
Hows 'bout we discuss my question rather than my racist intentions, I think i was clear on my stand 2 posts ago.
Hows 'bout we discuss my question rather than my racist intentions, I think i was clear on my stand 2 posts ago.

Because we have to help you overcome your problem with blacks in the big city. That we can influence.

Your 0 neg rep was funny.
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Getting bored with this, Think I'll hop over to the green forums and see if I can piss off the treehuggers with some common sense and reason.
Hows 'bout we discuss my question rather than my racist intentions, I think i was clear on my stand 2 posts ago.

Because we have to help you overcome your problem with blacks in the big city. That we can influence.

Your 0 neg rep was funny.

Your reference to his rep is a fail. He has only had 7 post. Do you expect everyone to have good rep as soon as they make their first post?
Hows 'bout we discuss my question rather than my racist intentions, I think i was clear on my stand 2 posts ago.

Because we have to help you overcome your problem with blacks in the big city. That we can influence.

Your 0 neg rep was funny.

Your reference to his rep is a fail. He has only had 7 post. Do you expect everyone to have good rep as soon as they make their first post?

No, I'm aware that everyone has zero rep at first. I found it amusing, like you are becoming amusing. I can't help it. Trolls are entertaining that way.
Why is it that the cities with the highest african-american population are also the cities with the highest crime rates,highest unemployment and homeless rates, worst economies and the most abandonded neighborhoods?

Out of those cities it's more likely than not that the Mayors are democrats. Democrats thrive on keeping poor people poor, it's their stock and trade.
White government policies don't help.

The lack of black morality doesn't help, either.

But the underlying reason is that blacks have, on average, a lower IQ than whites, in addition to a host of other biologically-inborn traits that cause them to have comparatively higher crime and a lower standard of living. For instance, research has shown that blacks have a shorter time horizon than whites for decision-making. A black child, shown a big and and a small candy bar -- but told that they can have the big candy bar later, and the small one now -- MORE OFTEN CHOOSES THE SHORT CANDY BAR, NOW. The white child more often waits the for the larger one.
White government policies don't help.

The lack of black morality doesn't help, either.

But the underlying reason is that blacks have, on average, a lower IQ than whites, in addition to a host of other biologically-inborn traits that cause them to have comparatively higher crime and a lower standard of living. For instance, research has shown that blacks have a shorter time horizon than whites for decision-making. A black child, shown a big and and a small candy bar -- but told that they can have the big candy bar later, and the small one now -- MORE OFTEN CHOOSES THE SHORT CANDY BAR, NOW. The white child more often waits the for the larger one.

Are you serious? How can Blacks have a lower IQ when they have White blood flowing thru their viens? Don't forget, although you want to, that on the plantation the white slave holders and overseers were having fun with the Black slave women and made children. Now, I'm sure that if you were a slave owner there is no way YOU would even touch a Black slave woman. You are so much better as a human being. Blacks folks like me are just dirt under the rug and all we are good for is to wipe the dust off your feet. No way would you stoop so low as to have a relationship with a person that is not the same skin color as you. Jesus wasn't your skin color, do you hate him too?
White government policies don't help.

The lack of black morality doesn't help, either.

But the underlying reason is that blacks have, on average, a lower IQ than whites, in addition to a host of other biologically-inborn traits that cause them to have comparatively higher crime and a lower standard of living. For instance, research has shown that blacks have a shorter time horizon than whites for decision-making. A black child, shown a big and and a small candy bar -- but told that they can have the big candy bar later, and the small one now -- MORE OFTEN CHOOSES THE SHORT CANDY BAR, NOW. The white child more often waits the for the larger one.

Are you serious? How can Blacks have a lower IQ when they have White blood flowing thru their viens? Don't forget, although you want to, that on the plantation the white slave holders and overseers were having fun with the Black slave women and made children. Now, I'm sure that if you were a slave owner there is no way YOU would even touch a Black slave woman. You are so much better as a human being. Blacks folks like me are just dirt under the rug and all we are good for is to wipe the dust off your feet. No way would you stoop so low as to have a relationship with a person that is not the same skin color as you. Jesus wasn't your skin color, do you hate him too?

you make a good point. the more white blood, the higher the IQ. on average of course. that fact significantly supports the genetic explanation of intelligence.

so you think WJ hates Jesus because he was a jew? does WJ hate Bhudda or Krishna for being asian?
People of all races need to be responsible for their own actions and livelihood.Every time the government gives someone a handout when they are capable of working and supporting themselves, we are getting that much closer to becoming a socialist nation, Soon there will be no liberty to save. The old argument that the minorities dont have the opportunities that the whites have is a lie .If you are black, hispanic or queer in this country you have more opportunity than a white person, yet the white people are the ones working to support them.
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