CIA Shrugs off Clinton's "classified" e-mail

And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Come on, Mertex...Obama has informed us numerous times now that the first time he heard about something bad that had taken place in his Administration was when he heard about it on the news. Barry doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with his own people.
he kicked a hornets nest, you jr league hack, and we're suffering the consequences. Anything about that you don't understand?


Keep drinking that rw kool aid :alcoholic: thinking that if we just occupied them longer, they'd come around and be our buddies :cuckoo:

And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

I would love to have you explain to me what Barack Obama's plan is for the Middle East, Mertex! I mean seriously...what is his plan going forward to deal with ISIS? With Syria? With Libya? With Iran? Does he have one? Because to be quite blunt...I don't think he does...nor do I think he's even TRYING to have one at this point! On foreign policy, Barry is going to leave WHOEVER is the next hell of a mess!
you suggesting another unpaid-for $3 TRILLION decade+ long war? You conservatives would be funny if you weren't serious

did you ever answer my question about your willingness to have your taxes raised substantially to fight your next middle east quagmire war? (we were paying $2 BILLION/day for Iraq at the height of the occupation AFTER the war was long over) You being a fiscal conservative and all, you wouldn't want to bust the budget right?
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Never even considered the military, Dottie. I ran nightclubs from the time I was twenty years old. I don't like taking orders...never have...never will. I respect those who have served but it was never my cup of tea.
sooo..... in Cheney's words "you had better things to do" :rolleyes-41: Understood. An uptight shmuck like you running night clubs lol? That's rich. do realize that the longer one is in the military, the less orders they take and the more they give. I know because I did serve, forward deployed in Operations, so save the military strategy lectures Scooter.

When did I ever "lecture" on military strategy?

Gee, what would YOU rather do at 20...get screamed at by a drill instructor while you're running twenty miles with a full pack...or run one of the most popular night clubs around? To be quite blunt, Dottie...I never considered the military because I had my dream job. Sorry if that offends you but it is what it is.

I'm curious...why have you decided that I'm "uptight"? Because I'm a fiscal conservative? You'd be hard pressed to find someone who's had more fun in their lifetime as I have. Uptight isn't something I've ever been accused of!
you're uptight because you serial post- one after another, after another, after another saying the same thing.
And you keep drinking that Progressive Kool Aid & thinking that if we just ignore ISIS that they will come around and be our buddies! Obama has no Middle East plan. It's why the whole area is in flames right now. He's the "Leader of the Free World" but he's "leading from behind".

Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

I would love to have you explain to me what Barack Obama's plan is for the Middle East, Mertex! I mean seriously...what is his plan going forward to deal with ISIS? With Syria? With Libya? With Iran? Does he have one? Because to be quite blunt...I don't think he does...nor do I think he's even TRYING to have one at this point! On foreign policy, Barry is going to leave WHOEVER is the next hell of a mess!
you suggesting another unpaid-for $3 TRILLION decade+ long war? You conservatives would be funny if you weren't serious

I'm "suggesting" that declaring that ISIS is the JV and then ignoring it is idiotic foreign policy. I ask again...what is Barry's plan to deal with ISIS?
Maybe Obama should invade use ole GW Bush's logic.....:D

Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

I would love to have you explain to me what Barack Obama's plan is for the Middle East, Mertex! I mean seriously...what is his plan going forward to deal with ISIS? With Syria? With Libya? With Iran? Does he have one? Because to be quite blunt...I don't think he does...nor do I think he's even TRYING to have one at this point! On foreign policy, Barry is going to leave WHOEVER is the next hell of a mess!
you suggesting another unpaid-for $3 TRILLION decade+ long war? You conservatives would be funny if you weren't serious

I'm "suggesting" that declaring that ISIS is the JV and then ignoring it is idiotic foreign policy. I ask again...what is Barry's plan to deal with ISIS?
who is Barry?

they are a a stateless group interspersed among the civilian populations idiot. Who you going to declare war on and who is going to fight them on the ground? You? :rofl: A night club worker? And who is going to pay for it?
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Come on, Mertex...Obama has informed us numerous times now that the first time he heard about something bad that had taken place in his Administration was when he heard about it on the news. Barry doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with his own people.

That's because the things you are talking about are "made up shit" by Republicans and Obama was just trying to mock you all by telling you that he had only heard it for the first time on the news (because it never happened)........geez, are all conservatives that dense?

You're confusing him with Doofus Bush, who sat there perplexed when he was told the Twin towers had been hit by airplanes......:eek:
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Come on, Mertex...Obama has informed us numerous times now that the first time he heard about something bad that had taken place in his Administration was when he heard about it on the news. Barry doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with his own people.

That's because the things you are talking about are "made up shit" by Republicans and Obama was just trying to mock you all by telling you that he had only heard it for the first time on the news (because it never happened)........geez, are all conservatives that dense?

