CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
She is smart and ballsy. Two things you aren't.

So you basically don't have a reasonable explanation for what Clinton you've decided to attack me personally? Typical...
This is the Tight Wire Act the GOP "Benghazoids" face today

On the one hand 3/4 three in four of Americans Recognize this is a GOP political Operation ...that means they can't go all pit bull on Hillary they have to be careful....

On the other side are "Hillary is the Anti Christ but not as nice" crowd who expect an all out visceral attack using hints, allegations, innuendo and what have you to nail Hillary Uber Ales.......

This was their last hope to try and derail Hillary Clinton........the one Presidential candidate that gives them heartburn because they realize that none of the clowns in the clown train can compete with her. Which is why, embassy attacks, common throughout George W. Bush's presidency didn't cause a stir from them, but this one, which they could try and tie to Hillary was their only opportunity to try and paint her as a villain....Americans are not buying it and this last fake investigation/committee has all but exploded in their face due to their incompetence.

1. McCarthy reveals that the total purpose of their investigation was to bring Hillary's poll numbers down.
Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

2. Republican Committee member admits investigation is all about Hillary and gets fired from the committee.
Second GOP Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton (UPDATE)

3. Committee Chair Gowdy alters data to try and implicate Hillary Clinton and gets caught.

Republican leader admits he altered documents to frame Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
same party that spent 70 million investigating a blue dress.

I don't understand their logic. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is somehow to blame for Benghazi and the death of 4 Americans.

Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, however, is not to blame for 9/11 and the death of 3000+ Americans, and the ensuing senseless war that cost us another 4000+ Americans, and caused the formation of ISIS and still more Americans dying.

What's wrong with that picture?

Must be Republican Logic 101, or Republican logic for Dummies.

Logic? Where did Condi Rice cut embassy security because of "optics" causing Americans to be murdered? Now you're blaming Rice for the formation of ISIS? Wow! When Rice left office ISIS didn't exist. ISIS is a creation of the Obama White House's lack of foreign policy for the Middle East.

ISIS exists because baby bush (And condi) sucked at their jobs.

ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!

no. it didn't. it arose because of baby bush's destabilizing the middle east.

because of his poor judgment and condi's inability to understand the middle east (her expertise was in russia) we ended up with shi'a extremists running both iran and iraq and the type of violence that the state department predicted would occur during gulf I when they warned daddy bush not to go to baghdad.

you're welcome

You talk about W destabilizing the Middle East, Jillian...yet when Bush left office the Middle East was far more stable than it is now. For some reason you think what's happened in the Middle East since Barack Obama took office isn't HIS fault. Bush left a relatively stable Iraq and Syria. He had no control over what Barry did from that point on and let's be honest here...Obama's total lack of a Middle East plan has created a total cluster fuck in that region! Russia wasn't bombing targets in Syria under Bush...that's something that Obama's policies brought on! ISIS didn't exist under Bush...that's something that Obama's policies brought on!
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!

She was savvy and relied on expert advise. It happens all the time.......but your butt hurt and hate for the Clintons is not unique......most conservatives hate anyone that bests their politicians and Bill Clinton sure did. Conservatives offer up buffoons like Nixon, who should have been impeached, and George W Bush, who tanked the country and then try to create scandals for the Clintons, Obama and any Democratic politician to try and get even, and they end up blowing up in your faces. Give it up.

The computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.

The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account, Leo Melamed, a former chairman of the Merc who reviewed the records for the White House, said in an interview. He said the discrepancies in Clinton's records also could have been caused by human error.

Even allocated trades would not necessarily have benefited Clinton, Melamed added. "I have no reason to change my original assessment. Mrs. Clinton violated no rules in the course of her transactions," he said. Hillary Clinton Futures Trades Detailed

She was "savvy"? She says she figured out how to trade commodities from an article she read in the New York Times, Mertex! That's such a laughable claim that even you should be embarrassed by it. Clinton's trades succeeded because there was no way that they couldn't! The whole scenario was nothing more than an intricate method to launder a pay off made by the Tyson Corporation to the Clintons for favors granted. What took place is EXACTLY why the trading regulations were subsequently changed so that you were required to put a name to an order when it was initially made.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?
So Reagan had a democrat AG? There have been no indictments because there has been no corruption. The only corruption is to your tiny little brain.

No corruption? Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office for TRYING to use the IRS against his political opponents! Barrack Obama actually DID it!

no. richard nixon had to reside after a bi-partisan (something you wackos know nothing about) effort to ascertain the facts behind a COVER-UP of a robbery where he tried to sabotage his opponents.

do you even know what watergate was about?

never mind... your comment proves you don't.

how old are you, anyway?

