City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

Democrat friends? Last I checked it wasn't Democrats trying to overthrow the Gov't, that was you and your GOP friends.
Are you referring to the Great January 6th Unarmed Insurrection?

I personally don’t like riots but prefer peaceful demonstrations. However to call the Jan 6th riot an insurrection is hyperbole.
So you are saying that the Jan 6 insurrection was a peaceful protest.
No I called it a riot. Perhaps you should put your glasses on.

I said,

“I personally don’t like riots but prefer peaceful demonstrations. However to call the Jan 6th riot an insurrection is hyperbole.”…emphasis added.
Sure it just makes wonderful sense to go back in History 150 years and make damn sure nobody who fought for the Confederacy gets any honor at all. Next you will want to go into graveyards and exhume every Confederate soldier‘s grave and incinerate the remains.

Works for me.

On a serious note, your hysterics aside, those statues weren't put up immediately after the war. No one was particularly proud of the ruination their leaders have brought down on them so a few rich people could keep owning slaves.

The rise of the Confederate monuments happened at the same time as the rise of the "Lost Cause" mythology that the war was about state's rights or tariff's, that the southern generals were all gentlemen, crap movies like Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind were being produced. In sort, the historical revisionism happened 100 years ago. Now we are simply getting back to what an honest evaluation should be.

And these men did not deserve statues.

It does seem the Democrats are out to divide our nation and totally ruin it so we can fall under the control of a wonderful Marxist socialist Globalism World government that will rule with an iron fist.

Um, wow. that's some crazy talk there, buddy.

What was so God awful about the Dukes of Hazzard. When that program was popular, racism wasn’t the BIG deal it is today. That all changed when the Great Divider, Obama, came along. Now an entertaining comedy has been pulled from TV because of a Confederate flag.

You know what I never saw on the Dukes of Hazard? Any black people. They had one black guy in the pilot and he was immediately written out. It wasn't just the flag that was the problem with that show. It was that is showed a sanitized version of the south that whitewashed the racism that still existed in the late 1970's and early 80's. Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe were corrupt as all get out, and the show was fine with that.

City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Leif Le Mahieu

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has dug up the remains of Confederate General A.P. Hill as it continues to purge Confe~Snip~!derate symbols and monuments from public spaces.
The remains of Hill, which had been buried under a monument to the general, were located on Tuesday after two days of digging. The casket of Hill, who was reportedly buried standing up, was rotted away when workers finally found the remains using an excavator.
According to local reporter Riley Wyant, the remains of Hill were blocked from public view using a tarp before they were transferred into a body bag and wheeled away on a stretcher. The remains were transferred to the general’s relatives, including John Hill, the general’s closest indirect descendent.

The removal of the statue and remains comes after a legal battle between the city and descendants of Hill, which was complicated by the monument’s usage as a headstone. The move was hailed by Democratic Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, but decried by Hill’s relatives.
“Over two years ago, Richmond was home to more Confederate statues than any city in the United States. Collectively, we have closed that chapter,” Stoney tweeted. “We now continue the work of being a more inclusive and welcoming place where ALL belong.”

Even though I disagree with the confederacy, I also disagree with removing anything related to the confederacy. I say keep them as a reminder of history.
The ghoulish removal of the remains of soldiers that fought in te Civil War on either side is wrong.
Erasing our history, culture and traditions one statue and body at a time.
Maoist Racist Democrats have become the American Taliban.

Grave desecration is a hallmark of fascist societies.
Works for me.

On a serious note, your hysterics aside, those statues weren't put up immediately after the war. No one was particularly proud of the ruination their leaders have brought down on them so a few rich people could keep owning slaves.

The rise of the Confederate monuments happened at the same time as the rise of the "Lost Cause" mythology that the war was about state's rights or tariff's, that the southern generals were all gentlemen, crap movies like Birth of a Nation and Gone with the Wind were being produced. In sort, the historical revisionism happened 100 years ago. Now we are simply getting back to what an honest evaluation should be.

And these men did not deserve statues.

Um, wow. that's some crazy talk there, buddy.

You know what I never saw on the Dukes of Hazard? Any black people. They had one black guy in the pilot and he was immediately written out. It wasn't just the flag that was the problem with that show. It was that is showed a sanitized version of the south that whitewashed the racism that still existed in the late 1970's and early 80's. Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe were corrupt as all get out, and the show was fine with that.
I have lived in the South for the last half a century but was raised a mile from Lake Erie. All my ancestors lived in New York State, Pennsylvania and Ohio. If any fought in the Civil War they fought for the North.

