Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.

Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
You and your ilk are the threat to our country. You want to persecute people simply becuase you disagree with them. You want to get them fired from their job and arrested, if possible. You a dirigible sized piece of shit. You're a fucking Nazi, a Stalinist, a thug.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
I have been saying for a while that the left has been subsumed by Bolshevism. You are a perfect example. Only a Bolshevik wants their political opponents "dealt with". Are you Jewish by any chance? Just curious.
Confederates were not political opponents. Trumpism is not a political opponent. They want to take our government down as shown on January 6th.
Some do, but who can blame them? Our government has turned into a one party police state, and you helped.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

And exactly how do you propose they should they be "dealt with"?

You best sit your monkey ass down before you go and get yourself hurt, junior...
I feel those who undermine out basic institutions and attack the rule of law must be dealt with as subversives. They should be jailed if necessary. I feel employers should not hire. Private social media should have every right to kick their sorry asses and their crazy conspiracy theories off their sites.
Could you imagine if social media was around in 1860, would you allow confederates on our social media sites. Trumpism needs to be blocked at every where it found.
Many issues Trump pushed are not subversive. Let others take the lead. But when he started the crazy vote fraud lies to undermine our elections. And then encouraged anyone he could to interrupt the approval of the electoral vote needs to be held accountable.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
Seriously? Go after friends and family who support Trump is your advice...........
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

And exactly how do you propose they should they be "dealt with"?

You best sit your monkey ass down before you go and get yourself hurt, junior...
I feel those who undermine out basic institutions and attack the rule of law must be dealt with as subversives. They should be jailed if necessary. I feel employers should not hire. Private social media should have every right to kick their sorry asses and their crazy conspiracy theories off their sites.
Could you imagine if social media was around in 1860, would you allow confederates on our social media sites. Trumpism needs to be blocked at every where it found.
Many issues Trump pushed are not subversive. Let others take the lead. But when he started the crazy vote fraud lies to undermine our elections. And then encouraged anyone he could to interrupt the approval of the electoral vote needs to be held accountable.
they protested our corrupt congress...and you want to destroy them? You nothing more than a nitwitted fascist----------
Now that they have embraced terrorism maybe it is time to take them more seriously. I've been laughing off all their stupid shit for years.
The attack on American’s democracy by Trump thugs and criminals is confirmation of the fact that rightwing violence is not the sole purview of the ‘extreme’ right or ‘radical’ right – rather, this propensity for violence and lawlessness is part of mainstream conservatism.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
You're welcome to try. Just be sure to update your life insurance.
The majority of the government, both national and local see the severity of the problem. Hopefully the military, national guard and police can take care of the Trumpsters and Antifa. They are both the same.
But everyone of us must do our part.
The problem that the corporate owned media report what they want to report?
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

And exactly how do you propose they should they be "dealt with"?

You best sit your monkey ass down before you go and get yourself hurt, junior...
I feel those who undermine out basic institutions and attack the rule of law must be dealt with as subversives. They should be jailed if necessary. I feel employers should not hire. Private social media should have every right to kick their sorry asses and their crazy conspiracy theories off their sites.
Could you imagine if social media was around in 1860, would you allow confederates on our social media sites. Trumpism needs to be blocked at every where it found.
Many issues Trump pushed are not subversive. Let others take the lead. But when he started the crazy vote fraud lies to undermine our elections. And then encouraged anyone he could to interrupt the approval of the electoral vote needs to be held accountable.
Nothing Trump pushed was subverisve, you fucking douchebag. You're subversive. You're a Stalinist asshole.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

And exactly how do you propose they should they be "dealt with"?

You best sit your monkey ass down before you go and get yourself hurt, junior...
I feel those who undermine out basic institutions and attack the rule of law must be dealt with as subversives. They should be jailed if necessary. I feel employers should not hire. Private social media should have every right to kick their sorry asses and their crazy conspiracy theories off their sites.
Could you imagine if social media was around in 1860, would you allow confederates on our social media sites. Trumpism needs to be blocked at every where it found.
Many issues Trump pushed are not subversive. Let others take the lead. But when he started the crazy vote fraud lies to undermine our elections. And then encouraged anyone he could to interrupt the approval of the electoral vote needs to be held accountable.
The Democrat party is not one of our "basic institutions," and the ones we have are thoroughly corrupt. Destroying them is the most patriotic thing an American can do.
Now that they have embraced terrorism maybe it is time to take them more seriously. I've been laughing off all their stupid shit for years.
The attack on American’s democracy by Trump thugs and criminals is confirmation of the fact that rightwing violence is not the sole purview of the ‘extreme’ right or ‘radical’ right – rather, this propensity for violence and lawlessness is part of mainstream conservatism.
Yeah, right:



Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
You're welcome to try. Just be sure to update your life insurance.
The majority of the government, both national and local see the severity of the problem. Hopefully the military, national guard and police can take care of the Trumpsters and Antifa. They are both the same.
But everyone of us must do our part.

The thing is this . . . you have only "noticed" patriotic Americans as a problem (for you) within the last week or so. Buddy boy, we noticed you a long time ago. If I were you I'd be terrified, just terrified by what happens after Anubis weighs your heart. As Led Zeppelin once sang, "Going down, going down, down . . . going down."
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
Come on down and try to deal with me. You feckless twat.
If you are so confident that the election was not rigged, fixed, corrupt or manipulated. . .

Let's have a complete independent audit with full disclosure and transparency. Starting with and including investigations into the reported lies SEWN BY THE MEDIA, accusing Trump of colluding with Russia to steal the election in 2016.

Any failure to so the above will only further the conspiracies and the distrust in our election process that we see today.
It's already been done.

You lost.


/ignore list just got one bigger.
I put this lying paid shill on ignore months ago.
Because you can't handle things that don't reflect your very limited world view.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
Seriously? Go after friends and family who support Trump is your advice...........
Not those who have supported Trump. But those who support Trump's actions since the election.
Going after them is to let them know what you think of their support for conspiracy theories and support of interrupting the democratic process.
I have friends who voted for Trump. None I know, support his actions since the election. If any do. I will tell them I think they are as dangerous to our country as the confederacy. They cannot be my friend. I will let all know how I feel. If I know anyone who may participate in violence, I am going to the police.
I would do the same for anyone who supports Antifa.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
Come on down and try to deal with me. You feckless twat.
Big talkers like Missouri Mike appears to be spineless Trump supporter who talks tough but probably is scared to leave his bedroom.
But idf he or others who are itching for a fight, they will find one. It will not be an old man on a message board. If Missouri Mike is serious he knows he has to take the fight to power. If he does that he will win or lose.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
Come on down and try to deal with me. You feckless twat.
Big talkers like Missouri Mike appears to be spineless Trump supporter who talks tough but probably is scared to leave his bedroom.
But idf he or others who are itching for a fight, they will find one. It will not be an old man on a message board. If Missouri Mike is serious he knows he has to take the fight to power. If he does that he will win or lose.
It'll be tough BLMers caught on video ganging up on old ladies.
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.
You're welcome to try. Just be sure to update your life insurance.
The majority of the government, both national and local see the severity of the problem. Hopefully the military, national guard and police can take care of the Trumpsters and Antifa. They are both the same.
But everyone of us must do our part.

The thing is this . . . you have only "noticed" patriotic Americans as a problem (for you) within the last week or so. Buddy boy, we noticed you a long time ago. If I were you I'd be terrified, just terrified by what happens after Anubis weighs your heart. As Led Zeppelin once sang, "Going down, going down, down . . . going down."
We will see. But, I feel there is not room for those who support sedition and the rest of the US. Someone is going down.

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