CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

Amazingly...once the law was changed so that you had to put a name to the contract when it was purchased...Hillary never again dabbled in the futures market! Gee, wonder why?

Just guessing, but I'm thinking because it wasn't legal at that point. Ya Think?

No, what wasn't legal anymore was the scam that Tyson used to pay off the Clintons. Hillary wasn't going to play the futures market anymore because it wasn't rigged so she would win!

Lets see. Laws changed so it wasn't legal anymore, so she quit. How is that bad?

Why would you quit trading because you have to put your name on trades when they were originated? The only reason THAT would scare you away from trading is if you were one of the people who was using the commodities market to launder bribes!
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?

So you are blaming it on another conspiracy theory. Why am I not surprised?
No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
Thirty year old debunked claim? That all you got?

Of course it's all they have. It's all they have had for a long time.
No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
Thirty year old debunked claim? That all you got?

Do you believe that Hillary Clinton who had never bought a single contract in the futures market and was making very little money suddenly plopped down 20% of her yearly salary on cattle futures? That passes the smell test for you, Paddy?
Amazingly...once the law was changed so that you had to put a name to the contract when it was purchased...Hillary never again dabbled in the futures market! Gee, wonder why?

Just guessing, but I'm thinking because it wasn't legal at that point. Ya Think?

No, what wasn't legal anymore was the scam that Tyson used to pay off the Clintons. Hillary wasn't going to play the futures market anymore because it wasn't rigged so she would win!

Lets see. Laws changed so it wasn't legal anymore, so she quit. How is that bad?

Why would you quit trading because you have to put your name on trades when they were originated? The only reason THAT would scare you away from trading is if you were one of the people who was using the commodities market to launder bribes!

Sure.....What ever you say..........I'm sure all this is very interesting at a tea party meeting, but sane people see it as just more whining about decades old discredited crap.
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?

So you are blaming it on another conspiracy theory. Why am I not surprised?

I'm dying to hear your explanation of what happened, Bulldog! Do you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton made that huge profit on the up an up? What do you think was her secret? She says she learned how to trade from reading an article in the New York Times. Man, that must have been SOME article!

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,
Amazingly...once the law was changed so that you had to put a name to the contract when it was purchased...Hillary never again dabbled in the futures market! Gee, wonder why?

Just guessing, but I'm thinking because it wasn't legal at that point. Ya Think?

No, what wasn't legal anymore was the scam that Tyson used to pay off the Clintons. Hillary wasn't going to play the futures market anymore because it wasn't rigged so she would win!

Lets see. Laws changed so it wasn't legal anymore, so she quit. How is that bad?

Why would you quit trading because you have to put your name on trades when they were originated? The only reason THAT would scare you away from trading is if you were one of the people who was using the commodities market to launder bribes!

Sure.....What ever you say..........I'm sure all this is very interesting at a tea party meeting, but sane people see it as just more whining about decades old discredited crap.

It's one more example of who the Clintons ARE, Bulldog. They buy TWO, million dollar plus, homes in the same year that they claim they were broke and idiots like you buy their nonsense hook, line and sinker!

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,

She may very well become President, Paddy. That won't make her any less sleazy.
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?
So Reagan had a democrat AG? There have been no indictments because there has been no corruption. The only corruption is to your tiny little brain.
Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
Thirty year old debunked claim? That all you got?

Do you believe that Hillary Clinton who had never bought a single contract in the futures market and was making very little money suddenly plopped down 20% of her yearly salary on cattle futures? That passes the smell test for you, Paddy?
Your obsession is a sign of profound mental instability.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?
So Reagan had a democrat AG? There have been no indictments because there has been no corruption. The only corruption is to your tiny little brain.

No corruption? Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office for TRYING to use the IRS against his political opponents! Barrack Obama actually DID it!
Just guessing, but I'm thinking because it wasn't legal at that point. Ya Think?

No, what wasn't legal anymore was the scam that Tyson used to pay off the Clintons. Hillary wasn't going to play the futures market anymore because it wasn't rigged so she would win!

Lets see. Laws changed so it wasn't legal anymore, so she quit. How is that bad?

Why would you quit trading because you have to put your name on trades when they were originated? The only reason THAT would scare you away from trading is if you were one of the people who was using the commodities market to launder bribes!

Sure.....What ever you say..........I'm sure all this is very interesting at a tea party meeting, but sane people see it as just more whining about decades old discredited crap.

It's one more example of who the Clintons ARE, Bulldog. They buy TWO, million dollar plus, homes in the same year that they claim they were broke and idiots like you buy their nonsense hook, line and sinker!

I understand you hate her, but you are starting to sound like an ex mother in law. You are seeing dastardly actions where they just don't exist. It's been proven that they didn't exist decades ago. Ash rush or hannity for something a little more current. It will probably be just more made up crap, but at least it will be from this century.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,

I'm not one of the idiots that pony up
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?
So Reagan had a democrat AG? There have been no indictments because there has been no corruption. The only corruption is to your tiny little brain.

No corruption? Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office for TRYING to use the IRS against his political opponents! Barrack Obama actually DID it!
No, he did nothing of the sort. Are you off your meds? Is that where they delusions come from?

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,

She may very well become President, Paddy. That won't make her any less sleazy.

And your made up claims don't make her sleazy.
So you don't have any explanation for how Hillary suddenly knew so much about cattle futures, Bulldog? I didn't think you would.
No corruption? Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office for TRYING to use the IRS against his political opponents! Barrack Obama actually DID it![/QUOTE]

If you say so. Keep your tinfoil hat snug, and everything will be all right.
Made up claims? You mean like someone shot at me as I was getting off a plane one day? Or that a You Tube video caused a demonstration in Benghazi that turned violent? Or like I turned over everything pertaining to Benghazi when in fact I was hiding thousands of emails from Congressional investigators? Is that the kind of "made up" stuff you were talking about, Bulldog?
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
Made up claims? You mean like someone shot at me as I was getting off a plane one day? Or that a You Tube video caused a demonstration in Benghazi that turned violent? Or like I turned over everything pertaining to Benghazi when in fact I was hiding thousands of emails from Congressional investigators? Is that the kind of "made up" stuff you were talking about, Bulldog?

I mean like all the crazy claims from the right. Prove something.........anything........and then come back and try again.

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