CIA=Murder Incorporated.

Yeah...I have been for a while. I try to stay away from a lot of the triggering stuff. I get to thinking and then i get pissed and then my old lady says something and I bring that negativity home....not good. As I get older I just let it ride.
Murder Inc was heavily Jewish:
Indeed, Brooklyn’s notorious Murder Inc. was originally established by Lansky and Siegel and seems to have been overwhelmingly Jewish, while living up to its name by its many hundreds of killings, with one of its leading members supposedly having a personal body-count of over 100 or even far higher. But since I’d never heard of a single Jewish gangster in Chicago, I was still very surprised that such individuals comprised nearly half of the leading figures in Russo’s comprehensive history.
The Jews were as much a factor in organized crime, if not more so, than the Italians. Jews were also connected in Hollywood and the media so they could have easily been THE mob culture.
However, Jews were smart enough to understand what 'bright lights' do to things. So, they actively discouraged any type of glorification. Guys like Dutch Schultz (Arthur Simon Flegenheimer) didn't even go by their Jewish names.
Their discouragement of any type of connection between their Jewishness and organized crime was probably two part.
They understood, as a small minority it was better operate in the background. You do not want the spotlight. If things go bad you are easy to finger and get rid of. Secondly, it probably stemmed from the fact that they did not want to tarnish the name and image of the diaspora. I know this is comical but it is probably true. It is a slightly admirable thing. However, there never has been any question of Jewish fraternity.

I mentioned the movie JFK how it woke me up. when i tell people about that who are ignorant of what an evil organization the CIA and FBI is,they will say to me-your basing all this on a movie by oliver stone?

I then come back and get them to look stupid by telling them i know an american history professor who has been researching the case night and day since 1967. He not just reads books about it,he has interviewed many of the witnesses that were there that day. He is like an encyclepedia on the subject,it blows your mind away his knowledge he has.

speaking of JFK,Oliver stone purposely left out the mossads involvement in it because he would not have been able to make the film had he done so. the executive producer of the film in face was a zionist.

Stone did give some hints in the movie about the mossads involvement.when he was talking about clay shaws connections to the CIA mentioning CIA fronts that shaw was involved in,he was actually in reality,making references to the mossad actually.not the CIA.

Israel's Central Role in JFK Assassination, Who's Who in JFK Assassination excerpted from the book Final Judgment The missing link in the JFK assassination conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper

stones movie was indeed for the most part,very accurate down to the tee.otherwise this little thing would not have happened below.LOL

As far as I know, JFK is the only movie in film history that was attacked, six months before it was released, in just about every major broadcast and print outlet.

Oliver Stone talks rapidly and yet with a certain weariness, as if he knows the answers, but fears he will not be listened to. He defends his new film, "JFK," with a rush of dates and references and facts, and then when he is asked about the film's detractors, he reveals an underlying bitterness:

"This has been a distressing experience," he said. "It was disturbing to have this film attacked so early. Never before in the history of movies has a film been attacked in first draft screenplay form. All the established media seem to be terrified of my movie; as if it's somehow going destroy their lives. I'm amazed at their fear. What stake do they have in it?"
Oliver Stone defends 'JFK' against conspiracy of dunces | Interviews | Roger Ebert

PLUS it happened to stone AGAIN while filming Nixon so Stone is hardly paranoid like people like to believe he is.thats the proof in the pudding right there.:biggrin:

Just the fact that the report was sealed and then re-sealed. Who has that kind of juice in DC? Certainly not Lee Harvey Oswald's mother.

To me, anyone who reads Parts I & II of Ron Unz' long examination of the JFK assassination can have any doubt who was behind it.

can you post a link to this material of ron unz? i have never heard of him.
Part I American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part I – What Happened?
Part II American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part II – Who Did It?

excellent stuff thanks.

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