CIA director Mike Pompeo: President Trump's tweets are yielding valuable intelligence

This is great, lol-

"I've actually seen it help us," Pompeo told the audience at The Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California, when asked whether Trump's Twitter activity was making his job harder.
"I have seen things the President has put on his Twitter account actually have a real-world impact on our capacity to understand what's going on in other places of the world," Pompeo said.
"Our adversaries responded to those tweets in ways that were helpful to us to understand command and control issues, who's listening to what messages, how those messages are resonating around the world," he added.
And he sure will keep on tweeting. I don't even know how he even was able to be appointed to be the CIA director. I guess money can get you into doors that would of have been closed to the poor. I guess if Pres.Trump keeps on tweeting that he might accidentally tweet out personal things about the Establishment's puppet Pompeo..

Pompeo has also received money from PACs associated with Land ’O Lakes butter, Campbell’s Soup, Kraft Foods and agricultural giant Monsanto, which is a leading manufacturer of genetically engineered seeds.
Most of Rep. Mike Pompeo’s campaign contributions coming from PACs

Rep. Pompeo lies to American citizens while passing bill that bans GMO labeling Rep. Pompeo lies to American citizens while passing bill that bans GMO labeling
Libtards hate transparency in government! They think being honest is a mental illness! Fuck those retards who according to surveys here did not graduate high school!

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