wants the US Intelligence to meet court evidence standard...

You want the US to use peashooters against tanks next... Please stop fucking supporting the enemy, fucking hate traitors...

The US clearly bought and paid for the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine.
It is a totally corrupt government, stealing Russian oil, murdering dissidents by the tens of thousands, violating treaties, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
The eastern provinces of the Ukraine hate Zelensky, he does not represent them, and he is guilty of war crimes against them.
The US clearly bought and paid for the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine.
It is a totally corrupt government, stealing Russian oil, murdering dissidents by the tens of thousands, violating treaties, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
The eastern provinces of the Ukraine hate Zelensky, he does not represent them, and he is guilty of war crimes against them.

Given the "pro Ukraine crowd" in the US, that makes sense.

They only care about fellow Zionist Fascists.
The US clearly bought and paid for the 2014 military coup in the Ukraine.
That assertion alone is worth thorough consideration and discussion.

The greatest enemy of propaganda is 'discussion' in which everybody becomes more enlightened and then are able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Sadly, as with Iraq, it's too late.
You simply sound like a total and complete moron anytime that old, disproved nonsense linking Russia and President Trump in a positive manner leaves your mouth (fingers)

Collusion is not a crime. Trumpyberra has many business ties to Russians businessmen. The Trump campaign sent real time polling data to Russians during the campaign. Mueller prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. What he couldn't prove was where or how that data was used or if it was used by the Russian government at all. Without that evidence he couldn't prove a conspiracy.
Which Jews do you hate more, The Russian Jews or The Ukrainian Jews?

Subs are always "ordered by God" to "serve Israel."

At least Zelenskyy admits he is Jewish.

The interesting fact about the Soviet Union and NAZI Germany is that those are history's two most paranoid governments, and both spied like crazy because they were paranoid. Their spying both yielded the same DATA on Judaism, that Judaism is not a religion, but rather a conspiracy against everyone else.

Strange, that these two mortal enemies would analyze the same thing, and conclude the SAME THING....

But but but Jews wrote the BiBULL for unCHOSEN MORONS to SERVE ISRAEL, and here you are...

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