CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

I think it's pretty much over for the Benghazi committee....they've been discredited enough that no one is going believe anything they say.

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy A Bald Faced Liar

Right wingers will always believe. Facts and proof don't matter.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

The FBI wasn't looking for a scandal to start with. They were merely investigating accusations that the righties made. So far, those accusations have been shown to be nothing but silly crap.
Maybe so, but it isn't over and my point remains :thup:

It will be over Thursday, when Hillary shuts them up for good.
Maybe she will. I try not to knee-jerk even though she is a proven liar and thief :thup:

The proven liars are the Republicans, coming up with these fake committees, spending my tax money trying to discredit her because they can't come up with a candidate that can beat her. That's what you call "desperation".
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

No, Republicans follow Hillary Clinton around trying to come up with discredit her, and come up empty every time. 8 Benghazi investigations and the one prior to this latest fake one, came up with "No wrongdoing for the Obama Administration". So, they had to go and create another one using the e-mail issue, which by the way, they were not a bit concerned with when Collin Powell used his private e-mail account to conduct business.

And, FYI, it's Republicans that seem to think there are two sets of for Democrats and one for Republicans. Hillary Clinton and Obama are somehow responsible for Benghazi, but George Bush is not responsible for 9/11?.........what a joke! Jeb has the audacity to claim that George kept us safe. I bet the victims of the 3000+ that died that day don't think George kept us safe.

I'm glad that at least one Republican, although he is a buffoon most of the time, has the balls to tell you all to your face....George W Bush did not keep us safe.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.
Lincoln Chaffe or whatever his name is at the end of his introduction at the debate "I have never had any scandals" :rofl:

I bet if he was at the top of the Democratic polls Republicans would have dug up something to create a scandal on........:rofl:

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

So, the idiot sends an e-mail and forgets to redact the name that he is blaming Hillary for not redacting....and it is outed for public view. You can't make this shit up.

House Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy appears to have accidentally released the name of a CIA source in the midst of a back-and-forth with Democrats about how sensitive the information was and whether its presence in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account constituted a security breach.
Gowdy appears to accidentally release CIA source's name

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

How can you blatantly lie? Oh, I forgot, you're a conservative. Hillary has no control on how the e-mails are released, so quit with the lies, already.

Where do you all come up with such absurd charges?

A federal judge on Tuesday instructed the State Department to release former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails on a rolling basis rather than all at once after they have been cleared.

Hillary Clinton and the State Department on Tuesday insisted they are not slow-walking the public release of her emails during her time as secretary of state, while a federal judge ordered up a plan for a rolling release of the hotly anticipated documents.

Clinton said in March that she wanted the State Department to release the emails, and since then, the agency has assigned 12 staffers full-time to reviewing the Clinton emails, according to an official.

The State Department on Monday night proposed a deadline of January 2016 to complete its review and publicly release the whole set of documents, but a federal judge on Tuesday rejected such a plan.

U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras on Tuesday said in a written order State must propose a new schedule by next Tuesday that involves disclosing the records batch-by-batch on a regular basis and updating the court every 60 days on the releases.

Hillary Clinton on her emails: I want them out, too!
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

No, Republicans follow Hillary Clinton around trying to come up with discredit her, and come up empty every time. 8 Benghazi investigations and the one prior to this latest fake one, came up with "No wrongdoing for the Obama Administration". So, they had to go and create another one using the e-mail issue, which by the way, they were not a bit concerned with when Collin Powell used his private e-mail account to conduct business.

And, FYI, it's Republicans that seem to think there are two sets of for Democrats and one for Republicans. Hillary Clinton and Obama are somehow responsible for Benghazi, but George Bush is not responsible for 9/11?.........what a joke! Jeb has the audacity to claim that George kept us safe. I bet the victims of the 3000+ that died that day don't think George kept us safe.

I'm glad that at least one Republican, although he is a buffoon most of the time, has the balls to tell you all to your face....George W Bush did not keep us safe.

You probably can't grasp this concept, Mertex but there is a difference between a committee reaching the conclusion that the Obama Administration didn't commit "illegal" actions and a committee finding that they didn't do "wrong".

It's not "illegal" to have totally inadequate security for our diplomatic personnel even though you really should know that Libya was extremely dangerous to those diplomatic personnel. It's not "illegal" to mislead the American people on what happened in Benghazi with a fanciful tale about You Tube protests that got out of hand. It's not even "illegal" to stonewall the investigations into those failures. You're not going to go to jail for any of those things, Mertex but that doesn't mean you did "right".

Clinton gets in trouble over and over again not because she does "illegal" things (although her insider trading with cattle futures a few years back pretty much was illegal!) but because she does things that are "unethical" and bend the law if not breaking it.