You're confusing him with Doofus Bush, who sat there perplexed when he was told the Twin towers had been hit by airplanes......:eek:

Obama isn't mocking anyone...he's giving a rather feeble excuse for not knowing what's going on in his own Administration and he's doing so repeatedly! He's the President of the United States, Mertex! He's supposed to be in the loop but according to what he himself is claiming, he doesn't have the faintest idea about all these different things that HIS people are doing until he hears about it on the news! That's pathetic. Either he's clueless...or he's lying. Take your pick.
Perhaps he should. All he has to do is get the Congress to vote for it and get the UN to write a resolution stating they are in material breach of something. He needs to hurry since he only has a little more than a year to go.

Obama is not an irrational, shoot-from-the-hip kind of President like George W Bush was. Of course, Bush had Cheney pulling his puppet strings and didn't really know what he was doing.

I would love to have you explain to me what Barack Obama's plan is for the Middle East, Mertex! I mean seriously...what is his plan going forward to deal with ISIS? With Syria? With Libya? With Iran? Does he have one? Because to be quite blunt...I don't think he does...nor do I think he's even TRYING to have one at this point! On foreign policy, Barry is going to leave WHOEVER is the next hell of a mess!
you suggesting another unpaid-for $3 TRILLION decade+ long war? You conservatives would be funny if you weren't serious

I'm "suggesting" that declaring that ISIS is the JV and then ignoring it is idiotic foreign policy. I ask again...what is Barry's plan to deal with ISIS?
who is Barry?

they are a a stateless group interspersed among the civilian populations idiot. Who you going to declare war on and who is going to fight them on the ground? You? :rofl: A night club worker? And who is going to pay for it?

I'm not a military "genius" like yourself, Dottie but I would have fought ISIS when it was moving large numbers of fighters across vast areas of open desert in tanks and trucks getting from Syria into Iraq. NOW they are interspersed in the civilian population in major Iraqi cities and they will be difficult to dislodge. That's the kind of thing you get when you've got a President who "leads from behind".
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Are you silly enough to think that Jon Stewart didn't say what was in the article? And if you would pay attention to your President you would know that he has said he got his info from the news a number of times.
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And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Are you silly enough to think that Jon Stewart didn't say what was in the article? And if you would pay attention to your President you would know that he has said he got his info from the news a number of times.
If anyone other than Barry made that comment once the far left would be all over them in a heartbeat...yet Obama repeats it...and you hear nothing but crickets.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Come on, Mertex...Obama has informed us numerous times now that the first time he heard about something bad that had taken place in his Administration was when he heard about it on the news. Barry doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with his own people.

That's because the things you are talking about are "made up shit" by Republicans and Obama was just trying to mock you all by telling you that he had only heard it for the first time on the news (because it never happened)........geez, are all conservatives that dense?

You're confusing him with Doofus Bush, who sat there perplexed when he was told the Twin towers had been hit by airplanes......:eek:

Obama isn't mocking anyone...he's giving a rather feeble excuse for not knowing what's going on in his own Administration and he's doing so repeatedly! He's the President of the United States, Mertex! He's supposed to be in the loop but according to what he himself is claiming, he doesn't have the faintest idea about all these different things that HIS people are doing until he hears about it on the news! That's pathetic. Either he's clueless...or he's lying. Take your pick.

Clueless people don't get his sarcasm.....of course he knows what is going on......way more than Doofus Bush ever did.....but, Republicans come up with so much "imagery" of what is going on. They hear it from some lame source, they believe it and then they repeat it. Take Planned Parenthood and that video Fiborina was crediting PP many morons on the right actually took that fake put-together by an anti-abortion group video and accepted her lies that it was PP selling baby parts. You're the ones that are clueless or lying, or both.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Come on, Mertex...Obama has informed us numerous times now that the first time he heard about something bad that had taken place in his Administration was when he heard about it on the news. Barry doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on with his own people.

That's because the things you are talking about are "made up shit" by Republicans and Obama was just trying to mock you all by telling you that he had only heard it for the first time on the news (because it never happened)........geez, are all conservatives that dense?

You're confusing him with Doofus Bush, who sat there perplexed when he was told the Twin towers had been hit by airplanes......:eek:

Obama isn't mocking anyone...he's giving a rather feeble excuse for not knowing what's going on in his own Administration and he's doing so repeatedly! He's the President of the United States, Mertex! He's supposed to be in the loop but according to what he himself is claiming, he doesn't have the faintest idea about all these different things that HIS people are doing until he hears about it on the news! That's pathetic. Either he's clueless...or he's lying. Take your pick.

Clueless people don't get his sarcasm.....of course he knows what is going on......way more than Doofus Bush ever did.....but, Republicans come up with so much "imagery" of what is going on. They hear it from some lame source, they believe it and then they repeat it. Take Planned Parenthood and that video Fiborina was crediting PP many morons on the right actually took that fake put-together by an anti-abortion group video and accepted her lies that it was PP selling baby parts. You're the ones that are clueless or lying, or both.

Constantly telling the American people that you didn't find out about something until you saw it on the evening being "sarcastic"? That's what you're going with, Mertex? Really?
Pardon me for pointing out the obvious but if you're the President and you're learning about things that are going on in YOUR Administration from the evening news...then it's YOU who is the very definition of "clueless"!
The chance for Republicans to damage Hillary before the 2016 blew up in smoke when McCarthy revealed the real objective of the latest Benghazi committee - "to bring Hillary's poll numbers down".