Actually, Jillian...your comments prove that your knowledge of Watergate is lacking. One of the most serious charges brought against Richard that was the final straw in getting him out of office...was that he attempted to use the IRS against his political enemies. Note that he wasn't successful...but just the attempt to do so was judged to be such a violation by even his fellow Republicans that they ceased to support him as President.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
Here's my problem with your claim that nothing has been found at this point which would be classified as top secret, Tyrone...Hillary is doing her usual slow release of documents...telling us that she's given it all...then releasing more...telling us THAT is all of it...then releasing more...then swearing THAT was really all of it...then releasing even more. One can only assume that the really bad emails are the ones we haven't seen yet and one can also assume those won't be released until after the next election. That's what the Clintons DO!
Every single email is in the hands of the fbi. Stop lying.

I have no idea if that's the case or not, Paddy, nor do you! The FBI is attempting to recover the emails that Hillary erased from the two servers she kept at her house. From what I gather...they are going to be able to which case Hillary's ass may very well be in a jam. I'm assuming that she erased those emails because they contained sensitive information that she didn't want Congress to have.
You got nothing. You assholes have been trying to get her and Bill for thirty years and they make asses out of you. She will be Presidebt and you can blog on for another nine years repeating your delusions. ,
What I find rather amusing is watching you on the Left defend this Administration's actions simply because they aren't "illegal"! This was a group that took office promising to be the most "transparent" administration in US history and then proceeded to become one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever as they tried to cover up scandal after scandal. That's going to be one of the legacies of the Obama Presidency.
This has been the least corrupt administration in history. Can you identify a single administration figure indicted for anything they did while in office? Reagan had dozens of convictions.,,

When your Attorney General was Eric Holder should it come as a shock to anyone that nobody in the Obama Administration has been "indicted"?
So Reagan had a democrat AG? There have been no indictments because there has been no corruption. The only corruption is to your tiny little brain.

No corruption? Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office for TRYING to use the IRS against his political opponents! Barrack Obama actually DID it!

Dude, Richard Nixon got run out of office because he was caught trying to cover up a crime his cronies pulled off.

John K. Andrews was a speechwriter for President Richard M. Nixon from early 1970 to late 1973.

Yet on Feb. 2, 1974, Andrews penned an op-ed for the New York Times urging that Nixon be removed from the presidency.

Whether or not Nixon was technically a criminal, “he has run a campaign and an administration infested with them and has done shockingly little to clean up the mess.” The president’s misconduct had become “one of the most clear-cut moral issues” in American politics since the abolition of slavery. Although Americans still had a president “in the literal sense … in moral terms the revered leadership position is quite vacant.”

The president could save himself by coming clean if his only crimes were crimes of omission; yet “his stubbornly guilty demeanor” suggested otherwise.

Former Nixon speechwriter: Why the president had to resign, or be impeached

No shit, Sherlock...and one of the ways he attempted to cover up that crime was by pressuring the head of the IRS to target his enemies for him.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:
Last edited:
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle


I know... they're so disingenuous that it would be laughable if they weren't dangerous.
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
She is smart and ballsy. Two things you aren't.

So you basically don't have a reasonable explanation for what Clinton you've decided to attack me personally? Typical...
I don't fucking care what she did forty years ago.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
She is smart and ballsy. Two things you aren't.

So you basically don't have a reasonable explanation for what Clinton you've decided to attack me personally? Typical...
I don't fucking care what she did forty years ago.

Obviously. The problem is...she hasn't gotten any more ethical over the years, Paddy. The "Clinton Foundation" is proof of that.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle


I know... they're so disingenuous that it would be laughable if they weren't dangerous.

Oh, did you decide that lecturing me on Watergate didn't work so well? Let me actually went and researched what I said and found out that I was 100% correct?
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
She is smart and ballsy. Two things you aren't.

So you basically don't have a reasonable explanation for what Clinton you've decided to attack me personally? Typical...
I don't fucking care what she did forty years ago.

Obviously. The problem is...she hasn't gotten any more ethical over the years, Paddy. The "Clinton Foundation" is proof of that.
The foundation that provides tens of millions to needy people around the world? Tell us what the Reagan Foundation or the Bush Foundation have done to improve the world.
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

I don't know if anyone in this Administration could FIND Spain, let alone invade it, Mertex!
Come on, Bulldog...take a stab at explaining how someone who was making less than $30,000 a year would use five grand of that and take a "flier" on cattle futures? I'm a reasonable guy...give me a reasonable scenario how that would EVER happen!
She is smart and ballsy. Two things you aren't.

So you basically don't have a reasonable explanation for what Clinton you've decided to attack me personally? Typical...
I don't fucking care what she did forty years ago.

Obviously. The problem is...she hasn't gotten any more ethical over the years, Paddy. The "Clinton Foundation" is proof of that.
The foundation that provides tens of millions to needy people around the world? Tell us what the Reagan Foundation or the Bush Foundation have done to improve the world.

The Foundation that provides millions to the Clinton Machine you mean.? Hillary used the Clinton Foundation to pay for her political operatives over the past seven years as she geared up for another Presidential run.
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

I don't know if anyone in this Administration could FIND Spain, let alone invade it, Mertex!
Spain is one of those nations full of people so thankful that this country is led by a great president like Obama instead of an incompetent clown like Bush.

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