It's not "illegal" to lie to someone's parents about their child's death. It is pretty sleazy however...

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!

How can you blatantly lie? Oh, I forgot, you're a conservative. Hillary has no control on how the e-mails are released, so quit with the lies, already.

Where do you all come up with such absurd charges?

A federal judge on Tuesday instructed the State Department to release former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails on a rolling basis rather than all at once after they have been cleared.

Hillary Clinton and the State Department on Tuesday insisted they are not slow-walking the public release of her emails during her time as secretary of state, while a federal judge ordered up a plan for a rolling release of the hotly anticipated documents.

Clinton said in March that she wanted the State Department to release the emails, and since then, the agency has assigned 12 staffers full-time to reviewing the Clinton emails, according to an official.

The State Department on Monday night proposed a deadline of January 2016 to complete its review and publicly release the whole set of documents, but a federal judge on Tuesday rejected such a plan.

U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras on Tuesday said in a written order State must propose a new schedule by next Tuesday that involves disclosing the records batch-by-batch on a regular basis and updating the court every 60 days on the releases.

Hillary Clinton on her emails: I want them out, too!
Hillary has no control over her emails? Did you really just make that claim? Remind me again who it was that erased 50,000 emails? For you to claim that the State Department HASN'T been stonewalling the release of Clinton's emails is laughable!

Another Right-Wing Claim About Clinton's Email Collapses
Media from Fox News to Morning Joe ran with a claim from Republicans on the Benghazi committee that claimed that Hillary Clinton revealed the name of a CIA source in an email. But the CIA has informed the committee that the email in question did not contain any classified information.

They really should be facing criminal investigations for this crap.
Throwing away tax payer money.
Like when the Clintons used 3 million tax dollars to pay their charity employees salaries?

More like when Ted Cruz wasted 24Billion in his unnecessary filibuster?

Facepalm: "The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.
HUFFPOST HILL - Ted Cruz Patriotically Costs Country $24 Billion
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

Why, what's the hurry? Are you not aware that your side has already won the war?
What war? The war agains the Republican's lies? They keep coming up with new ones.

You have destroyed this nation's moral fabric, you butcher kids in the womb by the millions, you have indoctrinated our youth into thinking about changing their gender or gay-away,
You would prefer that every egg that is fertilized should be allowed to be birthed, so that Republican/conservatives can then take those that are poor and starve them to death when they cut all the programs that help them? Why is that better?

you have destroyed the Christian faith where saying the word God in a classroom, or almost anywhere, can get you indicted.
Aren't you exaggerating just a bit? No one is indicted for mentioning the word God in a classroom.....but you think your party's idea that everyone should be allowed to carry a gun in plain sight to school will keep America safer? This way, mental people don't even have to hide the guns when they go into the schools....and no one will know who the shooter/attacker is, because everyone will be shooting....brilliant.

You have turned the movie industry, music industry and TV public air waves into a cesspool of filth and hedonism.
So you think Democrats/liberals are the only ones that go to the movies? How delusional are you. If only liberals were attending these events or listening to this music, they wouldn't be making the money they make. The problem with some of you conservatives is you don't take responsibility for anything and blame everything on someone else. I don't go to movies if they don't meet my standards and you should do the same, and quit worrying about what others like or don't like.

You have lied about our history and made every white folk feel guilty for the downfall of blacks and muslims and American Indians and illegal immigrants. You have taken away our military and our will to fight or defend our nation. You essentially have prepared us to fail.
We have promoted the real history and debunked the new history created by Republican/conservatives. And, the racist conservatives are to blame for the downfall of blacks and muslims and American Indians and illegal immigrants. You conservatives have put as #1 the buffoon carnival barker that has insulted illegal immigrants and called them rapists and criminals when the majority of them are hard working people just trying to earn a living, doing the job that most lazy Americans won't do. And although not every Republican is racist, every racist just happens to be Republican.

So quit fretting. If you can find enough idiots and people eager for handouts to elect the most incompetent loser in world history TWICE!!, then fear not, Hillary is your man.

I'm not fretting.......I'm actually gloating. All of the conservatives' attempts to bring down Hillary because they are so afraid of her, have blown up in their face. You go ahead and continue to support the idiot who tells you fantasies about how you all are going to be rich (he sounds a bit like your old hero Reagan) and how he is going to make America great again.......geez, if he should win, America will be in worst shape than when George W. Bush tanked it.....and you all still love Doofus so much.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

No, Republicans follow Hillary Clinton around trying to come up with discredit her, and come up empty every time. 8 Benghazi investigations and the one prior to this latest fake one, came up with "No wrongdoing for the Obama Administration". So, they had to go and create another one using the e-mail issue, which by the way, they were not a bit concerned with when Collin Powell used his private e-mail account to conduct business.

