City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

I suspect you have be listening to far too much Marxist propaganda which is popular in the Democratic Party today. That’s why you feel so much animosity toward the Founders.
And I suspect you can't actually point to one thing I've said that was factually incorrect and so you want to make it about me personally rather than my arguments.
If the Democratic Party ever does turn our nation into a socialist workers paradise you will greatly disappointed as once that happens your “new, improved government” will no longer kiss your ass. Cuba provides an example of how you will be treated.
Cuba is an authoritarian dictatorship, not a democracy. As I suspected earlier all your examples are going to reflect that.
Prior to the Revolution this nation was run by England. Perhaps you should direct some of your anger at the Brits. The Brits made a lot of money off colonies who used slaves to harvest crops. Therefore you should consider King George III to be a piece of human shit too.
What makes you think I don't?
In fact as you go further and further back in history you should consider everybody who owned slaves as human shit. That would include most land owners in history.
I'm not sure you could prove most land owners were slavers throughout history but sure there is no shortage of human pieces of shit throughout history if that's the point you're trying to make.
Of course slavery goes much further back in history than the Roman Empire.

Even the Israelites in the Bible had slaves after Moses freed them from slavery in Egypt.

Different times in history had different rules than we do today. As I have mentioned it is foolish to judge historical people by the standards we set for people today.
And as I said previously and what you can't seem to address directly is that arguing Time has standards is stupid and flies in the face of physics. People have standards and the standards the Founders were shit.
But there is no way you will change your views and no way I will change my appreciation for the Founders of our nation and in particular George Washington.
I don't care if you personally want to praise piece of shit slavers, I only care if our society does and I'm pleased to see it moving towards the direction of finally putting these slaving pieces of shit where they belong.
Tje ones in chains acttually. The british freed slaves during the war 100 years earlier.
The British still has the Black Slavery legacy that the US has and like the US, had the morality to cease the practice. The US needs to take this position held in today’s United Kingdom when it comes to reparations:

The British still has the Black Slavery legacy that the US has and like the US, had the morality to cease the practice.

The UK kept Black Africans as slaves until 1833, precisely 30 years before the US. They didn't do so out of any moral fortitude. The did it because they could ship all the cheap labor they needed from Ireland, a much shorter journey.

Between 1833 and 1920, the Brits indentured millions of Indians and Chinese and sent them over the oceans to the far flung frontiers of their empire, from which they would never return.

Any Brit who has the temerity to cock a snook at an American over slavery is showing incredible "cheek".

The UK kept Black Africans as slaves until 1833, precisely 30 years before the US. They didn't do so out of any moral fortitude. The did it because they could ship all the cheap labor they needed from Ireland, a much shorter journey.

Between 1833 and 1920, the Brits indentured millions of Indians and Chinese and sent them over the oceans to the far flung frontiers of their empire, from which they would never return.

Any Brit who has the temerity to cock a snook at an American over slavery is showing incredible "cheek".

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I think both the UK and US can tell the reparations crowd that unless they are prepared to go all the back to the source (Africans who rounded up and sold their own), the discussion is off the table.
I think both the UK and US can tell the reparations crowd that unless they are prepared to go all the back to the source (Africans who rounded up and sold their own), the discussion is off the table.
According to who? Your feelings? Just because we can't hold everyone accountable doesn't mean we can't hold these nations accountable. Prepare to see that more and more as these nations brown.
According to who? Your feelings? Just because we can't hold everyone accountable doesn't mean we can't hold these nations accountable. Prepare to see that more and more as these nations brown.
According to facts. And since you “feel” like holding everyone accountable, you might want to prepare yourself that while more Nations brown, the only Nations throughout the globe that practice slavery today, are non-white. In your spirit of Accountability, a suggest you try and remain consistent to avoid being exposed as full-of-shit.
According to facts.
According to what facts? California is preparing to give reparations to Black Americans for housing discrimination and federally the most diverse Congress in American history introduced legislation to start looking into what reparations for Black Americans could look like.
And since you “feel” like holding everyone accountable, you might want to prepare yourself that while more Nations brown, the only Nations throughout the globe that practice slavery today, are non-white.
Slavery exists in all parts of the world.
In your spirit of Accountability, a suggest you try and remain consistent to avoid being exposed as full-of-shit.
You only expose your ignorance.
And I suspect you can't actually point to one thing I've said that was factually incorrect and so you want to make it about me personally rather than my arguments.

Cuba is an authoritarian dictatorship, not a democracy. As I suspected earlier all your examples are going to reflect that.

What makes you think I don't?

I'm not sure you could prove most land owners were slavers throughout history but sure there is no shortage of human pieces of shit throughout history if that's the point you're trying to make.

And as I said previously and what you can't seem to address directly is that arguing Time has standards is stupid and flies in the face of physics. People have standards and the standards the Founders were shit.

I don't care if you personally want to praise piece of shit slavers, I only care if our society does and I'm pleased to see it moving towards the direction of finally putting these slaving pieces of shit where they belong.
Actually it is obvious that we have totally different views on this nation. I have no problem with this. We can disagree and debate the subject which in some nations would be forbidden.

There are likely generational differences between us. I was raised in an era where patriotism was popular and volunteered to join the Air Force during the Vietnam War.

I was taught to believe this is a great nation. I have watched this nation make significant progress over my lifetime and witnessed it help other nations advance and recover from war.

It is obvious that a certain amount of what I learned is propaganda but my own reading and research shows that the Founders wanted to create a new, unique form of government. The Framers of the Constitution overcame a number of significant differences and managed to compose what was at the time a revolutionary document that set up the desired new form of government. This document contains only 4,543 words but has lasted over the centuries with only a few amendments and unfortunately one bloody Civil War.

