City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

Have you met Germans? They are STILL apologizing for World War II.
You won't find one statue of Hitler in Germany today. Or Goering, Goebbels, Keitel, etc.
Also, flying a swastika flag in Germany is illegal.

Among Neo-Nazis on the right. Why does the far right fly the symbols of America's enemies?


Not really proud as so much in denial. To hear the Japanese tell it, WWII wasn't a big deal, incidents like the Rape of Nanking and the Bataan Death March didn't happen, and so on. Oh, yeah, and Hirohito had no idea what was going on. But what you don't see in Japan is any statues of Tojo or Yamashita or any of the other war criminals who ran Japan.
I still remember the cop I knew who said his father was Hitler’s driver and was damn proud of that fact. He planned to get a swastika tattooed on his back after he retired from police work. I have moved and lost track of him so I don’t know if he ever did get that tattoo.

Plus there is a Nazi movement in Germany today.

I personally have no idea why anyone would fly the Nazi flag in America. The cop I knew was a friend of my son in law but was more of a biker than a member of the far right. I try to avoid associating with such people.
This is one of the best nations to live in which is why millions of people are entering our nation through the Mexican Border from all over the world.

Without George Washington this nation might not exist.
And? That doesn't mean something better wouldn't exist. Also if George still had his way this country would still be a despicable slave state. What made this country great were the Civil Rights heroes who fought to make this a respectable society where before it had been a nation of deplorable mutants.
You are looking at our nation’s past history through the eyes of a modern person. Times change and attitudes change.
Morality isn't a property of time you clueless moron, it's a property of people and the morality of people like George Washington was shit in any time. Just because a bunch of slavers told you how noble they were doesn't mean you have to be a straight up sucker and buy into that self aggrandizing bullshit.
Washington was running a plantation. In those days large plantations had a working force of slaves. Slaves were not dirt cheap but there were no real alternatives in those days that plantation owners would have accepted. In order to be competitive, Washington’s Mount Vernon had to have slave workers. Otherwise he would have most likely went bankrupt.
Yes guy, I'm fully aware of how capitalism obtained its seed capital to get started.
Just how expensive were slaves? Expensive enough that most were were well treated.
I'm not sure I'd describe having your family members and children ripped from you and sold off to be abused and raped and worked to death constitutes good treatment but maybe you just don't like your family.
This is one of the best nations to live in which is why millions of people are entering our nation through the Mexican Border from all over the world.

Uh, no, guy. Millions of people enter this nation because there are jobs here Americans don't want to do.

Without George Washington this nation might not exist.

You are looking at our nation’s past history through the eyes of a modern person. Times change and attitudes change.

Washington was running a plantation. In those days large plantations had a working force of slaves. Slaves were not dirt cheap but there were no real alternatives in those days that plantation owners would have accepted. In order to be competitive, Washington’s Mount Vernon had to have slave workers. Otherwise he would have most likely went bankrupt.

Okay, George Washington did more than just own a few slaves. The man had teeth extracted from healthy slaves to make false teeth for himself. (No, they weren't made out of wood like you learned in grammar school.)


I don't see here a cost breakdown based on skills, so here's a chart I made for a class a few years ago:

Average cost of a slave (of any age, sex, or condition) in 1850 = $ 400 ($11,300 in 2009 dollars)

Average cost of a slave (of any age, sex, or condition) in 1860 = $ 800 (#21,300 in 2009 dollars)

Cost of a prime field hand (18-30 year-old man) in 1850 = $ 1,200 ($34,000 in 2009 dollars)

Cost of a skilled slave (e.g. a blacksmith) in 1850 = $ 2,000 ($56,700 in 2009 dollars)

Uh... wow. Really? So your argument is that you could buy a human being for less than a decent salary, so that made it okay to buy a human being? Is this really what you are fucking arguing?
I still remember the cop I knew who said his father was Hitler’s driver and was damn proud of that fact. He planned to get a swastika tattooed on his back after he retired from police work. I have moved and lost track of him so I don’t know if he ever did get that tattoo.

Uh, yeah, I have no problem believing this story, given the shit we see cops do to black people. But those silly protestors, you don't know what they are upset about.

