CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

McCarthy never said the real objective of the Benghazi hearing was to bring Hillary's numbers down. He said the Benghazi hearing brought Hillary's numbers down.

Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.
how many millions of taxpayer $$$ has that rw witch hunt wasted so far? The party of fiscal responsibility haw haw :laugh:

When a party under investigation stonewalls investigators by withholding pertinent evidence it's ABSURD for that party to then turn around and complain about how much time the investigation has taken and how much money it's cost! Yet that is EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton and her supporters are now doing.

Note to Hillary...if you don't want things to drag on...don't withhold evidence!
Anyone who wants her in charge of the US of A is one fucking idiot.

That is too fucking funny.......considering the large number of conservative Teabags that think T-Chump is Presidential material.....they wouldn't know intelligence if it hit them on the head with a two-by-four.

Trump has been the joke candidate for twenty years but is now their salvation?
It only shows how far the Republican party has fallen. I wonder if they'll even manage a new speaker.

Dude, you've got Harry Reid as your leader in the Senate. You've got Nancy Pelosi as your leader in the House. You've got Debbie Wasserman-Shultz as the leader of the Democratic Party. You've got Hillary, Bernie, Uncle Joe and the Three Stooges as your candidates for President.

You SURE you want to critique the status of the GOP? Just saying...
Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Your juvenile zeal to destroy HRC is laughable. Those emails fall under the purview of the State dept and not a congressional committee. State is the sole arbiter of what emails are released, in what form and when. If the committee feels they need more then they can subpoena State dept officials to testify directly about any redacted or incomplete emails. Let's remember that none of this correspondence was ever meant to be public. The State dept needs to protect their diplomatic channels and practices.

That is an absolute crock, Hutch! If the State Department has concerns about protecting their channels and practices then they could have provided that information in closed session to Congressional investigators. As for those emails falling under the "purview" of the State Department? Not if Congress is demanding them them don't. Part of what Congress is there for is to keep tabs on what the Executive Branch is doing which is exactly why emails and correspondence is supposed to be done through official channels and not on private servers where what is being done can be hidden from Congressional scrutiny. Once again...there is a pattern of hiding how business is being conducted with this Administration by working through private email accounts using aliases.
Those emails were not subpoenaed by congress in the way you suggest for either Clinton or State. So maybe congress should exert their authority and force State to do what you suggest. They haven't. So it seems your beef is more with the committee. You are making assertions that are not currently part of the process.

So what you're saying is that because Congress didn't subpoena Hillary Clinton's emails...only requested that she provide them...that she's acted in a proper manner by hiding them from Congress? Is that what you're claiming, Hutch?

hiding them from Congress? Is that what you're claiming, Hutch Oldstyle?

I'm saying if you want it to go the way you wish than maybe they should have.
So what you're saying is that the only way to get Hillary Clinton to be honest with the American people is with a subpoena? Noted...
McCarthy never said the real objective of the Benghazi hearing was to bring Hillary's numbers down. He said the Benghazi hearing brought Hillary's numbers down.

Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.
how many millions of taxpayer $$$ has that rw witch hunt wasted so far? The party of fiscal responsibility haw haw :laugh:

same party that spent 70 million investigating a blue dress.

I don't understand their logic. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is somehow to blame for Benghazi and the death of 4 Americans.

Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, however, is not to blame for 9/11 and the death of 3000+ Americans, and the ensuing senseless war that cost us another 4000+ Americans, and caused the formation of ISIS and still more Americans dying.

What's wrong with that picture?

Must be Republican Logic 101, or Republican logic for Dummies.

Logic? Where did Condi Rice cut embassy security because of "optics" causing Americans to be murdered? Now you're blaming Rice for the formation of ISIS? Wow! When Rice left office ISIS didn't exist. ISIS is a creation of the Obama White House's lack of foreign policy for the Middle East.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

It will be over Thursday, when Hillary shuts them up for good.

Wrong, It will be over when the FBI finishes their investigation.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

They have proven quite a number of times that she is a lying sack of dog squeeze.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

Your claim remains. For it to be a point, you need some credible reason to believe it. So far, you got zilch.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

Name the FBI resource that said the investigation is focusing on her.

What they are focusing on is 2 things.

