CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

I don't know if anyone in this Administration could FIND Spain, let alone invade it, Mertex!
Spain is one of those nations full of people so thankful that this country is led by a great president like Obama instead of an incompetent clown like Bush.

Why it is a country that conservatives would consider invading.......using Bush logic....:D
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

I don't know if anyone in this Administration could FIND Spain, let alone invade it, Mertex!
Spain is one of those nations full of people so thankful that this country is led by a great president like Obama instead of an incompetent clown like Bush.

Why it is a country that conservatives would consider invading.......using Bush logic....:D

Conservatives wouldn't...they grasp that the problem is with ISIS in the Middle East. Barry and his gang of idiots? They didn't even see ISIS as a problem...
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
so you are a pro- policeman of the world- type? You willing to have your taxes raised to pay for that tough guy? :doubt:
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:
ISIS didn't exist during the Bush years because W. and Condi Rice were actually much better at their jobs than Barry "Leading from Behind" Obama and Hillary "What difference does it make! Clinton were at theirs. The rise to power of ISIS occurred on Barry's watch...not W's. Obama thought they were the JV team right up until they ran roughshod over a third of the Middle East and since then he hasn't had a clue what to do about them.

A recent poll showed 73% of Americans don't think Obama has a plan to deal with ISIS. Since I'm guessing that you would fall into the other 27%...I'd love to hear what you think Barry's plan is!
ROFLMAO Oldstyle

What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.
So Playtex with her Double D IQ was crowing that the CIA was lying for the Hildabeast crook, that unsecure email doesn't matter..

Now we know why the mindless little toady would say that:

The information was likely taken by a hacking collective that claimed to have breached Brennan’s email earlier this week. The hackers, who operate under the name “CWA” or “Crackas with Attitude,” are all Americans under the age of 22, two of the members told CNN.

“I view myself as a guy who likes computers, and I don't like the government either. I'm not a terrorist. I'm a white boy,” one hacker said. “I smoke pot. And I live in America.”

A CIA statement called the hack a "crime."}

WikiLeaks publishes CIA head John Brennan's hacked emails


You can't make this shit up.
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:

For every country where we erred by supporting dictators, I can show you two countries where American troops supported democracy against dictators. If we were not the leaders of the free world then people might very well still be under the yoke of fascism. It was America that turned the tide in the Second World War. Who knows how far the spread of communism might have gone if not for both Democratic and Republican US Presidents fighting for democracy around the world. You may not like the idea of American intervention, Dottie but if you're a sovereign nation under duress then who would you rather have come to your aid...the US...or Russia? I know that you liberals love to push the narrative that America has stuck it's nose into places it doesn't belong but for countries like South Korea...America kept the wolf from the door.
And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:
And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:

For every country where we erred by supporting dictators, I can show you two countries where American troops supported democracy against dictators. If we were not the leaders of the free world then people might very well still be under the yoke of fascism. It was America that turned the tide in the Second World War. Who knows how far the spread of communism might have gone if not for both Democratic and Republican US Presidents fighting for democracy around the world. You may not like the idea of American intervention, Dottie but if you're a sovereign nation under duress then who would you rather have come to your aid...the US...or Russia? I know that you liberals love to push the narrative that America has stuck it's nose into places it doesn't belong but for countries like South Korea...America kept the wolf from the door.

You serve? When, where?
Never even considered the military, Dottie. I ran nightclubs from the time I was twenty years old. I don't like taking orders...never have...never will. I respect those who have served but it was never my cup of tea.
And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:
And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:

