CIA knew almost immediately that attack was terrorism

Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!


Benghazi wasn't the only incident in the region. There were protests in Yemen, Egypt and Pakistan..and the video was held up as the reason for it.

In the end you guys are playing the "exact words" game.

As opposed to looking for root cause.

People in the region are pissed because this country is forcing them to Westernize, accept our puppet governments and allow this country to fleece their resources.

All this religious shit is a diversion.
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Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!

ETA: Text of Speech

He was talking about the riots. Are you this stupid in real life? No need to answer.
Former CIA director David Petraeus on Friday testified in front of Congress on the terrorist acts against the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that took place on September 11th. His testimony will no doubt place him severely at odds with both the Obama administration and its official stance on the attacks.

It's a good thing Petraeus is already out of a job, otherwise he would probably be asked to resign this afternoon.

Fox News and CNN both have both released stories earlier confirming that David Petraeus will state in no uncertain terms that both he and the CIA knew that the assault on the American consulate in Benghazi, immediately after it happened, was a terrorist attack linked to al-Qaeda, and not the random act of violence in response to a YouTube video that the Obama administration initially said it was.

Not only does this contradict the numerous statements that President Obama made, but it also contradicts UN Ambassador Susan Rice, who was seen on many Sunday morning news programs on September 16th stating that it was in response to a YouTube video insulting Muslims.

In the Friday testimony, Petraeus reportedly testified that the al-Qaeda element was initially removed from Rice's CIA talking points, according to Congressman Peter King, who led the congressional session and briefed the media afterwards.

Petraeus is also prepared to testify that his initial remarks were altered by the Obama administration, which would explain why the briefing he gave shortly after the attack was similar to the one given by Ambassador Rice. When speaking before Congress, Petraeus appears ready to distance himself from those comments as well as the administration's initial stance.

Congressman King reportedly asked the former CIA director if he concurred with the administration that the attack on Benghazi great out of a spontaneous demonstration against the aforementioned YouTube video insulting the Prophet Mohammed. King said that that is not what his recollection was when it came to what Petraeus initially said.

Benghazi Cover Up: Petraeus Says CIA Knew it Was Terror Attack, White House Edited Talking Points

Two min video w/King at link.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!

ETA: Text of Speech

He was talking about the riots. Are you this stupid in real life? No need to answer.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.

He gave us a clear time frame for reference oh brilliant one. Guess which attacks happened in that 2 week time frame Ms. Mensa? Now you may buy his lies and be amazing at twisting yourself in the fumes of this admin's obnoxious spin but thinking people with common sense are quite clear as to what events he was addressing. For you to think or try to BS me with the lie that he is referring to everything but the Embassy attacks is amusing and desperate on your part to say the least.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!


Benghazi wasn't the only incident in the region. There were protests in Yemen, Egypt and Pakistan..and the video was held up as the reason for it.

In the end you guys are playing the "exact words" game.

As opposed to looking for root cause.

People in the region are pissed because this country is forcing them to Westernize, accept our puppet governments and allow this country to fleece their resources.

All this religious shit is a diversion.

People in the region are pissed because this country is forcing them to Westernize, accept our puppet governments and allow this country to fleece their resources.

No, no no Sallow! Our President lets us all know that the bad video made the nice Muslims go nuts. We will pretend that crazy violent Muslims never existed before electronic media existed. Yeah Mr. President, the American people in some circles are truly that f'n dumb and I see you have taken to using those fools to defend your lies.
Patraeus knows a terrorist attack when he sees one. Hell he spent how much time in Iraq and Astan trying to not get killed in one??

You can bet your ass that what he told that fuck in the WH and because he was running for that second term he changed the talking points to a "spontaneous demonstration." Due to a video that no one saw or knew about. Lame or what.

Wouldn't look to good to say, "Hey. AQ, which is supposed to be toothless and pretty much gone since I took out UBL, attacked our consulate in Libya." Our ambassador and three others are very dead. Oh and by the way our Ambassador requested additional security which we denied.

Holy shit and to think this fuck is CIC.
Last edited:
Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube!

ETA: Text of Speech

He was talking about the riots. Are you this stupid in real life? No need to answer.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.

He gave us a clear time frame for reference oh brilliant one. Guess which attacks happened in that 2 week time frame Ms. Mensa? Now you may buy his lies and be amazing at twisting yourself in the fumes of this admin's obnoxious spin but thinking people with common sense are quite clear as to what events he was addressing. For you to think or try to BS me with the lie that he is referring to everything but the Embassy attacks is amusing and desperate on your part to say the least.
I told you that you didn't have to answer. I realize that you really are this stupid in real life.
Sooo, why didn't he tell Obama and Rice...?

Apparently the message was changed after the CIA made the decision that there was an attack, as per the testimony made today by David Petreaus. Perhaps if Oblamer has read or attended his PDB that morning the results would have been different. Was the disinformation political? You better believe it. Oblamer could not afford to have a 9/11 attack on his watch. He had to find a scapegoat. The Lies came from the W.H.

He was discussing the attack. The implication is clear.

btw, do we even know now who is responsible for the attack and what the motivation was?

No... He was talking about 9-11-01.

He lied at the debate and libs do not give a crap.
I've believed from the beginning that it was terrorism, while some of the nutters here and in the public (Republicans) claimed is was an act of war by Libya.

But we don't actually know the facts yet.

Name the "nutter" blaming Libya. If I am not mistaking most cons see Obama's choice to side with MB to be a huge part of the problem, hence the reason to blame a video and not Obama's failed foreign policies.