And, FYI, it's Republicans that seem to think there are two sets of for Democrats and one for Republicans. Hillary Clinton and Obama are somehow responsible for Benghazi, but George Bush is not responsible for 9/11?.........what a joke! Jeb has the audacity to claim that George kept us safe. I bet the victims of the 3000+ that died that day don't think George kept us safe.

I'm glad that at least one Republican, although he is a buffoon most of the time, has the balls to tell you all to your face....George W Bush did not keep us safe.

You probably can't grasp this concept, Mertex but there is a difference between a committee reaching the conclusion that the Obama Administration didn't commit "illegal" actions and a committee finding that they didn't do "wrong".
Are you serious? If anyone had committed any illegal actions, the committee would not have said they didn't find any wrong doing. Surely you are not that naive.

It's not "illegal" to have totally inadequate security for our diplomatic personnel even though you really should know that Libya was extremely dangerous to those diplomatic personnel. It's not "illegal" to mislead the American people on what happened in Benghazi with a fanciful tale about You Tube protests that got out of hand. It's not even "illegal" to stonewall the investigations into those failures. You're not going to go to jail for any of those things, Mertex but that doesn't mean you did "right".
Republicans in Congress should have known that Libya was extremely dangerous also, yet they refused to increase the funding for more security. So why don't you conservatives take responsibility for your inaction instead of trying to blame everything on Hillary and Obama. It is Congress that decides whether or not to increase funding, and clearly the GOP did not give a shit about Stevens or Benghazi when they voted "no" - so quit with your damn lies.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Clinton gets in trouble over and over again not because she does "illegal" things (although her insider trading with cattle futures a few years back pretty much was illegal!) but because she does things that are "unethical" and bend the law if not breaking it.
No, it's only because it only seems unethical and bending of the law to Republican/conservatives that are trying to bring her down. How come there was nothing said when Collin Powell used private emails to conduct business. Or, how come Republicans/conservatives didn't think it was unethical when George W. Bush and Rove decided to destroy millions of emails being required from them in the circuit judge investigation? Because you all are a bunch of hypocrites, that's why.

FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug

It's not "illegal" to lie to someone's parents about their child's death. It is pretty sleazy however...
What the hell are you talking about? You're really stretching. It was illegal for Bush/Cheney to do water boarding.......I don't see too many of you even bringing that up.
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

No, Republicans follow Hillary Clinton around trying to come up with discredit her, and come up empty every time. 8 Benghazi investigations and the one prior to this latest fake one, came up with "No wrongdoing for the Obama Administration". So, they had to go and create another one using the e-mail issue, which by the way, they were not a bit concerned with when Collin Powell used his private e-mail account to conduct business.

And, FYI, it's Republicans that seem to think there are two sets of for Democrats and one for Republicans. Hillary Clinton and Obama are somehow responsible for Benghazi, but George Bush is not responsible for 9/11?.........what a joke! Jeb has the audacity to claim that George kept us safe. I bet the victims of the 3000+ that died that day don't think George kept us safe.

I'm glad that at least one Republican, although he is a buffoon most of the time, has the balls to tell you all to your face....George W Bush did not keep us safe.

You probably can't grasp this concept, Mertex but there is a difference between a committee reaching the conclusion that the Obama Administration didn't commit "illegal" actions and a committee finding that they didn't do "wrong".
Are you serious? If anyone had committed any illegal actions, the committee would not have said they didn't find any wrong doing. Surely you are not that naive.

It's not "illegal" to have totally inadequate security for our diplomatic personnel even though you really should know that Libya was extremely dangerous to those diplomatic personnel. It's not "illegal" to mislead the American people on what happened in Benghazi with a fanciful tale about You Tube protests that got out of hand. It's not even "illegal" to stonewall the investigations into those failures. You're not going to go to jail for any of those things, Mertex but that doesn't mean you did "right".
Republicans in Congress should have known that Libya was extremely dangerous also, yet they refused to increase the funding for more security. So why don't you conservatives take responsibility for your inaction instead of trying to blame everything on Hillary and Obama. It is Congress that decides whether or not to increase funding, and clearly the GOP did not give a shit about Stevens or Benghazi when they voted "no" - so quit with your damn lies.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Clinton gets in trouble over and over again not because she does "illegal" things (although her insider trading with cattle futures a few years back pretty much was illegal!) but because she does things that are "unethical" and bend the law if not breaking it.
No, it's only because it only seems unethical and bending of the law to Republican/conservatives that are trying to bring her down. How come there was nothing said when Collin Powell used private emails to conduct business. Or, how come Republicans/conservatives didn't think it was unethical when George W. Bush and Rove decided to destroy millions of emails being required from them in the circuit judge investigation? Because you all are a bunch of hypocrites, that's why.

FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug

It's not "illegal" to lie to someone's parents about their child's death. It is pretty sleazy however...
What the hell are you talking about? You're really stretching. It was illegal for Bush/Cheney to do water boarding.......I don't see too many of you even bringing that up.

Did you seriously just try and blame the lack of security on "GOP budget cuts", Mertex? You Clinton apologists keep trying to get that dog to hunt for two years now and it simply doesn't! First of all there really was no decrease in funding for State Department security...what there WAS...was a request from the State Department for a larger budget increase and then Congress subsequently approved a smaller budget increase something that happens under virtually EVERY Congress with virtually EVERY budget request! Secondly, the person who was in charge of embassy security for Libya, Charlene Lamb, testified under oath before a Senate committee that budget cuts in no way influenced staffing levels for security in Libya and that the State Department was satisfied with the amount of security they had in Libya!

Hillary Clinton briefly tried to float the excuse that GOP budget cuts caused the decrease in security for diplomats and gave that up because she got called on it immediately. You seem not to have gotten the "memo" on that!
What am I talking about when I say it isn't illegal to lie to someone's parents about how and why their child died? Hillary Clinton told the parents of those slain Americans as their children's bodies were coming off a plane at Andrews Air Force Base that she was going to make the person who made the video that caused those deaths pay for what he'd done. She did that knowing full well that there was no protest over a You Tube video in Benghazi that turned violent. She looked those people right in the eye and lied to them. It's about as callous and calculating as it gets.
What am I talking about when I say it isn't illegal to lie to someone's parents about how and why their child died? Hillary Clinton told the parents of those slain Americans as their children's bodies were coming off a plane at Andrews Air Force Base that she was going to make the person who made the video that caused those deaths pay for what he'd done. She did that knowing full well that there was no protest over a You Tube video in Benghazi that turned violent. She looked those people right in the eye and lied to them. It's about as callous and calculating as it gets.
That's the only thing that upset me about this Benghazi ordeal. The way they all just lied like that..
You can tell a lot about someone's character, Harley by how they handle a situation where they've made a mistake. Someone with a great deal of character admits that they erred...takes responsibility for the mistake and does everything they can to make it right. That's all you can ask for.

The thing that has always bothered me most about Benghazi right from the start is that this Administration was more worried about how it's policies would be perceived than about the people on the ground who were dead or dying. They were more concerned with covering up their errors in judgement than they were in going after the people who committed those attacks against our people. That's what's always pissed me off about Benghazi!
"Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal"
You mean the FBI?

No, Republicans are the ones that keep trying really hard to find a scandal to hurt Hillary. Their last one.....the "server" one is not panning out...and trying to attach it to Benghazi to revive that old 8 time investigated/committee'd scandal by claiming she used heer server for classified e-mails is going up in "poof"!

Your claim that Republicans have to LOOK to find scandals to attach to Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, Mertex! The truth is...scandal follows Hillary Clinton around like a hungry dog following a meat truck.

Be honest for once! The reasons that Hillary is constantly embroiled in scandal is that she and her hubby seem to think there are two sets of for you and I...and one for Bill and Hill...that and her rather obvious propensity to lie.

After decades of the right wing accusing her of breaking the law countless times, she hasn't been found guilty even once. Either she really is innocent of those accusations, or the right is too incompetent to prove her guilt even once. Which is it?

If Hillary has been breaking the law all these decades, where is the indictment? Where are the formal charges? Where is the arrest record and where is the court trial?

The bush boy's justice department had 8 years to investigate and charge her with a crime. Yet to my knowledge, there wasn't even an investigation. Much less any charges or indictments.

The right wing crazy conservatives can make all the claims the want. Just saying it doesn't make it true.
"When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump

"Blaming 9/11 on Mr. Bush is taboo for Republicans and has largely been off-limits for Democrats," noted The New York Times. But by ignoring those Beltway protocols, Trump threw a spotlight onto the questions of accountability, George Bush's inability to protect Americans from terror attacks on U.S. soil, and why Jeb Bush today routinely stresses that his brother kept America safe after thousands were killed on 9/11.
Last edited:
Yesterday, the CIA confirmed that Gowdy lied:

[A]ccording to committee correspondence reviewed by Newsweek, the CIA did tell the [Benghazi] panel on Saturday that it had reviewed 127 emails between Clinton and her close friend and outside adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, and none of it was deemed classified. “The CIA reviewed the material in question and informed State that it required no redaction,” the agency informed Susan Sachsman Grooms, staff director and general counsel for the panel’s Democrats, on October 17. [My emphasis] This is a scandal and a disgrace.

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