1. Whether or not classified material was included in the emails.
2. The distribution of the emails.

The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server, was never subject to this sort of scrutiny, even though 4000 Americans were lost, over 30K wounded, over 250K Iraqi civilians killed and over a trillion dollars spent.

Colin Powell did NOT use a personal server, ever!!!
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

They have proven quite a number of times that she is a lying sack of dog squeeze.

Oh Goodie. Now you should give a list of right wing claims about her that have been proven true. Not just things that right wing radio says are true, but actual facts where the courts have found her guilty. With all the accusations, from insider trading to the murder of Vince Foster, it should be easy for you to give a long list.
Your claim remains. For it to be a point, you need some credible reason to believe it. So far, you got zilch.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

Name the FBI resource that said the investigation is focusing on her.

What they are focusing on is 2 things.

1. Whether or not classified material was included in the emails.
2. The distribution of the emails.

The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server, was never subject to this sort of scrutiny, even though 4000 Americans were lost, over 30K wounded, over 250K Iraqi civilians killed and over a trillion dollars spent.

Colin Powell did NOT use a personal server, ever!!!

Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms
McCarthy never said the real objective of the Benghazi hearing was to bring Hillary's numbers down. He said the Benghazi hearing brought Hillary's numbers down.

Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.
how many millions of taxpayer $$$ has that rw witch hunt wasted so far? The party of fiscal responsibility haw haw :laugh:

same party that spent 70 million investigating a blue dress.

I don't understand their logic. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is somehow to blame for Benghazi and the death of 4 Americans.

Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, however, is not to blame for 9/11 and the death of 3000+ Americans, and the ensuing senseless war that cost us another 4000+ Americans, and caused the formation of ISIS and still more Americans dying.

What's wrong with that picture?

Must be Republican Logic 101, or Republican logic for Dummies.

Logic? Where did Condi Rice cut embassy security because of "optics" causing Americans to be murdered? Now you're blaming Rice for the formation of ISIS? Wow! When Rice left office ISIS didn't exist. ISIS is a creation of the Obama White House's lack of foreign policy for the Middle East.

ISIS exists because baby bush (And condi) sucked at their jobs.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

Name the FBI resource that said the investigation is focusing on her.

What they are focusing on is 2 things.

1. Whether or not classified material was included in the emails.
2. The distribution of the emails.

The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server, was never subject to this sort of scrutiny, even though 4000 Americans were lost, over 30K wounded, over 250K Iraqi civilians killed and over a trillion dollars spent.

Colin Powell did NOT use a personal server, ever!!!

Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms

"The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server"

Some people are so stupid they don't know the difference between using a personal email account and using a personal server. Obviously you are one of those.

BTW, would that criminal invasion of Iraq be the same one that the US Congress including Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted for and the UN Resolution that stated Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect?

Must have been another one since the one Bush authorized was completely legal.
Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.
how many millions of taxpayer $$$ has that rw witch hunt wasted so far? The party of fiscal responsibility haw haw :laugh:

same party that spent 70 million investigating a blue dress.

I don't understand their logic. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is somehow to blame for Benghazi and the death of 4 Americans.

Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, however, is not to blame for 9/11 and the death of 3000+ Americans, and the ensuing senseless war that cost us another 4000+ Americans, and caused the formation of ISIS and still more Americans dying.

What's wrong with that picture?

Must be Republican Logic 101, or Republican logic for Dummies.

Logic? Where did Condi Rice cut embassy security because of "optics" causing Americans to be murdered? Now you're blaming Rice for the formation of ISIS? Wow! When Rice left office ISIS didn't exist. ISIS is a creation of the Obama White House's lack of foreign policy for the Middle East.

ISIS exists because baby bush (And condi) sucked at their jobs.

ISIS didn't even exist as a viable organization until Obama pulled all of the troops out of Iraq.
No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

Name the FBI resource that said the investigation is focusing on her.

What they are focusing on is 2 things.

1. Whether or not classified material was included in the emails.
2. The distribution of the emails.

The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server, was never subject to this sort of scrutiny, even though 4000 Americans were lost, over 30K wounded, over 250K Iraqi civilians killed and over a trillion dollars spent.

Colin Powell did NOT use a personal server, ever!!!

Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms

"The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server"

Some people are so stupid they don't know the difference between using a personal email account and using a personal server. Obviously you are one of those.

