CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

Where in any of that is there an example of George W. Bush getting rich off insider trading?

I hate to break this to you but lots of major sports stadiums built in the US have been built on land taken by eminent domain.

So you are in favor of Nanny Government as long as Nanny is taking care of billionaires by stealing other folk's lands....In case you do not know SEC is the Securities and Exchange Commission....
Why Investigation of Bush's Stock Sale 'Just Didn't Pan Out'
A detailed review of more than a dozen internal SEC memos and letters and hundreds of pages of Harken documents that the agency amassed in the case, along with interviews with Meulbroek and the broker who told the SEC he initiated Bush's stock sale, leave another crucial question unanswered:

Who stepped up to buy Bush's stock, at a time when Harken was bleeding red ink and Bush was trying to raise cash to pay off the loan he used to buy into the Texas Rangers baseball team?
I hate to break this to you but lots of major sports stadiums built in the US have been built on land taken by eminent domain.

Bush is and was a spoiled little bitch getting away with crimes and making millions for nothing...
Bush Condemned Property Via Eminent Domain to Build Rangers Stadium – And Made $14 Million Off the Deal
“It was the first time in Texas history that the power of eminent domain has been used to assist a private organization like a baseball team.”
The subject isn't Bush you moron.

Its what Hillbat did or didn't do.

Deflect, Deflect, Deflect. Seems to be all you morons can do.
The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

Your claim remains. For it to be a point, you need some credible reason to believe it. So far, you got zilch.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

What's kind of fucked up is the way the media has been handling this.

Everyone who isn't in the Conservative sowing circle knows this cake was baked in a Republican kitchen.

Republicans manufacture "scandals" about their Democratic rivals all the time.

The FBI are looking into whether or not "classified" material was incorrectly included in emails that were transmitted on non government servers.

This is not really about Hillary Clinton. This about the Republican noise machine and them not knowing what the fuck they are doing.

Colin Powell, who was involved in starting a whole freaking war, that cost the lives of 4000 Americans, used a private server as well.

As did Condi Rice.

As did George W. Bush.

As did Dick Cheney.

As did Karl Rove.

And between Cheney and Bush there were 22 million emails that "vanished".

Republicans seem to look the other way at "bad practices" done by folks in their own party and make molehills into mountains when the opposite happens.

They generally wind up going to far and it blows up in their faces.
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Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

Your claim remains. For it to be a point, you need some credible reason to believe it. So far, you got zilch.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

What's kind of fucked up is the way the media has been handling this.

Everyone who isn't in the Conservative sowing circle knows this cake was baked in a Republican kitchen.

Republicans manufacture "scandals" about their Democratic rivals all the time.

The FBI are looking into whether or not "classified" material was incorrectly included in emails that were transmitted on non government servers.

This is not really about Hillary Clinton. This about the Republican noise machine and them not knowing what the fuck they are doing.

Colin Powell, who was involved in started a whole freaking war, that cost the lives of 4000 Americans, used a private server as well.

As did Condi Rice.

As did George W. Bush.

As did Dick Cheney.

As did Karl Rove.

And between Cheney and Bush there were 22 million emails that "vanished".

Republicans seem to look the other way at "bad practices" done by folks in their own party and make molehills into mountains when the opposite happens.

They generally wind up going to far and it blows up in their faces.
There is no there there that is the bottom line this is the seventh Investigation (7) and there is and has been zero...they know it but the point is keeping the "scandal meme" going into 2016 if they can
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Your claim remains. For it to be a point, you need some credible reason to believe it. So far, you got zilch.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

What's kind of fucked up is the way the media has been handling this.

Everyone who isn't in the Conservative sowing circle knows this cake was baked in a Republican kitchen.

Republicans manufacture "scandals" about their Democratic rivals all the time.

The FBI are looking into whether or not "classified" material was incorrectly included in emails that were transmitted on non government servers.

This is not really about Hillary Clinton. This about the Republican noise machine and them not knowing what the fuck they are doing.

Colin Powell, who was involved in started a whole freaking war, that cost the lives of 4000 Americans, used a private server as well.

As did Condi Rice.

As did George W. Bush.

As did Dick Cheney.

As did Karl Rove.

And between Cheney and Bush there were 22 million emails that "vanished".

Republicans seem to look the other way at "bad practices" done by folks in their own party and make molehills into mountains when the opposite happens.

They generally wind up going to far and it blows up in their faces.
There is no there there is the bottom line this is the seventh Investigation (7) and there is and has been zero...they know it but the point is keeping the "scandal meme" going into 2016 if they can

And what's even more ridiculous about this is that Dick Cheney had a private meeting with oil executives prior to invading Iraq. This was to discuss public energy policy (Which might have included encouragement by the private sector to invade Iraq to protect "American (OIL) Interests".) This meeting was kept secret although it involved the government policy. And the Supreme Court, led mainly by the Scalia bloc, in it's infinite wisdom, sided with the concept of a Unitary Executive capable of "letting their hair down" and "shooting the breeze" with brandy and cigars when it involved the Bush Dynasty.


