CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

Where was the evidence?

What evidence ...what in the world are you ranting about. There is no evidence there is no scandal there is only shrill partisan accusations against Hillary Clinton using Government tax payer money to "Catapult the toxic propaganda"
"tax payer money" "tax payer money wwwaaaahhhhh"
She used tax payer money to pay her charities workers. If you want to talk about tax payer money, talk about that.
She used tax payer money to pay her charities workers. If you want to talk about tax payer money, talk about that.

you can rant
you can scream
you can screed and flame

You cannot come up with any evidence that any of the "shrill partisan accusations" against Madame President Hillary Clinton are true.........sorry...
Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

Why, what's the hurry? Are you not aware that your side has already won the war? You have destroyed this nation's moral fabric, you butcher kids in the womb by the millions, you have indoctrinated our youth into thinking about changing their gender or gay-away, you have destroyed the Christian faith where saying the word God in a classroom, or almost anywhere, can get you indicted. You have turned the movie industry, music industry and TV public air waves into a cesspool of filth and hedonism. You have lied about our history and made every white folk feel guilty for the downfall of blacks and muslims and American Indians and illegal immigrants. You have taken away our military and our will to fight or defend our nation. You essentially have prepared us to fail.

So quit fretting. If you can find enough idiots and people eager for handouts to elect the most incompetent loser in world history TWICE!!, then fear not, Hillary is your man.
She used tax payer money to pay her charities workers. If you want to talk about tax payer money, talk about that.

you can rant
you can scream
you can screed and flame

You cannot come up with any evidence that any of the "shrill partisan accusations" against Madame President Hillary Clinton are true.........sorry...
That's what I thought, hack.
Where was the evidence?

What evidence ...what in the world are you ranting about. There is no evidence there is no scandal there is only shrill partisan accusations against Hillary Clinton using Government tax payer money to "Catapult the toxic propaganda"

what in the world are you ranting about.

I'm not the one ranting.

How many times has it been reported that ALL the emails have been turned over?

If it was just Hillary, why do they still have dozens of witnesses to call to the hot seat?

Seems they only recently received Ambassador Stevens emails, and are still going thru those.

Keep blowing it off, keep claiming it's a 'witch hunt'.

(although, in Hillary's case, the witch part is correct)

If the investigations hadn't been blocked, they might have finished by now.
She used tax payer money to pay her charities workers. If you want to talk about tax payer money, talk about that.

you can rant
you can scream
you can screed and flame

You cannot come up with any evidence that any of the "shrill partisan accusations" against Madame President Hillary Clinton are true.........sorry...
That's what I thought, hack.
well you have evidence or not ?
Evidence for what?
Benghazi is fuckin stupid
No one knows about the emails yet.
So I guess you don't mind the Clintons use OUR money to pay their employees?
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

You Communists are panicking.

Washington (CNN)With the first Democratic debate in the books, a new CNN/ORC poll finds most who watched think Hillary Clinton had the best performance of the night, but her strong showing hasn't boosted her standing in the race for the party's nomination.

Clinton stands at 45% in the race for the Democratic nomination, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders behind her at 29%. Vice President Joe Biden, who is considering a run for presidency and did not participate in last week's debate, follows at 18%.}

Poll: Hillary Clinton wins debate, Bernie Sanders rises -

Keep it up, it's great entertainment. :thup:
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.
Lincoln Chaffe or whatever his name is at the end of his introduction at the debate "I have never had any scandals" :rofl:
If he was a contender, you can be sure the GOP would create a lot of Chaffee scandals.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.
Lincoln Chaffe or whatever his name is at the end of his introduction at the debate "I have never had any scandals" :rofl:
If he was a contender, you can be sure the GOP would create a lot of Chaffee scandals.
meh, aint heard anything about Bernie..
The fact that the committee just received Steven's emails last week is ridiculous. Barry has been obstructing big time on this one.

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"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

She's rather good at stonewalling. How long did she hide documents relating to Whitewater before they were "found"? Be honest, Bulldog. You know as well as I do that Hillary isn't exactly a paragon of honesty or integrity.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

It will be over Thursday, when Hillary shuts them up for good.
Maybe she will. I try not to knee-jerk even though she is a proven liar and thief :thup:
Notice the Hillary supporters wont even touch this one :lol:
Boy, their standards are on point :thup:
McCarthy never said the real objective of the Benghazi hearing was to bring Hillary's numbers down. He said the Benghazi hearing brought Hillary's numbers down.

Yeah....that's what Republican/conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe. It was obvious way before McCarthy admitted it.......that the reason for this 9th investigation on Benghazi was to see if somehow they could tie the "server" issue to the "Benghazi" non-issue and make a formidable "scandal" to finally bring Hillary down.

These "hearings" have been in bad faith since the beginning.
The position of the Communists is "you'll never convict Hillary."

My response is "Fine, I don't care. BUT you'll never elect Hillary." Hillary is liar, a fraud, and a crook. The entire nation knows it.
Newsweek reported on Sunday, the CIA informed the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday that Gowdy’s claims were false:

Indeed, according to committee correspondence reviewed by Newsweek, the CIA did tell the panel on Saturday that it had reviewed 127 emails between Clinton and her close friend and outside adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, and none of it was deemed classified.

“The CIA reviewed the material in question and informed State that it required no redactions,” the agency informed Susan Sachsman Grooms, staff director and general counsel for the panel’s Democrats, on October 17.
Newsweek reported on Sunday, the CIA informed the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday that Gowdy’s claims were false:

Indeed, according to committee correspondence reviewed by Newsweek, the CIA did tell the panel on Saturday that it had reviewed 127 emails between Clinton and her close friend and outside adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, and none of it was deemed classified.

“The CIA reviewed the material in question and informed State that it required no redactions,” the agency informed Susan Sachsman Grooms, staff director and general counsel for the panel’s Democrats, on October 17.
I'll make a bet with you, Tyrone! I'll bet that before this is all said and done Hillary Clinton will indeed release e-mails that should have been classified. It might take almost a decade like with those White Water documents that just magically appeared one day but sooner or later we WILL find out what it is that Hillary doesn't want anyone to see. Just remember on that day that you were one of the ones that bought her bullshit...hook, line and sinker.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

I think it's pretty much over for the Benghazi committee....they've been discredited enough that no one is going believe anything they say.

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy A Bald Faced Liar

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