Plus there is a Nazi movement in Germany today.

Yes, and according to your own article, they get arrested. We should do that.

I personally have no idea why anyone would fly the Nazi flag in America. The cop I knew was a friend of my son in law but was more of a biker than a member of the far right. I try to avoid associating with such people.
Yet those are the people who oozed out of the woodwork with Trump.
And? That doesn't mean something better wouldn't exist. Also if George still had his way this country would still be a despicable slave state. What made this country great were the Civil Rights heroes who fought to make this a respectable society where before it had been a nation of deplorable mutants.

Morality isn't a property of time you clueless moron, it's a property of people and the morality of people like George Washington was shit in any time. Just because a bunch of slavers told you how noble they were doesn't mean you have to be a straight up sucker and buy into that self aggrandizing bullshit.

Yes guy, I'm fully aware of how capitalism obtained its seed capital to get started.

I'm not sure I'd describe having your family members and children ripped from you and sold off to be abused and raped and worked to death constitutes good treatment but maybe you just don't like your family.
You obvious didn’t take the time to read the Wikipedia article that stated that Washington was changing his views of slavery and freed his slaves after both he and his wife died.

Throughout the history of the world slavery has been common. The Israelites had slaves, Egyptians had slaves, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the British, even Native Americans had slaves. Just about everybody had slaves and there are still slaves today in some areas of the world.

So you are saying you view the morality of almost all ancient and medieval people as shit. How retarded your views are. Even Plato likely owned slaves and Aristotle defended the ownership of slaves. Of course to you they lacked all morality.

In passing George Washington was not the only President to have owned slaves. Even the Union’s great general Ulysses S. Grant owned a slave during his life.

You should take some time to read the following article. You might learn something and perhaps lose some of your hatred for people like George Washington. Washington was a man of his times but held advanced views on slavery. He wasn’t perfect but all Presidents have their faults.


Privately, Washington considered plans in the mid 1790s to free his enslaved population. Those plans failed because of his inability to raise the finances necessary, the refusal of his family to approve emancipation of the dower slaves, and his own aversion to separating enslaved families. By the time of Washington's death in 1799 there were 317 enslaved people at Mount Vernon. 124 were owned outright by Washington, 40 were rented, and the remainder were owned by the estate of Martha Washington's first husband, Daniel Parke Custis, on behalf of their grandchildren. Washington's will was widely published upon his death in 1799, and provided for the eventual emancipation of the enslaved population owned by him, one of the few slave-owning founders to do so. Because many of his slaves were married to the dower slaves, whom he could not legally free, the will said that, except for his valet William Lee who was freed immediately, the use of his enslaved workers was bequeathed to his widow Martha until her death. She felt unsafe being surrounded by slaves whose freedom depended on her death, and exercised her right to free them in 1801, but neither Martha nor George Washington had any legal power to decide the fate of the dower slaves, the use of whom was inherited by her grandchildren when she died in 1802.
You obvious didn’t take the time to read the Wikipedia article that stated that Washington was changing his views of slavery and freed his slaves after both he and his wife died.
Did you need to read a wiki article to learn that tidbit? 😄

