Ciaramella Won't Be the Last Anti-Trump Deep State Hack To File 'Hearsay' Complaint To Impeach


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I completely agree:

Ciaramella (and his coup-conspiring lawyer) will NOT be the last Anti-Trump Deep State traitor who files a 'hearsay' complaint in an attempt to take down the President...

The Democrats manufactured a non-qualifying, 3rd-hand-account, 'Hearsay' Whistle Blower' complaint - that had already been dismissed by the DOJ for having no crime, no evidence, and no witness - Impeached the President in the House through the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case in US History, and got it all the way to the Senate...

They came THAT close to destroying the Constitution through the perversion of the Articles of Impeachment established by the Founding Fathers....they came THAT close with this latest version of their 4-year non-stop coup removing the President of the United States from office, stripping the American people of their Constitutional Right to vote to choose their own President, and stealing 2 elections....

...providing the Democrats with a Blue Print of how to do it again... and again ....and again for the next 4 1/2 years until they finally, successfully affect their political coup.....

Unless these SOBs are PUNISHED so harshly for their sedition and treason that they will never risk doing it again.

I believe the 2020 election will deliver a harsh backlash against the treasonous Democrats who wasted 4 years engaging in coup attempts; however, IMO that is NOT enough of a deterrent to prevent them from ever even THINKING about doing this again.

I hope Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham immediately opens up investigations on how this whole latest coup attempt began, investigating and subpoenaing Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, members of Schiff's staff, Ciaramella, his lawyer, Shokin, the State Department Rep witness from the House Impeachment hearing who testified he had warned Biden of a Conflict of Interest with Burisma (which Biden Ignored)....

I hope Schiff is perp-walked out of Congress in shackles for his admitted espionage, perjury, attempts to present false documents / testimony as 'evidence' and for 1 1/2 years of Sedition.

I hope they BURN every corrupt SOB who wasted 4 years, millions of tax dollars, ruined numerous lives, and attempted to destroy the Constitution, tear apart the country, and affect a coup for PARTY benefit....making a proverbial 'bloody' political scandal that will serve as a warning to any future would-be traitors / would-be rulers.

Don't Fool Yourself: Ciaramella Will Not Be the Last Anti-Trump Deep State Hack To File Third-Hand Flawed Complaint to Launch Impeachment Against Trump

Of course not. The leftists will now go to the next Bombshell. They will dismiss this acquittal as a fraudulent decision on part of the Senate. Now, we will await for them to accuse Trump of something they themselves are guilty of again and their tarded sheep will fall in line.

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Committed Espionage
** THIS is also why anyone caught LEAKING CLASSIFIED should be PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW instead of just 'FIRED'. A refusal to prosecute only supports the belief that they are above the law and breaking THIS law is not REALLY illegal.

Worked for the 3 x Felony Perjurer, the criminal who was caught illegally spying on Americans, and co-conspiring coup traitor - James Clapper

Worked for the Felony Perjuring, the criminal who was caught illegally spying on Americans, and co-conspiring coup traitor - John Brennan

Worked for the Obama administration that set a new record for criminal compliance with the FOIA, that illegally spied on Americans, and who initiated the illegal coup against President Trump and his team

Worked with the Criminal VP who gave an audiotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM
** Which both Biden and Nadler said Obama was complicit in
tic-tock tic-tock the deep state conspirators will be weeded out over time.
Trump is draining the swamp one deep-state AH at a time.
Are you guys seriously trying to make it illegal to criticize Trump?


Committed Espionage
** THIS is also why anyone caught LEAKING CLASSIFIED should be PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW instead of just 'FIRED'. A refusal to prosecute only supports the belief that they are above the law and breaking THIS law is not REALLY illegal.

Worked for the 3 x Felony Perjurer, the criminal who was caught illegally spying on Americans, and co-conspiring coup traitor - James Clapper

Worked for the Felony Perjuring, the criminal who was caught illegally spying on Americans, and co-conspiring coup traitor - John Brennan

Worked for the Obama administration that set a new record for criminal compliance with the FOIA, that illegally spied on Americans, and who initiated the illegal coup against President Trump and his team

Worked with the Criminal VP who gave an audiotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM
** Which both Biden and Nadler said Obama was complicit in

one more


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