BTW, would that criminal invasion of Iraq be the same one that the US Congress including Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted for and the UN Resolution that stated Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect?

Must have been another one since the one Bush authorized was completely legal.

That's not my quote there professor.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

Name the FBI resource that said the investigation is focusing on her.

What they are focusing on is 2 things.

1. Whether or not classified material was included in the emails.
2. The distribution of the emails.

The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server, was never subject to this sort of scrutiny, even though 4000 Americans were lost, over 30K wounded, over 250K Iraqi civilians killed and over a trillion dollars spent.

Colin Powell did NOT use a personal server, ever!!!

Republican Colin Powell Deals a Death Blow to Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

Colin Powell used personal email account while secretary of state, aide confirms

"The funny thing is that Colin Powell, who was involved in the criminal invasion of Iraq, and used a personal email server"

Some people are so stupid they don't know the difference between using a personal email account and using a personal server. Obviously you are one of those.

BTW, would that criminal invasion of Iraq be the same one that the US Congress including Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted for and the UN Resolution that stated Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire that was in effect?

Must have been another one since the one Bush authorized was completely legal.

That's not my quote there professor.

My apologies. That was from the dipshit Sallow.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

They have proven quite a number of times that she is a lying sack of dog squeeze.

Oh Goodie. Now you should give a list of right wing claims about her that have been proven true. Not just things that right wing radio says are true, but actual facts where the courts have found her guilty. With all the accusations, from insider trading to the murder of Vince Foster, it should be easy for you to give a long list.

Just so I have some idea how opaque the blinders are that you're wearing, you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton suddenly became an expert on cattle futures from reading about how to do commodities trading in the New York Times? That passes the "smell" test with you?
Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.
how many millions of taxpayer $$$ has that rw witch hunt wasted so far? The party of fiscal responsibility haw haw :laugh:

same party that spent 70 million investigating a blue dress.

I don't understand their logic. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is somehow to blame for Benghazi and the death of 4 Americans.

Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, however, is not to blame for 9/11 and the death of 3000+ Americans, and the ensuing senseless war that cost us another 4000+ Americans, and caused the formation of ISIS and still more Americans dying.

What's wrong with that picture?

Must be Republican Logic 101, or Republican logic for Dummies.

Logic? Where did Condi Rice cut embassy security because of "optics" causing Americans to be murdered? Now you're blaming Rice for the formation of ISIS? Wow! When Rice left office ISIS didn't exist. ISIS is a creation of the Obama White House's lack of foreign policy for the Middle East.

ISIS exists because baby bush (And condi) sucked at their jobs.

ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

They have proven quite a number of times that she is a lying sack of dog squeeze.

Oh Goodie. Now you should give a list of right wing claims about her that have been proven true. Not just things that right wing radio says are true, but actual facts where the courts have found her guilty. With all the accusations, from insider trading to the murder of Vince Foster, it should be easy for you to give a long list.

Just so I have some idea how opaque the blinders are that you're wearing, you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton suddenly became an expert on cattle futures from reading about how to do commodities trading in the New York Times? That passes the "smell" test with you?

Do you have anything to make you believe she did anything unethical other than the fact that you hate her and she made some money from the stock market? Has anyone come up with any evidence of that after the decades of looking for dirt?
Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

They have proven quite a number of times that she is a lying sack of dog squeeze.

Oh Goodie. Now you should give a list of right wing claims about her that have been proven true. Not just things that right wing radio says are true, but actual facts where the courts have found her guilty. With all the accusations, from insider trading to the murder of Vince Foster, it should be easy for you to give a long list.

Just so I have some idea how opaque the blinders are that you're wearing, you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton suddenly became an expert on cattle futures from reading about how to do commodities trading in the New York Times? That passes the "smell" test with you?

Do you have anything to make you believe she did anything unethical other than the fact that you hate her and she made some money from the stock market? Has anyone come up with any evidence of that after the decades of looking for dirt?

I know exactly what she DID back then, Bulldog and while it technically wasn't illegal at the time doesn't make it any less sleazy. Hillary and the Tyson Corporation worked out a perfect way for them to pay the Clintons for favors granted. The rules for commodity trading were changed shortly after that took place BECAUSE of things like Hillary Clinton's amazing sudden expertise in cattle futures!

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