I'm not entirely sure of your educational level but suffice it to say it's impossible for someone to change their views after they've died. Washington freeing his slaves after he was unable to further profit off of them, due to his death, is not the noble character trait you seem to think it is.
Throughout the history of the world slavery has been common. The Israelites had slaves, Egyptians had slaves, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the British, even Native Americans had slaves. Just about everybody had slaves and there are still slaves today in some areas of the world.
And that makes it okay? There's rape all over the world too, feel like memorializing any rapists in marble?
So you are saying you view the morality of almost all ancient and medieval people as shit. How retarded your views are. Even Plato likely owned slaves and Aristotle defended the ownership of slaves. Of course to you they lacked all morality.
I believe they, like everyone else, has their own subjective morality and that the morality of people who condone slavery, in my opinion, is shit. You're free to feel differently. If you want to side with slavers be my guest but your comparison of me to the Taliban loses its bite when you're talking about statue smashing as opposed to defending forced labor and with the words of slavers no less as justification. I guess the opinion of the enslaved aren't relevant from your deplorable perspective.
In passing George Washington was not the only President to have owned slaves. Even the Union’s great general Ulysses S. Grant owned a slave during his life.
Pointing to other slavers is no more a justification for slavery than would be pointing to Epstein to justify child rape. What a ridiculous bit of logic.
You should take some time to read the following article. You might learn something and perhaps lose some of your hatred for people like George Washington. Washington was a man of his times but held advanced views on slavery. He wasn’t perfect but all Presidents have their faults.
Unlike you I can think for myself and form my own opinion of Washington. Thinking seems to be something you prefer to defer to others.
Because this is bigger than just removing statues. This is The Theory and Practice of Oligarchial Collectivism in action. Read about it sometime
That doesn't explain why Republicans are defending Democratic statues to CSA heroes that are..only in the South, and not clamoring for the true heroes of the ACW to have statues.
That doesn't explain why Republicans are defending Democratic statues to CSA heroes that are..only in the South, and not clamoring for the true heroes of the ACW to have statues.
Actually it does. If you knew about what I said you'd know it
Actually it does. If you knew about what I said you'd know it
Only in the South are "Republicans" defending slaver statues, and even there thats falling away to just the Jim Crowest states. But if Cracker Town wants to get mad about, cool. they are still going away.
Only in the South are "Republicans" defending slaver statues, and even there thats falling away to just the Jim Crowest states. But if Cracker Town wants to get mad about, cool. they are still going away.
So white towns are "cracker towns" to you what are black towns?
You obvious didn’t take the time to read the Wikipedia article that stated that Washington was changing his views of slavery and freed his slaves after both he and his wife died.

And Hitler loved dogs. What's you point?

We could also take note of Ona Judge an enslaved woman who tried to free herself, and was pursued ruthlessly by Washington.

Three years later, in the spring of 1796, George and Martha Washington were living in Philadelphia, the temporary capital of the young nation. The president – then 64 and in his next to last year in office – and his wife kept a number of slaves with them, rotating their captives back to their Mount Vernon plantation in Virginia every few months so that they would maintain their slave status under the laws of the day. One of these enslaved people was Ona “Oney” Judge, a slender young woman of about 20, who was a skilled seamstress and served as Martha Washington’s “lady’s maid.” Judge was the property of the Custis family from Martha Washington’s first husband.

When Judge learned that Martha Washington intended, upon her death, to make a wedding present of her to the Washington granddaughter Elizabeth Park Custis Law, she took matters into her own hands. On the evening of May 21, 1796, she waited until the Washingtons sat down to dinner, then walked out of the President’s House in Philadelphia. She was gone.

Washington set out to recover his wife’s property. He had ads placed and rewards posted, leading to this remarkable sentence in The Philadelphia Gazette & Universal Daily Advertiser on May 24: “Absconded from the household of the President of the United States, ONEY JUDGE, a light mulatto girl, much freckled, with very black eyes and bushy black hair.” The First Family was caught completely off guard. According to the ad: “there was no suspicion of her going off, nor no provocation to do so, it is not easy to conjecture whither she has gone, or fully, what her design is.” Shortly after, another Philadelphia newspaper ran a similar ad.
Yes, Washington had faults.

Still in my opinion he is one of the greatest men of all time.

Remember the rules were different in his time. Slavery was legal and acceptable in the South and was only abolished in the north between 1774 and 1804. Judging Washington by our standards today is foolish and unfair.

He was able to lead a ragtag army to win a war against the well trained and powerful British Army.

His effort and the efforts of the other Founders resulted in the formation of what is many consider to be the leading nation in our world.

Of course you may have a far different opinion of Washington. That is your right in this nation and you can express your views freely here on this forum and elsewhere in our nation. That’s because we have a Bill of Rights attached to our Constitution.
Yes, Washington had faults.