We also knew beyond a shadow of a doubt we were being lied to.

That's the fact Ravi... Now you guys want to backtrack.
He was talking about the riots. Are you this stupid in real life? No need to answer.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.

He gave us a clear time frame for reference oh brilliant one. Guess which attacks happened in that 2 week time frame Ms. Mensa? Now you may buy his lies and be amazing at twisting yourself in the fumes of this admin's obnoxious spin but thinking people with common sense are quite clear as to what events he was addressing. For you to think or try to BS me with the lie that he is referring to everything but the Embassy attacks is amusing and desperate on your part to say the least.
I told you that you didn't have to answer. I realize that you really are this stupid in real life.

I love batting about chew toys.

Silly insults to a stranger online? Such a truly unique and different approach on a message board. Let me guess, this is your 'A' game Ravi? Hey if you ever have the ammo to debate me for real you know where to find me. ;)

Go play in the Flames and let the grown ups discuss. Yes that was condescension. Look it up.
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Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261

He promised to protect a minority if the lynch mob came out.

Kinda like what happened to Jewish people in Germany in 1933.

You folks wanted to give muslims the "oven treatment".

Shame on you
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261
You really are quite the scumbucket. Another reason Mitten lost.

Yep.... Proving the point makes him a "scumbucket". :eusa_eh:
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!

ETA: Text of Speech

The messiah evolves, not lies.
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Obama promised to side with the Islamists when things get ugly

"I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -- Obama from "The Audacity of Hope" p 261

In “Dreams of My Father” :...“it remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."
Why....because he told the truth? Are you going to say Obama never said that?
Here's the transcript:

Full Transcript of Obama's Rose Garden Speech After Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack - October 16 12 10:31 EDT -

Only a moron would pretend that discussing terrorist acts wasn't discussing terrorists acts.

Did you vote for this lying moron Ravi?

Obama Blames video on Sept. 25th

Date: Sept. 25, 2012
Time: Approx: 10:21 on video

[ame=]Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly - YouTube[/ame]!


Benghazi wasn't the only incident in the region. There were protests in Yemen, Egypt and Pakistan..and the video was held up as the reason for it.

In the end you guys are playing the "exact words" game.

As opposed to looking for root cause.

People in the region are pissed because this country is forcing them to Westernize, accept our puppet governments and allow this country to fleece their resources.

All this religious shit is a diversion.

Media giving White House a pass over Benghazi scandal? | Fox News Video

The rest of the Lame Stream Media have been AWOL and covering for Obama from day one. Obama himself stated that he ordered Rice to make those statements.
Sooo, why didn't he tell Obama and Rice...?

What makes you think he didn't tell Obama? The man insists he called it terrorism in his presser the next day, even if the rest of the world can't remember that happening, or find a reference to it in his speech, yet you want me to believe that he wasn't told that it was terrorism.

As for Rice, since she wasn't in his chain of command, why should he tell her?
It is in his speech the next day. You just don't want to find it.

Lies like this are why Mitten lost the election.

CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

Only if you have a very flexible understanding of English grammar.
Sooo, why didn't he tell Obama and Rice...?

What makes you think he didn't tell Obama? The man insists he called it terrorism in his presser the next day, even if the rest of the world can't remember that happening, or find a reference to it in his speech, yet you want me to believe that he wasn't told that it was terrorism.

As for Rice, since she wasn't in his chain of command, why should he tell her?
It is in his speech the next day. You just don't want to find it.

Lies like this are why Mitten lost the election.

CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

You are aware that your link gives the timeline of the president and his admin continually blaming the video and side stepping the word terrorism and taking two weeks before admitting what the rest of American knew from day one aren't you?
I am having a hard time tracking the story I am supposed to believe.

  • Obama tells everyone that the attack was a protest over the video.
  • He then insists he said it was terrorism from the beginning.
  • UN Ambassador Susan Rice goes on multiple talk shows saying it was a protest over the video.
  • Does anyone notice this directly contradicts what Obama says he said?
  • Obama insists that we should question him if we have a problem with his story.
  • He continues to hide behind a press that is willing to cover for him leaving those of us that want to question him wondering how that is supposed to happen.
  • Sources back up the fact that Rice was lied to by CIA.
  • Petreaus is set to testify that CIA knew almost immediately that attack was not about video.
CNN: Petraeus Knew "Almost Immediately" That Benghazi Was Terrorism | RealClearPolitics

This leads to new questions that I will be accused of being a racist sexist bigot for even thinking about.

Let me see if I understand the drift of your point. You think the President and the American security agencies should immediately publish, for the whole world to see, the results of classified operations and investigations? You think it is a bad idea for these folks to, just as a thought, hold back that kind of information in an effort to perhaps not provide strategic information to our enemies? Or do you think when our leaders get in front of a microphone our enemies immediately turn off their TV sets in an effort to play fair?

Are you talking about classified operations like killing bin Laden? Why would an investigation into something that everyone knows happened be classified? Are they afraid that the terrorists who killed the Ambassador will find out that we know he is dead? Didn't Libya make it clear from the beginning that it was a preplanned attack carried out by a well trained terror organization? Hasn't the organization responsible claimed public credit? Hasn't it been named? Didn't CNN walk into the compound a few days after the attack, long before the FBI got there, and pick up classified documents, and then publish them?

Maybe you should try thinking before you pretend you understand the issues here. Alternatively, you could pretend liking Discworld makes you smart.

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