CIA knew almost immediately that attack was terrorism

I really do not understand why some of us are so hung up on the issue of what EXACTLY motivated that terrorist attack.

Coming as it did very after the outrage over that movie became an international issue, it seems possible that the movie gave the terrorists an excuse for that specific attack.

Of course, given that US embassies and property are and have been attacked regularly over the last score of years, anyway, the timing of the attack could have been purely coincidal, too.

But per usual, the right wing kooks are seeking to turn a molehill into a mountain of faux outrage over some goofy notion that FOX news lying-heads fed them.

It WAS NOT about the movie, they insist, as though that was the only germane issue of the attack.

Who cares what the specific motivation was? I ask myself, " Given that Islamic fundmentalists need no specific motivation to attack us other than the same hate for the USA they have had for the last 30+ years."

The cause of the attack isn't the issue, per se, the issue is Obama's knowing that it was a terrorist attack from nearly the beginning but lying to the public for weeks insisting that it was a video. Why would he lie? Because he has stated over the course of his first term (paraphrasing) that AQ terror is down (he got Bin Laden!), things are much better (he got Bin Laden!), nothing to see here (he got Bin Laden!). Imagine the egg on Obuttheads face that it turns out hey, guess what? Not only is AQ still a threat they're better, stronger, faster. Now how would that info getting out to John Q. Public reflect on the man actively seeking a second term? Not only did he lie, his teflon suit via the press has kept him safe from scrutiny. And here folks are, scratching their heads pretending that they can't figure this out. Must be nice to live in a rose colored world. If the president were a Republican the story would have exploded like a nuclear bomb.

I repeat. Let's not let rational thinking get in the way of partisan politics.
I really do not understand why some of us are so hung up on the issue of what EXACTLY motivated that terrorist attack.

Coming as it did very after the outrage over that movie became an international issue, it seems possible that the movie gave the terrorists an excuse for that specific attack.

Of course, given that US embassies and property are and have been attacked regularly over the last score of years, anyway, the timing of the attack could have been purely coincidal, too.

But per usual, the right wing kooks are seeking to turn a molehill into a mountain of faux outrage over some goofy notion that FOX news lying-heads fed them.

It WAS NOT about the movie, they insist, as though that was the only germane issue of the attack.

Who cares what the specific motivation was? I ask myself, " Given that Islamic fundmentalists need no specific motivation to attack us other than the same hate for the USA they have had for the last 30+ years."

The cause of the attack isn't the issue, per se, the issue is Obama's knowing that it was a terrorist attack from nearly the beginning but lying to the public for weeks insisting that it was a video. Why would he lie? Because he has stated over the course of his first term (paraphrasing) that AQ terror is down (he got Bin Laden!), things are much better (he got Bin Laden!), nothing to see here (he got Bin Laden!). Imagine the egg on Obuttheads face that it turns out hey, guess what? Not only is AQ still a threat they're better, stronger, faster. Now how would that info getting out to John Q. Public reflect on the man actively seeking a second term? Not only did he lie, his teflon suit via the press has kept him safe from scrutiny. And here folks are, scratching their heads pretending that they can't figure this out. Must be nice to live in a rose colored world. If the president were a Republican the story would have exploded like a nuclear bomb.

Why are you lying is more to the point. You must have me on ignore and didn't click on the link I posted.
Sooo, why didn't he tell Obama and Rice...?

What makes you think he didn't tell Obama? The man insists he called it terrorism in his presser the next day, even if the rest of the world can't remember that happening, or find a reference to it in his speech, yet you want me to believe that he wasn't told that it was terrorism.

As for Rice, since she wasn't in his chain of command, why should he tell her?
It is in his speech the next day. You just don't want to find it.

Lies like this are why Mitten lost the election.

No, YOU simply won't admit that he and his minions spent the next 10 days blaming a silly video.

Why do you people need to lie about this?
Are you people really going to go through this all over again.

The President identified the attack as terrorism the day after it happened.

You can pretend he didn't, just like you can pretend he wasn't born in the US, and just like you can pretend that Jeep is moving to China.