Still in my opinion he is one of the greatest men of all time.
And it's my opinion that he was a piece of human shit who isn't worth venerating.
Remember the rules were different in his time.
Rules Washington helped create as the first President of this country.
Slavery was legal and acceptable in the South and was only abolished in the north between 1774 and 1804. Judging Washington by our standards today is foolish and unfair.
Time doesn't have standards and its a stupid argument to continue to make. In Washington's time while he and the rest of the slavers might of found slavery acceptable their enslaved captives did not. Its your biased love of Washington that you equate Washington standard with Time's standard all while ignoring the perspective of people at the time who were opposed to slavery.
He was able to lead a ragtag army to win a war against the well trained and powerful British Army.
A war in order to create their own slave state. Hardly a noble cause.
His effort and the efforts of the other Founders resulted in the formation of what is many consider to be the leading nation in our world.
On the backs of slaves.
Of course you may have a far different opinion of Washington. That is your right in this nation and you can express your views freely here on this forum and elsewhere in our nation. That’s because we have a Bill of Rights attached to our Constitution.
The Bill of Rights existed along side of slavery dumbass. I'm beginning to suspect you don't know much real history at all. You prefer the propagandized version. I have the right express my views freely because civil rights warriors cucked a culture of deplorable racist whites in the 60s.
And it's my opinion that he was a piece of human shit who isn't worth venerating.

Rules Washington helped create as the first President of this country.

Time doesn't have standards and its a stupid argument to continue to make. In Washington's time while he and the rest of the slavers might of found slavery acceptable their enslaved captives did not. Its your biased love of Washington that you equate Washington standard with Time's standard all while ignoring the perspective of people at the time who were opposed to slavery.

A war in order to create their own slave state. Hardly a noble cause.

On the backs of slaves.

The Bill of Rights existed along side of slavery dumbass. I'm beginning to suspect you don't know much real history at all. You prefer the propagandized version. I have the right express my views freely because civil rights warriors cucked a culture of deplorable racist whites in the 60s.
Who in your mind should we hold in esteem veneration? Mao? Lenin? Trotsky? Maybe Stalin

Nah your heroes are drug addicted criminal shitbags like George Floyd
And it's my opinion that he was a piece of human shit who isn't worth venerating.

Rules Washington helped create as the first President of this country.

Time doesn't have standards and its a stupid argument to continue to make. In Washington's time while he and the rest of the slavers might of found slavery acceptable their enslaved captives did not. Its your biased love of Washington that you equate Washington standard with Time's standard all while ignoring the perspective of people at the time who were opposed to slavery.

A war in order to create their own slave state. Hardly a noble cause.

On the backs of slaves.

The Bill of Rights existed along side of slavery dumbass. I'm beginning to suspect you don't know much real history at all. You prefer the propagandized version. I have the right express my views freely because civil rights warriors cucked a culture of deplorable racist whites in the 60s.
I suspect you have be listening to far too much Marxist propaganda which is popular in the Democratic Party today. That’s why you feel so much animosity toward the Founders.

If the Democratic Party ever does turn our nation into a socialist workers paradise you will greatly disappointed as once that happens your “new, improved government” will no longer kiss your ass. Cuba provides an example of how you will be treated.

Prior to the Revolution this nation was run by England. Perhaps you should direct some of your anger at the Brits. The Brits made a lot of money off colonies who used slaves to harvest crops. Therefore you should consider King George III to be a piece of human shit too. In fact as you go further and further back in history you should consider everybody who owned slaves as human shit. That would include most land owners in history.

Of course slavery goes much further back in history than the Roman Empire.

Even the Israelites in the Bible had slaves after Moses freed them from slavery in Egypt.

Different times in history had different rules than we do today. As I have mentioned it is foolish to judge historical people by the standards we set for people today.

But there is no way you will change your views and no way I will change my appreciation for the Founders of our nation and in particular George Washington.

Who in your mind should we hold in esteem veneration? Mao? Lenin? Trotsky? Maybe Stalin
It's a hilarious window into your own perspective that you think of them before you think of Black American Civil Rights heroes who actually tried to forge a country that respected the equal rights of all.
Nah your heroes are drug addicted criminal shitbags like George Floyd
No. George Floyd was a victim Of police brutality. Whatever misdeeds George Floyd did however, it wasn't anywhere near as depraved and deplorable as keeping entire families in forced bondage.

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