CIA had Nord Stream attack plans 3 months before it happened

I do not consider it a problem, in fact I consider it a plus.

Not being well versed in mindless partisan dialect is a good thing in my view.

But hey, you seem to love it so I am happy for you as well
Yep ignorance is bliss, good for you
Literally just posted you going on about "muh Russia" see post #111

Sucks to be you indeed gramps, senility is a bitch

So, talking about Russia in refence to the Nord Steam is an establishment talking point?

Really? are you this fucking stupid? Did you not know that Russia and the Nord Stream built?

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So, talking about Russia in refence to the Nord Steam is an establishment talking point?

Really? are you this fucking stupid? Did you not know that Russia and the Nord Stream built?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Read what you wrote dumbass then read the other thread where you go on about "Muh Jan 6 insurrection"

Wow I knew you were retarded but fuck sake this is levels I didn't think possible

Read what you wrote dumbass then read the other thread where you go on about "Muh Jan 6 insurrection"

Wow I knew you were retarded but fuck sake this is levels I didn't think possible



you try so hard and fail every time.

Poor little buddy!
WSJ: "The CIA warned Ukraine not to attack Nord Stream.

Well, how dashing the Americans are in throwing their "allies" under the bus.
If you go to them "to be their friend", be prepared to wear a slave collar and take on all their filthiest crimes
WSJ: "The CIA warned Ukraine not to attack Nord Stream.

Ukraine carried it out anyway. Germany found a smoking gun to prove that six members of Ukraine’s special operations forces were responsible for the pipeline bombing.

For instance, the Ukrainian individual who informed the European intelligence service in June said that six members of Ukraine’s special operations forces using false identities intended to rent a boat and, using a submersible vehicle, dive to the floor of the Baltic Sea and then damage or destroy the pipeline and escape undetected. In addition to oxygen, the team planned to bring helium, which is recommended for especially deep dives.

German investigators now believe that six individuals using fake passports rented a sailing yacht in September, embarked from Germany and planted explosives that severed the pipelines, according to officials familiar with that investigation. They believe the operatives were skilled divers, given that the explosives were planted at a depth of about 240 feet, in the range that experts say helium would be helpful for maintaining mental focus.

Investigators have matched explosive residue found on the pipeline to traces found inside the cabin of the yacht, called Andromeda. And they have linked Ukrainian individuals to the rental of the boat via an apparent front company in Poland. Investigators also suspect that at least one individual who serves in the Ukrainian military was involved in the sabotage operation.

No way. Seymour Hersh’s report is far more likely. And, our government’s explanation which you apparently accept, is bogus bs.
But countries blow up their own billion dollar assets all the time!

Plus Putin is deranged Super-Hitler!

He MUST have done it!
Do libs support this destruction of a gas pipeline spewing carbon into the ozone layer?... what the hell folks.... that one event neutralized all the green advancements the world has made over the last 20 years....

Nordstream2 was 11 years in the making and cost 3 billion dollars. It was built to sell gas from Russia and the Stans to European markets. No one could have predicted that Russia would cut off their source of revenue.

This claim that the CIA destroyed it is a conspiracy theory.

The US supported Nordstream2 because it meant a cheap source of natural gas. Trump was against it. He thought he could force Europeans to buy more expensive US natural gas.
Nordstream2 was 11 years in the making and cost 3 billion dollars. It was built to sell gas from Russia and the Stans to European markets. No one could have predicted that Russia would cut off their source of revenue.

This claim that the CIA destroyed it is a conspiracy theory.

The US supported Nordstream2 because it meant a cheap source of natural gas. Trump was against it. He thought he could force Europeans to buy more expensive US natural gas.
Biden even said he would end Russia's pipeline if they invaded Ukraine... kook how far out you get in your determination to defend Biden... do you care about climate change or not?... because that gas leak sent more carbon into the atmosphere than twenty years of US automobile exhaust.....
Biden even said he would end Russia's pipeline if they invaded Ukraine... kook how far out you get in your determination to defend Biden... do you care about climate change or not?... because that gas leak sent more carbon into the atmosphere than twenty years of US automobile exhaust.....

Did Biden say that? I can't find any record of that anywhere. Why don't you provide a link for that threat?

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