They are all about accountability.

Go figure.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.
There is a pattern of behavior when it comes to transparency with this Administration. You saw the same thing with the IRS emails.
Huh? You dumb?
My point was that she is being investigated by the FBI. She is. Nothing to argue unless you are a complete fuckin moron.

No, she is not.
She isn't being investigated by the FBI? WTF Come on Sallow.. SMH
hillary investigated by fbi - Bing

What's kind of fucked up is the way the media has been handling this.

Everyone who isn't in the Conservative sowing circle knows this cake was baked in a Republican kitchen.

Republicans manufacture "scandals" about their Democratic rivals all the time.

The FBI are looking into whether or not "classified" material was incorrectly included in emails that were transmitted on non government servers.

This is not really about Hillary Clinton. This about the Republican noise machine and them not knowing what the fuck they are doing.

Colin Powell, who was involved in started a whole freaking war, that cost the lives of 4000 Americans, used a private server as well.

As did Condi Rice.

As did George W. Bush.

As did Dick Cheney.

As did Karl Rove.

And between Cheney and Bush there were 22 million emails that "vanished".

Republicans seem to look the other way at "bad practices" done by folks in their own party and make molehills into mountains when the opposite happens.

They generally wind up going to far and it blows up in their faces.
There is no there there is the bottom line this is the seventh Investigation (7) and there is and has been zero...they know it but the point is keeping the "scandal meme" going into 2016 if they can

And what's even more ridiculous about this is that Dick Cheney had a private meeting with oil executives prior to invading Iraq. This was to discuss public energy policy (Which might have included encouragement by the private sector to invade Iraq to protect "American (OIL) Interests".) This meeting was kept secret although it involved the government policy. And the Supreme Court, led mainly by the Scalia bloc, in it's infinite wisdom, sided with the concept of a Unitary Executive capable of "letting their hair down" and "shooting the breeze" with brandy and cigars when it involved the Bush Dynasty.


They are all about accountability.

Go figure.
I agree that is a hack job. But the shit has to stop at some point. Investigate all of those fucks. None of them were worth a shit anyways.
Now, aside from all the deflection, she is being investigated by the FBI. Republicans don't control the FBI :thup:
Nobody should listen to the fuckin CIA. They have killed their own President and equality leaders. They are domestic and foreign terrorists.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Yup and you will notice the FBI didn't raid her office and confiscate her laptops and computers like they did with Patreaus.

You will also notice they have ASKED her, not told her to comply.

Hillbat has been far less than forthcoming on Benghazi and it certainly is a joke that anyone thinks she has.

Kinda sucks when you get caught.
The chance for Republicans to damage Hillary before the 2016 blew up in smoke when McCarthy revealed the real objective of the latest Benghazi committee - "to bring Hillary's poll numbers down".

The CIA strikes yet another blow and embarrasses the Republicans in Congress, that were so sure they had finally found something to bring Hillary down, when it informed the committee that the agency does not view that e-mail (as well as 127 previously undisclosed messages) sent to them by committee chairman, Rep Gowdy, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
The credibility of the Republican-led Benghazi committee came under fresh attack Sunday after the CIA informed the panel that it does not view a 2011 email forwarded by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as including any classified information. The committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., had cited Clinton’s handling of the March 18, 2011, email as a prime example of her misusing her private email server to receive and send highly classified information.

But late Saturday night, a CIA official informed the committee that the agency does not view that email, among 127 previously undisclosed messages sent by Blumenthal to Clinton that the panel plans to release this week, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
Unknown official?

More like Clinton operative.

That's not really the point of all of this. The Clintons have always tried to muddy the waters on any investigation. Did you really expect them to all of the sudden change? The Clintons always deny. ...deny...and then make counter accusations. They try to criminalize the investigators who are investigating their criminality. I think it's pretty pathetic you actually believe anything that comes out while they are under investigation. I guess some people never learn. It takes a special kind of idiot to listen to a Clinton anyway.
Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Yup and you will notice the FBI didn't raid her office and confiscate her laptops and computers like they did with Patreaus.

You will also notice they have ASKED her, not told her to comply.

Hillbat has been far less than forthcoming on Benghazi and it certainly is a joke that anyone thinks she has.

Kinda sucks when you get caught.

That's thanks to Petraeus whispering sweet nothings into the ear of his mistress/biographer like:

-Yes my dear, there IS a CIA Annex right smack next to a diplomatic consulate in Benghazi in violation of multiple international protocols.
-Why yes, my darling, we ARE holding militants in the Annex and beating the shit out of them for giggles.

He's pretty lucky he isn't serving time.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Your juvenile zeal to destroy HRC is laughable. Those emails fall under the purview of the State dept and not a congressional committee. State is the sole arbiter of what emails are released, in what form and when. If the committee feels they need more then they can subpoena State dept officials to testify directly about any redacted or incomplete emails. Let's remember that none of this correspondence was ever meant to be public. The State dept needs to protect their diplomatic channels and practices.
The chance for Republicans to damage Hillary before the 2016 blew up in smoke when McCarthy revealed the real objective of the latest Benghazi committee - "to bring Hillary's poll numbers down".

