CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

..hook, line and sinker.

It Gets Worse For Republicans As GOP Busted For Lying About Access To Emails

Democrats caught Republican Benghazi Select Committee members in a stone cold lie when Trey Gowdy and Lynn Westmoreland claimed that Congress did not have access to Amb. Ted…

Politicus? Really, Tyrone? LOL
They are reporting on something that happened and is widely reported or is your point that they lied...if you say they lied you know its all over the media so I will come up with others are you saying Politicus lied ?



The Democrats on the Benghazi Committee responded by crushing this Republican lie:

ontrary to Republican claims, multiple committees of Congress—including the Oversight Committee on which Chairman Gowdy serves—had access to many of Ambassador Stevens’ emails for years. On November 24, 2014, and December 9, 2014, the State Department produced to the Select Committee approximately 25,000 pages of documents that had already been “previously produced to Congress.”
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
..hook, line and sinker.

It Gets Worse For Republicans As GOP Busted For Lying About Access To Emails

Democrats caught Republican Benghazi Select Committee members in a stone cold lie when Trey Gowdy and Lynn Westmoreland claimed that Congress did not have access to Amb. Ted…

Politicus? Really, Tyrone? LOL
They are reporting on something that happened and is widely reported or is your point that they lied...if you say they lied you know its all over the media so I will come up with others are you saying Politicus lied ?



The Democrats on the Benghazi Committee responded by crushing this Republican li

ontrary to Republican claims, multiple committees of Congress—including the Oversight Committee on which Chairman Gowdy serves—had access to many of Ambassador Stevens’ emails for years. On November 24, 2014, and December 9, 2014, the State Department produced to the Select Committee approximately 25,000 pages of documents that had already been “previously produced to Congress.”

I'm saying that Politicus is a joke. Why would you even use it as a site?
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
you do not know what trading on insider information means ? ...Bush did that........Bush was an inside trading S O B
I'm saying that Politicus is a joke. Why would you even use it as a site?
I am saying both you and the Benghazi scandal are full of shit ...why would you claim either you or the Benghazi scandal have any are just a nut bag crazy shrill anti Hillary screamer...
No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
you do not know what trading on insider information means ? ...Bush did that........Bush was an inside trading S O B

You've got no come back for what Hillary so blatantly you, Tyrone? You know as well as I do that Hillary made a killing off insider trading and never got called on it.
Politicus? Really, Tyrone? LOL

Here you go wing nut here is the documented record of Ronald"who ended up in diapers" Reagan

On April 18, 1983, Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. As PBS explains, "Sixty-three people were killed, including 17 Americans, eight of whom were employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, including chief Middle East analyst Robert C. Ames and station chief Kenneth Haas."

Five months later local terrorists struck again. During a lengthy air assault from nearby artillerymen, two Marines stationed at the Beirut airport were killed.

Then on October 23, the Marines' Beirut barracks cratered after a 5-ton truck driven by a suicide bomber and carrying the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of TNT exploded killing 241 Americans, marking the deadliest single attack on U.S. citizens overseas since the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II. (Fifty-eight French paratroopers were also killed in the Beirut blast.)

One year later on September 20, 1984, came the bombing of a U.S. Embassy annex. Located in Aukar, northeast of Beirut, a truck bomb exploded killing 24 people, two of whom were U.S. military personnel.

So, in less than 18 months under Reagan, several hundred Americans were killed by four separate terrorist attacks in and around Beirut targeting American outposts.

where was the outrage and the serial Investigation and the allegations and the insinuation all you wing Nuts can Kiss my ass
You've got no come back for what Hillary so blatantly you, Tyrone? You know as well as I do that Hillary made a killing off insider trading and never got called on it.

Bush made a killing off insider trading on the stock market then made more millions getting the Government to build a stadium for the Texas Ranger...the bastards used eminent domain to take land from owners to build the stadium
George W. Bush enriched himself by eminent domain

Pensito Review More on Bush's Eminent Domain $14 Mil ...

Timeline: George W. Bush and Rangers - ESPN
Bush and Harken Energy | US news | The Guardian
What is the fuss over Mr Bush's financial transactions?
On June 22 1990, George Bush, then a director with a company called Harken Energy, sold 212,140 shares for $848,000 (£548,100). Almost exactly two months later, on August 20, Harken announced a $23.2m loss, which caused its shares to drop to $2.375 from $3. The next day, Harken returned to $3, but fell to $1 at the end of 1990.

Did Mr Bush do anything wrong?
Although the law requires prompt disclosure of what are called insider sales, or sales by senior executives, Mr Bush did not inform the securities and exchange commission (SEC), the US market regulator, until 34 weeks later. So technically Mr Bush was at fault. Bush supporters say that he did fully disclose the transaction, and that "half of corporate America was filing forms late at that time".
Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

The fact that Hillary Clinton WASN'T investigated for insider trading with her cattle futures buys disgusts me, Dana! It's obvious that she got fed information not available to the general public and cashed in on that information. Martha Stewart did essentially the same thing and spent time in prison for it. Hillary never even got a slap on the wrist.
you do not know what trading on insider information means ? ...Bush did that........Bush was an inside trading S O B

You've got no come back for what Hillary so blatantly you, Tyrone? You know as well as I do that Hillary made a killing off insider trading and never got called on it.