For every country where we erred by supporting dictators, I can show you two countries where American troops supported democracy against dictators. If we were not the leaders of the free world then people might very well still be under the yoke of fascism. It was America that turned the tide in the Second World War. Who knows how far the spread of communism might have gone if not for both Democratic and Republican US Presidents fighting for democracy around the world. You may not like the idea of American intervention, Dottie but if you're a sovereign nation under duress then who would you rather have come to your aid...the US...or Russia? I know that you liberals love to push the narrative that America has stuck it's nose into places it doesn't belong but for countries like South Korea...America kept the wolf from the door.
What you cannot show is s single time since W II when we used our military to defend this nation.
Never even considered the military, Dottie. I ran nightclubs from the time I was twenty years old. I don't like taking orders...never have...never will. I respect those who have served but it was never my cup of tea.
sooo..... in Cheney's words "you had better things to do" :rolleyes-41: Understood. An uptight shmuck like you running night clubs lol? That's rich. do realize that the longer one is in the military, the less orders they take and the more they give. I know because I did serve, forward deployed in Operations, so save the military strategy lectures Scooter.
Never even considered the military, Dottie. I ran nightclubs from the time I was twenty years old. I don't like taking orders...never have...never will. I respect those who have served but it was never my cup of tea.
sooo..... in Cheney's words "you had better things to do" :rolleyes-41: Understood. An uptight shmuck like you running night clubs lol? That's rich. do realize that the longer one is in the military, the less orders they take and the more they give. I know because I did serve, forward deployed in Operations, so save the military strategy lectures Scooter.

When did I ever "lecture" on military strategy?

Gee, what would YOU rather do at 20...get screamed at by a drill instructor while you're running twenty miles with a full pack...or run one of the most popular night clubs around? To be quite blunt, Dottie...I never considered the military because I had my dream job. Sorry if that offends you but it is what it is.

I'm curious...why have you decided that I'm "uptight"? Because I'm a fiscal conservative? You'd be hard pressed to find someone who's had more fun in their lifetime as I have. Uptight isn't something I've ever been accused of!
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:
What gives him the right to be called the leader of the free world? That kind of arrogance is what has gotten us involved in war after war that were not necessary to the defense of this nation..

Several hundred years of history? Like it or not...the United States IS the country that oppressed people turn to for help. The President of the United States is head of that country. Barry has abdicated that responsibility...leaving a vacuum of power throughout the world that has led to the rise of things like ISIS. If he wasn't comfortable with the responsibility then he never should have taken the job!
Oppressed people like those in Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Chile? We supported the oppressors in those nations. As we have done throughout history. In Vietnam, the phillipines, Iran, Iraq in the 1980s.
OUCH!!! That had to leave a mark Oldstyle :redface:

For every country where we erred by supporting dictators, I can show you two countries where American troops supported democracy against dictators. If we were not the leaders of the free world then people might very well still be under the yoke of fascism. It was America that turned the tide in the Second World War. Who knows how far the spread of communism might have gone if not for both Democratic and Republican US Presidents fighting for democracy around the world. You may not like the idea of American intervention, Dottie but if you're a sovereign nation under duress then who would you rather have come to your aid...the US...or Russia? I know that you liberals love to push the narrative that America has stuck it's nose into places it doesn't belong but for countries like South Korea...America kept the wolf from the door.
What you cannot show is s single time since W II when we used our military to defend this nation.

How many times since WWII have we used our military to defend oppressed people, Paddy? That's what's always made the US different than other countries. We would come to the aid of a country like Kuwait...assist them militarily and then give them back their country. You think Russia or China does that? Ask those who live in the Ukraine or in Burma what it's like having neighbors like Russia and China.
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating ythey are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."
What's amusing, Dottie is the attempts by you Obama supporters to blame what's happened in the Middle East over the last seven years on a man who has been sitting at his ranch in Texas that whole time! Bush didn't screw up in Benghazi. Bush didn't screw up in Libya. Bush didn't screw up the troop withdrawal in Iraq. Bush didn't screw up in Syria. Those are all on Barry's "team".
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

I would love to have you explain to me what Barack Obama's plan is for the Middle East, Mertex! I mean seriously...what is his plan going forward to deal with ISIS? With Syria? With Libya? With Iran? Does he have one? Because to be quite blunt...I don't think he does...nor do I think he's even TRYING to have one at this point! On foreign policy, Barry is going to leave WHOEVER is the next hell of a mess!

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