The CIA strikes yet another blow and embarrasses the Republicans in Congress, that were so sure they had finally found something to bring Hillary down, when it informed the committee that the agency does not view that e-mail (as well as 127 previously undisclosed messages) sent to them by committee chairman, Rep Gowdy, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
The credibility of the Republican-led Benghazi committee came under fresh attack Sunday after the CIA informed the panel that it does not view a 2011 email forwarded by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as including any classified information. The committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., had cited Clinton’s handling of the March 18, 2011, email as a prime example of her misusing her private email server to receive and send highly classified information.

But late Saturday night, a CIA official informed the committee that the agency does not view that email, among 127 previously undisclosed messages sent by Blumenthal to Clinton that the panel plans to release this week, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email

The CIA isn't doing the investigating.
The chance for Republicans to damage Hillary before the 2016 blew up in smoke when McCarthy revealed the real objective of the latest Benghazi committee - "to bring Hillary's poll numbers down".

The CIA strikes yet another blow and embarrasses the Republicans in Congress, that were so sure they had finally found something to bring Hillary down, when it informed the committee that the agency does not view that e-mail (as well as 127 previously undisclosed messages) sent to them by committee chairman, Rep Gowdy, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
The credibility of the Republican-led Benghazi committee came under fresh attack Sunday after the CIA informed the panel that it does not view a 2011 email forwarded by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as including any classified information. The committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., had cited Clinton’s handling of the March 18, 2011, email as a prime example of her misusing her private email server to receive and send highly classified information.

But late Saturday night, a CIA official informed the committee that the agency does not view that email, among 127 previously undisclosed messages sent by Blumenthal to Clinton that the panel plans to release this week, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
Unknown official?

More like Clinton operative.

That's not really the point of all of this. The Clintons have always tried to muddy the waters on any investigation. Did you really expect them to all of the sudden change? The Clintons always deny. ...deny...and then make counter accusations. They try to criminalize the investigators who are investigating their criminality. I think it's pretty pathetic you actually believe anything that comes out while they are under investigation. I guess some people never learn. It takes a special kind of idiot to listen to a Clinton anyway.

More like Clinton operative.


How many "operatives " do you suppose the Clinton's employ?
The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Yup and you will notice the FBI didn't raid her office and confiscate her laptops and computers like they did with Patreaus.

You will also notice they have ASKED her, not told her to comply.

Hillbat has been far less than forthcoming on Benghazi and it certainly is a joke that anyone thinks she has.

Kinda sucks when you get caught.

That's thanks to Petraeus whispering sweet nothings into the ear of his mistress/biographer like:

-Yes my dear, there IS a CIA Annex right smack next to a diplomatic consulate in Benghazi in violation of multiple international protocols.
-Why yes, my darling, we ARE holding militants in the Annex and beating the shit out of them for giggles.

He's pretty lucky he isn't serving time.

Bullshit. National Security is NS no matter who is accused.

Clinton should have been treated just as anyone else would have been treated.

Patreaus is worth a hundred Hillbats any day of the week.

To bad they weren't both treated the same.
Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.

Are your serious? The Congressional investigators asked her to submit all communications related to Benghazi a year and a half ago...Hillary declared that she had...then investigators discovered that she had private email servers containing communications related to Benghazi and demanded that Clinton turn those over. That was when Clinton informed them that she had erased over 50,000 of those emails. Your claim that Hillary has been forthcoming on Benghazi is a joke. To go even further and claim that it isn't Hillary's fault that all the emails haven't yet been turned over because the State Department now controls them is laughable.

Your juvenile zeal to destroy HRC is laughable. Those emails fall under the purview of the State dept and not a congressional committee. State is the sole arbiter of what emails are released, in what form and when. If the committee feels they need more then they can subpoena State dept officials to testify directly about any redacted or incomplete emails. Let's remember that none of this correspondence was ever meant to be public. The State dept needs to protect their diplomatic channels and practices.

That is an absolute crock, Hutch! If the State Department has concerns about protecting their channels and practices then they could have provided that information in closed session to Congressional investigators. As for those emails falling under the "purview" of the State Department? Not if Congress is demanding them them don't. Part of what Congress is there for is to keep tabs on what the Executive Branch is doing which is exactly why emails and correspondence is supposed to be done through official channels and not on private servers where what is being done can be hidden from Congressional scrutiny. Once again...there is a pattern of hiding how business is being conducted with this Administration by working through private email accounts using aliases.
There is a pattern of behavior when it comes to transparency with this Administration. You saw the same thing with the IRS emails.


No you didn't.

That was another baked "scandal" that went absolutely nowhere.

It went nowhere because the Obama Administration stonewalled the investigations. We're STILL waiting for the IRS to comply with requests for all of Lois Lerner's emails!

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