The CIA strikes yet another blow and embarrasses the Republicans in Congress, that were so sure they had finally found something to bring Hillary down, when it informed the committee that the agency does not view that e-mail (as well as 127 previously undisclosed messages) sent to them by committee chairman, Rep Gowdy, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

Republicans need to hurry and try to find another scandal.....they are running out of time and Hillary is still standing.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email
The credibility of the Republican-led Benghazi committee came under fresh attack Sunday after the CIA informed the panel that it does not view a 2011 email forwarded by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as including any classified information. The committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., had cited Clinton’s handling of the March 18, 2011, email as a prime example of her misusing her private email server to receive and send highly classified information.

But late Saturday night, a CIA official informed the committee that the agency does not view that email, among 127 previously undisclosed messages sent by Blumenthal to Clinton that the panel plans to release this week, as having any portions that need to be redacted because they include classified information.

CIA shrugs off Clinton’s “classified” email

Still stuff from the Civil War that's classified. Just because something's classified doesn't mean it needs to be. Much of it's mundane and boring. Just easier to classify everything than spend time debating what should or shouldn't be.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Are you silly enough to think that Jon Stewart didn't say what was in the article? And if you would pay attention to your President you would know that he has said he got his info from the news a number of times.

Are you still silly to think that you don't need to post a link to your gibberish?

I don't expect clueless people like you to get his sarcasm.....Obama must be doing such a good job of it.

According to ABC News, President Obama went on to say that the Republican presidential candidates have created an “entire separate reality,” and have resorted to making stuff up, "because they don’t have a record to run on."

“It’s like the twilight zone, and according to their story, their narrative, everything was terrific back in 2008 — when unemployment was skyrocketing, and uninsured rates were rising, and folks were losing their homes and their jobs, and we were engaged in two wars, and Bin Laden was still at large,” he said. “If you were listening to them, those were like the good old days, the golden years, and then I came in and the Democrats came in — but according to them, that’s when everything all went to heck.”

President Obama Gets All Grumpy Cat With Republicans
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Are you silly enough to think that Jon Stewart didn't say what was in the article? And if you would pay attention to your President you would know that he has said he got his info from the news a number of times.

Are you still silly to think that you don't need to post a link to your gibberish?

I don't expect clueless people like you to get his sarcasm.....Obama must be doing such a good job of it.

According to ABC News, President Obama went on to say that the Republican presidential candidates have created an “entire separate reality,” and have resorted to making stuff up, "because they don’t have a record to run on."

“It’s like the twilight zone, and according to their story, their narrative, everything was terrific back in 2008 — when unemployment was skyrocketing, and uninsured rates were rising, and folks were losing their homes and their jobs, and we were engaged in two wars, and Bin Laden was still at large,” he said. “If you were listening to them, those were like the good old days, the golden years, and then I came in and the Democrats came in — but according to them, that’s when everything all went to heck.”

President Obama Gets All Grumpy Cat With Republicans

Barry is deflecting from the fact that he's led the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and his foreign policy is a train wreck. I don't know a single Republican that is saying that 2008 was the "good old days"...what they ARE saying is that Barack Obama's policies have not worked.
And you seem to think that Obama, who gets his intel from the newspaper, knows what he is doing. LMFAO

Is that what Faux News feeds you? No wonder you're so misinformed.....

Still defending Josh Duggar? Not surprised.

Actually NO.

"Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there’s a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did. Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn’t have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party gr Soups or the Justice Department seizing journalists’ phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.

Stewart noted how at Obama’s big press conference on Monday, there was a “question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps,” but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question. Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from."

Why don't you post the links? Are they all Faux News, Briebart, or right-wing sources that make up shit based on their own twisted interpretations?

Actually you are breaking the rules of the Forum.......when you quote something you need to provide a link....unless you don't want us to see your biased source!

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Are you silly enough to think that Jon Stewart didn't say what was in the article? And if you would pay attention to your President you would know that he has said he got his info from the news a number of times.

Are you still silly to think that you don't need to post a link to your gibberish?

I don't expect clueless people like you to get his sarcasm.....Obama must be doing such a good job of it.

According to ABC News, President Obama went on to say that the Republican presidential candidates have created an “entire separate reality,” and have resorted to making stuff up, "because they don’t have a record to run on."

“It’s like the twilight zone, and according to their story, their narrative, everything was terrific back in 2008 — when unemployment was skyrocketing, and uninsured rates were rising, and folks were losing their homes and their jobs, and we were engaged in two wars, and Bin Laden was still at large,” he said. “If you were listening to them, those were like the good old days, the golden years, and then I came in and the Democrats came in — but according to them, that’s when everything all went to heck.”

President Obama Gets All Grumpy Cat With Republicans

I really don't care what the clueless one said about Republicans, but if you had half a brain and really wanted the link you can copy the first 6 or 7 words and plug it into a search engine. If you do that you will see 4 or 5 articles quoting Jon Stewart. Anyone that is paying attention to what Obama says knows he is clueless.

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