Your delusions aren't magically going to come true just because you keep repeating them. The truth is far more stubborn than you are.
Just because you can't admit that Obama lied, IS lying and will never take the blame for this fuck up in no way means he isn't responsible for it, he is.

He killed 4 americans.
Just because you can't admit that Obama lied, IS lying and will never take the blame for this fuck up in no way means he isn't responsible for it, he is.

He killed 4 americans.

This is what I mean...
I really do not understand why some of us are so hung up on the issue of what EXACTLY motivated that terrorist attack.

Coming as it did very after the outrage over that movie became an international issue, it seems possible that the movie gave the terrorists an excuse for that specific attack.

Of course, given that US embassies and property are and have been attacked regularly over the last score of years, anyway, the timing of the attack could have been purely coincidal, too.

But per usual, the right wing kooks are seeking to turn a molehill into a mountain of faux outrage over some goofy notion that FOX news lying-heads fed them.

It WAS NOT about the movie, they insist, as though that was the only germane issue of the attack.

Who cares what the specific motivation was? I ask myself, " Given that Islamic fundmentalists need no specific motivation to attack us other than the same hate for the USA they have had for the last 30+ years."

The cause of the attack isn't the issue, per se, the issue is Obama's knowing that it was a terrorist attack from nearly the beginning but lying to the public for weeks insisting that it was a video. Why would he lie? Because he has stated over the course of his first term (paraphrasing) that AQ terror is down (he got Bin Laden!), things are much better (he got Bin Laden!), nothing to see here (he got Bin Laden!). Imagine the egg on Obuttheads face that it turns out hey, guess what? Not only is AQ still a threat they're better, stronger, faster. Now how would that info getting out to John Q. Public reflect on the man actively seeking a second term? Not only did he lie, his teflon suit via the press has kept him safe from scrutiny. And here folks are, scratching their heads pretending that they can't figure this out. Must be nice to live in a rose colored world. If the president were a Republican the story would have exploded like a nuclear bomb.

Why are you lying is more to the point. You must have me on ignore and didn't click on the link I posted.

I'm not the one who is lying.

Obama did refer to the attack as terrorism in a CBS interview but that wasn't aired. :eusa_shhh:

Obama did not refer to the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism in his RG speech on Sept 12, he was speaking of 9/11/01 and was referring to 'acts of terror' in a general sense. :eusa_shhh:

The statement appears to contradict Obama's claim in a second debate with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney that he identified the Sept. 11 attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans as a terror attack the day after it happened.

Romney had criticized Obama at the Oct. 17 debate for refusing to accurately call the assault "terrorism" and pointed to instances where Obama referred to it several times as a spontaneous protest of an anti-Islam video for weeks afterward.

Obama said he referred to it as an act of terror Sept. 12 in a statement in the Rose Garden at the White House. Debate moderator Candy Crowley of CNN agreed and told Romney he was wrong.

But in an interview with CBS newsman Steve Kroft after the Rose Garden statement but on the same day, Obama was asked what he meant because Kroft indicated it was unclear:

Kroft: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya attack. Do you believe that this was a terrorist attack?

Obama: Well it's too early to know exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans.

CBS News waited until Nov. 4 to post that portion of its interview and offered no explanation as to why it delayed release of a video clip that was pertinent to what became a significant story at the time.

On Friday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, a member of the congressional committee investigating the attack, suggested the White House intentionally misled the public because Obama's re-election campaign was claiming he had crushed al-Qaeda terrorists.

"They didn't want to admit it was a terrorist attack," Chaffetz said. "Admitting it was terrorism would fly in the face of what they had been telling the American people about al-Qaeda."

"No matter what happens on Tuesday, the Congress will continue to dive deep into this issue," he said of the election.

In the Rose Garden, his first official remarks on the attack, Obama read a 44-line statement on the deaths in Benghazi and extolled the memories of those who died.

Toward the end of his statement, he spoke generally of the "solemn memory" of the Sept. 11 attacks 11 years earlier. He talked of mourning those who died then, and how he had visited the graves of troops who died in Iraq and Afghanistan at Arlington National Cemetery and also to wounded troops at Walter Reed.

"Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe," he said. "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

CBS transcript: Obama wouldn't call Benghazi terrorism

Obama KNEW from nearly the beginning that it was a terrorist attack but allowed the message out of the WH to be that the cause was due to mobs/video rather than a terrorist attack. He is/was protected by the media because they didn't want to see him lose the election. Duh.

Obama told Kroft that the attack in Benghazi was different from the violent protest at the U.S. embassy in Cairo: "You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, and my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start."

Obama's remarks pointed towards a premeditated attack, in contrast to the story the White House went on to tell for weeks

CBS Busts Obama--and Itself: Unaired 60 Minutes Clip Proves White House Lied About Benghazi

Obama suspects Libya attack targeted Americans - 60 Minutes - CBS News

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I am having a hard time tracking the story I am supposed to believe.

  • Obama tells everyone that the attack was a protest over the video.
  • He then insists he said it was terrorism from the beginning.
  • UN Ambassador Susan Rice goes on multiple talk shows saying it was a protest over the video.
  • Does anyone notice this directly contradicts what Obama says he said?
  • Obama insists that we should question him if we have a problem with his story.
  • He continues to hide behind a press that is willing to cover for him leaving those of us that want to question him wondering how that is supposed to happen.
  • Sources back up the fact that Rice was lied to by CIA.
  • Petreaus is set to testify that CIA knew almost immediately that attack was not about video.
CNN: Petraeus Knew "Almost Immediately" That Benghazi Was Terrorism | RealClearPolitics

This leads to new questions that I will be accused of being a racist sexist bigot for even thinking about.

Where's the part where they knew as it was happening that it was a terrorist attack? That claim has been made here.

Where's the part where Obama was watching as the Ambassador died? That was all we heard about in the week before the election. How many umpteen topics was it?

Where's the part about Petraeus being forced to resign so he would not testify?

I guess we are now going to see a mass collective amnesia about all the manufactured bullshit people ate and regurgitated by the shovelful here.

I don't buy for one second such people are interested in the truth. Not when they drink the piss just because it is something damaging to the object of their hatred, regardless of the lack of evidence or its dishonesty.

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I am having a hard time tracking the story I am supposed to believe.

  • Obama tells everyone that the attack was a protest over the video.
  • He then insists he said it was terrorism from the beginning.
  • UN Ambassador Susan Rice goes on multiple talk shows saying it was a protest over the video.
  • Does anyone notice this directly contradicts what Obama says he said?
  • Obama insists that we should question him if we have a problem with his story.
  • He continues to hide behind a press that is willing to cover for him leaving those of us that want to question him wondering how that is supposed to happen.
  • Sources back up the fact that Rice was lied to by CIA.
  • Petreaus is set to testify that CIA knew almost immediately that attack was not about video.
CNN: Petraeus Knew "Almost Immediately" That Benghazi Was Terrorism | RealClearPolitics

This leads to new questions that I will be accused of being a racist sexist bigot for even thinking about.

Basically you are finding "scandal" by splitting hairs.

It's disgusting. And it won't solve shit.

Quite the opposite. It makes it harder to govern.

But then folks absolutely hate the government when people you don't like are running it.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261

He promised to protect a minority if the lynch mob came out.

Kinda like what happened to Jewish people in Germany in 1933.

You folks wanted to give muslims the "oven treatment".
Cleary attempting to rationally discuss anything real with these hateful partisans is a wasted effort.

Their superpower is their stupidity.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261
You really are quite the scumbucket. Another reason Mitten lost.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Nice way to spin things. We admit he was discussing terrorist attacks. What he didn't say was the the attack that killed an ambassador was a terrorist attack. But of course you will ignore this fact and give Obama a pass.

This exact words shit was old when Christine O'Donnell did it with the Constitution.

[ame=]Christine O'Donnell "Where in constitution is the separation of church and state?" - YouTube[/ame]
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261

He promised to protect a minority if the lynch mob came out.

Kinda like what happened to Jewish people in Germany in 1933.

You folks wanted to give muslims the "oven treatment".

You're not reading it in context.

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