More unfounded claims. If there was evidence that she broke the law, she would have been prosecuted.
in less than 18 months under Reagan, several hundred Americans were killed by four separate terrorist attacks in and around Beirut targeting American outposts. And note that after the fourth attack, which killed two Americans, Reagan refused to curtail his re-election campaign for even one day, even though he enjoyed an insurmountable lead in the polls.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.
Politicus? Really, Tyrone? LOL

Here you go wing nut here is the documented record of Ronald"who ended up in diapers" Reagan

On April 18, 1983, Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. As PBS explains, "Sixty-three people were killed, including 17 Americans, eight of whom were employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, including chief Middle East analyst Robert C. Ames and station chief Kenneth Haas."

Five months later local terrorists struck again. During a lengthy air assault from nearby artillerymen, two Marines stationed at the Beirut airport were killed.

Then on October 23, the Marines' Beirut barracks cratered after a 5-ton truck driven by a suicide bomber and carrying the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of TNT exploded killing 241 Americans, marking the deadliest single attack on U.S. citizens overseas since the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II. (Fifty-eight French paratroopers were also killed in the Beirut blast.)

One year later on September 20, 1984, came the bombing of a U.S. Embassy annex. Located in Aukar, northeast of Beirut, a truck bomb exploded killing 24 people, two of whom were U.S. military personnel.

So, in less than 18 months under Reagan, several hundred Americans were killed by four separate terrorist attacks in and around Beirut targeting American outposts.

where was the outrage and the serial Investigation and the allegations and the insinuation all you wing Nuts can Kiss my ass

Show me one of those diplomatic locations that had it's security details drawn down to practically nothing before they were attacked! Show me one of those diplomatic locations where Reagan lied about what took place there! Show me one of those diplomatic locations where a battle took place over a ten hour time period without response from the US military.

You're trying to come up with excuses for Hillary Clinton's terrible judgement on reducing security personnel, Tyrone and pointing out that other US Presidents had attacks on embassies does NOTHING to excuse her poor decisions on that. Those other bombing SHOULD have convinced Clinton that the Middle East was not a place where you could protect your diplomats with a skeleton crew of security agents. So did you want to take a crack at explaining what her thinking was when she denied Chris Stevens repeated requests to not have his security detail drawn down?

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.
You've got no come back for what Hillary so blatantly you, Tyrone? You know as well as I do that Hillary made a killing off insider trading and never got called on it.

Bush made a killing off insider trading on the stock market then made more millions getting the Government to build a stadium for the Texas Ranger...the bastards used eminent domain to take land from owners to build the stadium
George W. Bush enriched himself by eminent domain

Pensito Review More on Bush's Eminent Domain $14 Mil ...

Timeline: George W. Bush and Rangers - ESPN

Where in any of that is there an example of George W. Bush getting rich off insider trading?

I hate to break this to you but lots of major sports stadiums built in the US have been built on land taken by eminent domain.
The chance for Republicans to damage Hillary before the 2016 blew up in smoke when McCarthy revealed the real objective of the latest Benghazi committee - "to bring Hillary's poll numbers down".

The CIA strikes yet another blow and embarrasses the Republicans in Congress, that were so sure they had finally found something to bring Hillary down, when it informed the committee that the agency does not view that e-mail (as well as 127 previously undisclosed messages) sent to them by committee chairman, Rep Gowdy, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
The credibility of the Republican-led Benghazi committee came under fresh attack Sunday after the CIA informed the panel that it does not view a 2011 email forwarded by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as including any classified information. The committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., had cited Clinton’s handling of the March 18, 2011, email as a prime example of her misusing her private email server to receive and send highly classified information.

But late Saturday night, a CIA official informed the committee that the agency does not view that email, among 127 previously undisclosed messages sent by Blumenthal to Clinton that the panel plans to release this week, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email

Hilbat did it all by herself. She's the one using a personal server for SOS work.

If she sent or received classified e mails then she has no one to blame but her own self.

Her lack of intelligence in the matter says it all.

Anyone who wants her in charge of the US of A is one fucking idiot.

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

The State dept is releasing the emails. Not Hillary. She turned them over to State quite a while ago. State has to scrutinize each one and redact if necessary.

Are you now claiming that Hillary has turned over ALL of her emails? I ask that because she has repeatedly made that claim...only to have other emails surface after the fact. If you will remember, Clinton was directed by Congressional investigators to turn over all documentation and emails having to do with Benghazi. Clinton turned over NOTHING to them from her private email servers.

You are completely wrong.
There has been no new emails released by Hillary. The State dept asked her to submit all work related communications. She did. Anything that was personal was deleted.
The server was also turned over. If mails are recovered from the server they aren't being released from Hillary.

If you are going to be so eager to post on this subject, you should really try to know what you're talking about.
Where in any of that is there an example of George W. Bush getting rich off insider trading?

I hate to break this to you but lots of major sports stadiums built in the US have been built on land taken by eminent domain.
In June 1990, Junior [Bush-Failure 43] suddenly unloaded the bulk of his Harken stock -- 212,140 shares -- for a tidy $848,560. A former business associate says that Junior's motivation was his desire to buy an expensive new house in Dallas, for which he wanted to pay cash. The June 1990 transaction was an insider stock sale, and security laws required that it be reported no later than July 10, 1990. But Junior filed no such report, at least not then. - Harken Energy And Insider Trading

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