Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.

This communist boil will be lanced at some point.
Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.
I actually have not seen real nazis. I have noted that everyone communists don't like is a nazi. You might say that people like yourself have given nazis a good name.
Try watching demonstration on TV. I doubt you have left your bedroom for years.
I was trying to find a polite way of saying nazis are better than you. Better nazi than democrat and I say that as the daughter of a Jew. We are under communist occupation. It would be ironic if nazis were our liberators.
Your Jewish relatives must be very proud of you.
We support ADL . At one event they had an ex-white supremacist speak. He explained that those the white supremacists and the like (you) are very sad individuals. You should feel sorry for them if they were not so dangerous and disgusting.
This communist boil will be lanced at some point.
Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.
I actually have not seen real nazis. I have noted that everyone communists don't like is a nazi. You might say that people like yourself have given nazis a good name.
Try watching demonstration on TV. I doubt you have left your bedroom for years.
I was trying to find a polite way of saying nazis are better than you. Better nazi than democrat and I say that as the daughter of a Jew. We are under communist occupation. It would be ironic if nazis were our liberators.
Your Jewish relatives must be very proud of you.
We support ADL . At one event they had an ex-white supremacist speak. He explained that those the white supremacists and the like (you) are very sad individuals. You should feel sorry for them if they were not so dangerous and disgusting.
White supremacist is another buzz word that's supposed to do something. It's not clear what.

Better a white supremacist than a Democrat. KKK is more respectable than democrats. Better Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram, Khymer Rouge. Idi Amin was better than democrats. Democrats are the cursed of all creatures. As long as democrats draw breath upon this land we are all cursed. Everyone.
This communist boil will be lanced at some point.
Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.
I actually have not seen real nazis. I have noted that everyone communists don't like is a nazi. You might say that people like yourself have given nazis a good name.
Try watching demonstration on TV. I doubt you have left your bedroom for years.
I was trying to find a polite way of saying nazis are better than you. Better nazi than democrat and I say that as the daughter of a Jew. We are under communist occupation. It would be ironic if nazis were our liberators.
Your Jewish relatives must be very proud of you.
We support ADL . At one event they had an ex-white supremacist speak. He explained that those the white supremacists and the like (you) are very sad individuals. You should feel sorry for them if they were not so dangerous and disgusting.
White supremacist is another buzz word that's supposed to do something. It's not clear what.

Better a white supremacist than a Democrat. KKK is more respectable than democrats. Better Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram, Khymer Rouge. Idi Amin was better than democrats. Democrats are the cursed of all creatures. As long as democrats draw breath upon this land we are all cursed. Everyone.
Have you had a head injury, bad childhood, been bullied, abused drugs. People who think like you are not normal. You must know that. Get help
This communist boil will be lanced at some point.
Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.
I actually have not seen real nazis. I have noted that everyone communists don't like is a nazi. You might say that people like yourself have given nazis a good name.
Try watching demonstration on TV. I doubt you have left your bedroom for years.
I was trying to find a polite way of saying nazis are better than you. Better nazi than democrat and I say that as the daughter of a Jew. We are under communist occupation. It would be ironic if nazis were our liberators.
Your Jewish relatives must be very proud of you.
We support ADL . At one event they had an ex-white supremacist speak. He explained that those the white supremacists and the like (you) are very sad individuals. You should feel sorry for them if they were not so dangerous and disgusting.
White supremacist is another buzz word that's supposed to do something. It's not clear what.

Better a white supremacist than a Democrat. KKK is more respectable than democrats. Better Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram, Khymer Rouge. Idi Amin was better than democrats. Democrats are the cursed of all creatures. As long as democrats draw breath upon this land we are all cursed. Everyone.
Have you had a head injury, bad childhood, been bullied, abused drugs. People who think like you are not normal. You must know that. Get help
Can't take the truth can you? Fact is you were cheated. Nazi and white supremacist are the only weapons you have. When they don't work you dry up.
Ya don't find a lot of Dems wearing Camp Auschwitz T shirts.

In fact you only find MAGArats at insurrections swearing them
Ya don't find a lot of Dems wearing Camp Auschwitz T shirts.

In fact you only find MAGArats at insurrections swearing them
I've only seen Muslims wearing those.
Where are the Stonewall June 28th 1969 tshirts?
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.

So Clueless Fuck, you think now that the News MEDIA is the enforcement arm of the law? And to "deal with" those who merely support a person or an idea or policy as if that were some kind of crime?

Remember you said that in a few years!

Some would say that supporting an illegal president and illegal election and performing a coup on a standing president is sedition.

Remember you supported that when the dogs of hell come after you.
Clearly democrats are terrified. Half their fear is that if not prevented Trump might run again in 2024 and win. Or, there is another Trump that could be elected. America First has to be destroyed as an idea. America as a land of liberty has to be destroyed.

If democrats actually believed Trump was the worst ever, the majority hates Trump or any of their little fictions, Trump would go and Nancy Pelosi would trust that he would never win another election. This isn't how it is. Democrats know they cheated. They know how popular Trump is and they certainly know how important freedom is. They might not win another election. And that is what this whole thing is about.
Ya don't find a lot of Dems wearing Camp Auschwitz T shirts.