I was taught that the Civil War was fought over slavery when I grew up in Ohio but many people who grew up in the South have argued with me that it was over states’ rights. I feel if I had pushed too far the arguments might have ended up in a fist fight.

I know a number of Southern People who are proud of their heritage and their ancestors who fought for the South. I know one lady who flies a Confederate flag in her front yard and an American flag in her back yard. She’s as patriotic as they come but will talk about those in her family who fought in the Civil War.

Why do you want to stir up hatred and discontent over a historical event that happened so long ago? Let sleeping dogs lIe.
I have lived in the South for the last half a century but was raised a mile from Lake Erie. All my ancestors lived in New York State, Pennsylvania and Ohio. If any fought in the Civil War they fought for the North.
Um, okay. My ancestors came from Germany and fought for the Kaiser.
I was taught that the Civil War was fought over slavery when I grew up in Ohio but many people who grew up in the South have argued with me that it was over states’ rights. I feel if I had pushed too far the arguments might have ended up in a fist fight.

Yes, trying to have a rational conversation with a southern inbred is a waste of time. But this is EXACTLY why we need to tear down the statues, so that future generations don't grow up on these lies.

I know a number of Southern People who are proud of their heritage and their ancestors who fought for the South. I know one lady who flies a Confederate flag in her front yard and an American flag in her back yard. She’s as patriotic as they come but will talk about those in her family who fought in the Civil War.

And that's the problem. This is a part of our history that we shouldn't be proud of. Now, I am just old enough to remember when we used to play "Cowboys and Indians" as kids and we saw all these westerns where the Native Americans were demonized. Today, of course, we've corrected the histories to recognize that a great injustice was done to Native peoples in this country. Which is why no one is praising Custer or his ilk today.

We need to do the same thing with the Civil War. recognize that they fought for a great evil.

Why do you want to stir up hatred and discontent over a historical event that happened so long ago? Let sleeping dogs lIe.
Because the people who flew those flags deprived black people of equal rights for the next 100 years... some would argue to this very day.

Let me put it another way. I am of German Ancestry. My dad was in the US Army in WWII, but he had cousins who fought and died for the Wehrmacht. His father fought in the Imperial Army in WWI. So would it be super cool for me to fly a swastika flag in my back yard to express my German Pride? Of course not, it would be obnoxious and offensive, particularly to my Jewish neighbors.

Now, do I think my cousins were evil? Nope. They answered the call of their country, even though their country was led by a madman.
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Um, okay. My ancestors came from Germany and fought for the Kaiser.

Yes, trying to have a rational conversation with a southern inbred is a waste of time. But this is EXACTLY why we need to tear down the statues, so that future generations don't grow up on these lies.

And that's the problem. This is a part of our history that we shouldn't be proud of. Now, I am just old enough to remember when we used to play "Cowboys and Indians" as kids and we saw all these westerns where the Native Americans were demonized. Today, of course, we've corrected the histories to recognize that a great injustice was done to Native peoples in this country. Which is why no one is praising Custer or his ilk today.

We need to do the same thing with the Civil War. recognize that they fought for a great evil.

Because the people who flew those flags deprived black people of equal rights for the next 100 years... some would argue to this very day.

Let me put it another way. I am of Germany Ancestry. My dad was in the US Army in WWII, but he had cousins who fought and died for the Wehrmacht. So would it be super cool for me to fly a swastika flag in my back yard to express my German Pride? Of course not, it would be obnoxious and offensive, particularly to my Jewish neighbors.

Now, do I think my cousins were evil? Nope. They answered the call of their country, even though their country was led by a madman.
You can bet there are a number of Germans who are proud of their grandfathers and great grandfathers who fought in WWII.

I knew one man who was a cop in Florida who said his father had been a driver for Hitler during the war and he was damn proud of that fact.

Nazi memorabilia is also popular today in the United States. I am surprised Democrats aren’t trying to destroy such items.

Plus the Japanese are proud of Japan’s WWII History,

Hill's remains had already been moved before they put him under a statue he didn't merit. In 1867, Confederate Veterans moved his body from it's original grave. It was moved again in 1892 to the spot under the statue.

No one really remembers who Hill was except Civil War Buffs...

Every last statue and monument to these racist traitors needs to be torn down. Period. Full stop. People should feel the same shame finding a Confederate in their genealogy they would feel finding a Nazi.

The first thing Liberals try to do is get a hold of the treasury to feed their greed.

The second thing they do is try to take away the right to keep and bear arms.

The third thing they do is destroy history.

We a lot of the Liberals destroying history, don't we?
We should try to learn from history, not destroy it or cover it up.

History does tend to repeat itself.

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