Cincinnati says huge conspiracy against blacks in city. Starts massive quota-hiring system

AA came along and whites started blaming blacks for their problem

Just like they did hundreds of years before AA
Meh, based in race is one way to describe reality of racism I guess. No its not ok to discriminate against them, ...

And yet you are OK with laws that mandate discrimination against white men.

Its funny that the Oppressor is asking the Oppressed to feel THEIR pain.

When have I ever oppressed anyone? Are you saying I suffer from some kind of group guilt?

Its like talking to a legless man about how you dont like your shoes

Why cant legless people have opinions about shoes even if they don't personally need them?

I personally will never sail in a sail boat, but I like to read about them.

You presume much by judging people on their demographics.
AA came along and whites started blaming blacks for their problem
Just like they did hundreds of years before AA

So basically AA is not the source of the complaint, but the laws that discriminate against white males are.

Glad you realize that at least in what you write even if you cant add it up for yourself.
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Once again Jim, you see not having the whole pie to yourself as being discrimination. The flip side is that if you get to keep the whole pie THAT would be fair...only to you tho. Which is a-ok...with you.

The white system Jim..You know, the history and systematic oppression of blacks. Maybe not you personally but sorry, we cant exclude certain people...laws dont work like that.

They can have opinions on shoes, but to hear you complain about your shoes when someone else doesnt have feet is funny. And still you dont see the problem, you're all like "Whats wrong with complaining to the legless?" just oblivious
AA came along and whites started blaming blacks for their problem
Just like they did hundreds of years before AA

So basically AA is not the source of the complaint, but the laws that discriminate against white males is.

Glad you realize that at least in what you write even if you cant add it up for yourself.

Jim, you're telling me you believe that discrimination against whites have been around hundreds of years buddy?

Because if you do, you're a fool...but if you dont then that means you made up a silly ass conclusion just for the sole purpose of being goofey, on purpose.

What hasnt changed is white people will blame anything, most times their lot in life, on blacks. Just like they have always done
Jim, you're telling me you believe that discrimination against whites have been around hundreds of years buddy?

Against various white ethnic groups, yes.

Because if you do, you're a fool...but if you dont then that means you made up a silly ass conclusion just for the sole purpose of being goofey, on purpose.

Not at all. The laws passed against white civil war veterans in the South during Reconstruction had an intended disproportionate impact on white males, for example. Working class white males have had to endure various kinds of discrimination based on ethnicity, background and income from the times of ancient Rome.

What I am saying is that to end racism you have to stop using racism to define your world view.

What hasnt changed is white people will blame anything, most times their lot in life, on blacks. Just like they have always done

You see, what you just posted is an example of what I am talking about. You see everything in the light of racism. You just cant help yourself.
Jim, you're telling me you believe that discrimination against whites have been around hundreds of years buddy?

Against various white ethnic groups, yes.

Because if you do, you're a fool...but if you dont then that means you made up a silly ass conclusion just for the sole purpose of being goofey, on purpose.

Not at all. The laws passed against white civil war veterans in the South during Reconstruction had an intended disproportionate impact on white males, for example. Working class white males have had to endure various kinds of discrimination based on ethnicity, background and income from the times of ancient Rome.

What I am saying is that to end racism you have to stop using racism to define your world view.

What hasnt changed is white people will blame anything, most times their lot in life, on blacks. Just like they have always done

You see, what you just posted is an example of what I am talking about. You see everything in the light of racism. You just cant help yourself.

Yeah, well the issue of racism goes a little deeper than what I say on a message board. White have and will always blame blacks for their problems.

AA is just the newest scapegoat, before that it was voting rights, before that segregation, before that the slaves didnt work the field hard enough and thats why you're a failure.

Sorry, not sorry
Once again Jim, you see not having the whole pie to yourself as being discrimination.

Nonsense. I don't even like pie.

Why don't you talk to me like I am an individual instead of supposing some fantasy because I am white?

I am, and i know where you're coming from. You want it all like you used to have it, since you dont that to you is unfair.

On the other side: Blacks have had nothing and now they have a slice of pie, but we still see your whole pie other there, and thats unfair
Sorry, you can give blacks a piece of the pie, but they'll lose it. Resources going into a hole is not going to help. Welfare, food stamps, affirmative action are wasted on a demographic that does not have the skills or intellect to take advantage of them and improve their lives.
Sorry, you can give blacks a piece of the pie, but they'll lose it. Resources going into a hole is not going to help. Welfare, food stamps, affirmative action are wasted on a demographic that does not have the skills or intellect to take advantage of them and improve their lives.

Yeah, and thats why Obama is your POTUS lol
Sorry, you can give blacks a piece of the pie, but they'll lose it. Resources going into a hole is not going to help. Welfare, food stamps, affirmative action are wasted on a demographic that does not have the skills or intellect to take advantage of them and improve their lives.
That's what has happened in africa. That continent peaked in 1950 when whites ran everything and and then the demands for independence started. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and it's a sewer..
Sorry, you can give blacks a piece of the pie, but they'll lose it. Resources going into a hole is not going to help. Welfare, food stamps, affirmative action are wasted on a demographic that does not have the skills or intellect to take advantage of them and improve their lives.

Yeah, and thats why Obama is your POTUS lol

HAHAHA. Take a course in logic 101 and get back with us.
Yeah, and thats why Obama is your POTUS lol
That's kinda the point. Failure is failure, he just did it at a much higher level. Giving a black man a suit and calling him president for nothing other than being black obviously hasn't worked.

He didnt lose it, he won it. TWICE
And he has failed across the board. Obamacare, foreign policy, economy, race relations etc. What is it that you don't understand?
Yeah, and thats why Obama is your POTUS lol
That's kinda the point. Failure is failure, he just did it at a much higher level. Giving a black man a suit and calling him president for nothing other than being black obviously hasn't worked.

He didnt lose it, he won it. TWICE
And he has failed across the board. Obamacare, foreign policy, economy, race relations etc. What is it that you don't understand?

What I dont understand is how you think your bullshit counts as meaning something to somebody

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