In fact you only find MAGArats at insurrections swearing them
I've only seen Muslims wearing those.
Where are the Stonewall June 28th 1969 tshirts?
Oh. W
ell here ya go then
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Meanwhile, the Obama/Crooked Hillary/MSM Deep State involved in the attack on our democracy for the past four years will never be held accountable. And Sleepy China Joe fully supports discrimination against Whites and recently indicated an insane, inbred negro who thinks negros are the superior race because of melanin (which is partly the reason they get AIDS and Kung Flu, etc, at high rates because black skin cannot absorb the sun's rays that react with the body's chemicals to create vitamin D which is vital for immune response). :dunno:

It is amazing sad what is happening right now. The Deep State and the idiot democrats (Europhobics) are trying to destroy the USA. Sure it has been going on for years but now these devils think there is nothing stopping them from a complete takeover and destruction of everything the USA was built on freedom, liberty, intelligence, law and order, etc. Welcome to Zimbabwe mixed with Saudi Arabia and China, or even worse South Africa. Venezuela might actually be a step up from the USA if the democrats have their way. :laugh:
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Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

And exactly how do you propose they should they be "dealt with"?

You best sit your monkey ass down before you go and get yourself hurt, junior...
I feel those who undermine out basic institutions and attack the rule of law must be dealt with as subversives. They should be jailed if necessary. I feel employers should not hire. Private social media should have every right to kick their sorry asses and their crazy conspiracy theories off their sites.
Could you imagine if social media was around in 1860, would you allow confederates on our social media sites. Trumpism needs to be blocked at every where it found.
Many issues Trump pushed are not subversive. Let others take the lead. But when he started the crazy vote fraud lies to undermine our elections. And then encouraged anyone he could to interrupt the approval of the electoral vote needs to be held accountable.
And I'll bet you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes, Three Skyscrapers too. But you haven't answered my question. Are you Jewish?
Citizens and the press must take those who support Trump's actions on and after January 6th, seriously, and make sure they are dealt with.
The group who supports the lies of a rigged election and the actions called for by Trump on January 6th are a serious threat to our country.
They are as big of threat as the confederacy. Confederates thought they were patriots.
Each of us must not turn a blind eye when we encounter these people. They can be friends and relatives. You need to hold them accountable for their actions.
It is not the Republican party. Most Republicans are on the side of the USA.
It is Trumpism that is not on the side of the USA.

Look how quickly your handlers have trained you brainless dogs to perform tricks! :lol:

Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.

What the hell are you talking about? Nice side? What side do you imagine to be my side?
Big talkers like Missouri Mike appears to be spineless Trump supporter who talks tough but probably is scared to leave his bedroom.

Yeah, a real tough guy like you wouldn't just be posting on the......oh, wait.......
I am actually a very tough guy. People who know me, fear me. I am so tough, I even scare myself.

Maybe if you took a shower once in a while that might change.
This communist boil will be lanced at some point.
Have you noticed that at the demonstrations, for your cause, includes Nazis.. Does it bother you that you are on the same side as Nazis.
I actually have not seen real nazis. I have noted that everyone communists don't like is a nazi. You might say that people like yourself have given nazis a good name.
Try watching demonstration on TV. I doubt you have left your bedroom for years.
I was trying to find a polite way of saying nazis are better than you. Better nazi than democrat and I say that as the daughter of a Jew. We are under communist occupation. It would be ironic if nazis were our liberators.
Your Jewish relatives must be very proud of you.
We support ADL . At one event they had an ex-white supremacist speak. He explained that those the white supremacists and the like (you) are very sad individuals. You should feel sorry for them if they were not so dangerous and disgusting.
White supremacist is another buzz word that's supposed to do something. It's not clear what.

Better a white supremacist than a Democrat. KKK is more respectable than democrats. Better Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram, Khymer Rouge. Idi Amin was better than democrats. Democrats are the cursed of all creatures. As long as democrats draw breath upon this land we are all cursed. Everyone.
Except the KKK ARE Democrats. A Democrat formed them, led them, recruited other Democrats and the KKK was populated exclusively BY Democrats for its entire history right up to today. Oh, a few CLAIMED otherwise, but then so do RINOs so that's no revelation.
Must be "dealt with"? Bring it on. Our side has most of the firearms and righteousness on our side while your side fears firearms and can't even tell which bathroom to use. Bring it on.
Elmer apparently is oblivious to the fact his ilk attacked our democracy for over 4 years with the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, etc. Elmer should be in Gitmo based on his own idiotic ravings.
You and your ilk are going down big time. It will not be pretty.
Now that they have embraced terrorism maybe it is time to take them more seriously. I've been laughing off all their stupid shit for years.
The attack on American’s democracy by Trump thugs and criminals is confirmation of the fact that rightwing violence is not the sole purview of the ‘extreme’ right or ‘radical’ right – rather, this propensity for violence and lawlessness is part of mainstream conservatism.

Please get a CAT scan.
Elmer apparently is oblivious to the fact his ilk attacked our democracy for over 4 years with the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, etc. Elmer should be in Gitmo based on his own idiotic ravings.
You and your ilk are going down big time. It will not be pretty.

Nobodys afraid of limp wristed soy boy fools. Half your "army" would surrender if we cut off their Starbucks for a week.

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