The Framers of the Constitution were men with faults but they managed to do an outstanding job that changed history. They faced major disagreements but found compromises.

The Constitution is a revolutionary document. The first of its kind.

On the issue of judging historic people by the standards of our time I suggest you read this article.


On one side, there is a shortsighted aspect to claiming absolute moral superiority and forfeiting all historical context. Of course, slavery was always morally despicable, even when enforced by law and widely condoned. But should the judgment of an individual born within slavery’s heyday and one born today be the same? I don’t believe so, simply because most of our morality comes from our environment, and an individual born in a pro-slavery environment can’t be discerned from his or her environment.

On the other, the question of historical relevance could be brought forth in defense of the indefensible. If we fully adopt the view that morality is entirely and uniquely a product of one’s own time, then we forfeit the ability to draw a permanent line in the sand between good and evil. This launches us into dangerous territory and dismisses the progressive advances we seem to make with each passing generation.

So, where should the line between historical contextualization and transcending morality be drawn? I believe each case must be determined individually.

Some of the historical individuals targeted by this reviewed morality include Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus, and most recently, Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of Little House on the Prairie. The judges of today accuse them of racism, discrimination, and imperialism. Because of these alleged crimes, their works are promptly disqualified from modern-day discourse. Statues are brought down; university halls are rechristened; awards (as in the case of Wilder) are renamed.

It is safe to say these people did not have the same standard of equality and multiculturalism as we do today. But then again, who did? If the crimes cited above are reason enough to ban their works, we might as well start burning history books in their entirety. It is a noble and necessary effort to condemn the crimes of our past, but we must realize these crimes were the norm for all of human history. There is no past culture that had even a semblance of our current morality.
According to what facts? California is preparing to give reparations to Black Americans for housing discrimination and federally the most diverse Congress in American history introduced legislation to start looking into what reparations for Black Americans could look like.

Slavery exists in all parts of the world.

You only expose your ignorance.
I don’t dispute what California is doing or what Congress is exploring regarding reparations, I am arguing that reparations should not rest solely with white western cultures when the root cause was Blacks selling other Blacks and that the only slavery practiced today is dominated by non-whites.

Not sure how and why you find that to be ignorant other than you have no factual or intelligent retort.
I don’t dispute what California is doing or what Congress is exploring regarding reparations, I am arguing that reparations should not rest solely with white western cultures when the root cause was Blacks selling other Blacks and that the only slavery practiced today is dominated by non-whites.
That's fine but that isn't a fact it's an opinion and an uniformed one. Forced labor exists in China, Russia and here in the United States. Our own 13th Amendment carves out an exception for indentured servitude for prisoners.
Not sure how and why you find that to be ignorant other than you have no factual or intelligent retort.
Says the man who doesn't know the laws in his own country.
Actually it is obvious that we have totally different views on this nation. I have no problem with this. We can disagree and debate the subject which in some nations would be forbidden.

There are likely generational differences between us. I was raised in an era where patriotism was popular and volunteered to join the Air Force during the Vietnam War.

I was taught to believe this is a great nation. I have watched this nation make significant progress over my lifetime and witnessed it help other nations advance and recover from war.

It is obvious that a certain amount of what I learned is propaganda but my own reading and research shows that the Founders wanted to create a new, unique form of government. The Framers of the Constitution overcame a number of significant differences and managed to compose what was at the time a revolutionary document that set up the desired new form of government. This document contains only 4,543 words but has lasted over the centuries with only a few amendments and unfortunately one bloody Civil War.
It is absolutely propaganda why you care more about a document than the millions of lives lost and families torn apart from slavery in actual practice. It is the consumate character trait of Americans like you to be impressed with mythology over actuality.

From my perspective what is impressive about the Framers is that a group of aristocrats got together and convinced a bunch of serfs that elitist landowners using their acquired land and slave labor to enrich themselves and dictate the role of government was their God given natural right and that all everyone else had (except for blacks) was a right to sell their labor to the elities and a good luck competing with us pat on the back.
The Framers of the Constitution were men with faults but they managed to do an outstanding job that changed history. They faced major disagreements but found compromises.
What they created was an aristocratic slave state. You're only looking at the end result which is a result brought about by Black Civil Rights leaders. Until then America was a slave state and then an apartheid state. That's the difference between facts and mythology.
The Constitution is a revolutionary document. The first of its kind.
In prefer actions to words and cosplay.
On the issue of judging historic people by the standards of our time I suggest you read this article.
Why? Are intellectually unable to argue the point yourself?


On one side, there is a shortsighted aspect to claiming absolute moral superiority and forfeiting all historical context. Of course, slavery was always morally despicable, even when enforced by law and widely condoned. But should the judgment of an individual born within slavery’s heyday and one born today be the same? I don’t believe so, simply because most of our morality comes from our environment, and an individual born in a pro-slavery environment can’t be discerned from his or her environment.
Your big argument is this fuckwads opinion? Why should I give a shit what he believes? 😄
Yes, Washington had faults.

Still in my opinion he is one of the greatest men of all time.

Not really.

Remember the rules were different in his time. Slavery was legal and acceptable in the South and was only abolished in the north between 1774 and 1804. Judging Washington by our standards today is foolish and unfair.

Nope. Slavery was always wrong, and there were anti-slavery movements at the time.

He was able to lead a ragtag army to win a war against the well trained and powerful British Army.

Only because the French intervened to help us to screw the British.

His effort and the efforts of the other Founders resulted in the formation of what is many consider to be the leading nation in our world.
He saved us from the horror of being Canadians. If the Founding Slave Rapists had lost, "British North America" still would have been a democracy and still would have gotten self rule by the 19th century, just like Canada and Australia did.

Slavery would have been abolished without firing a shot.

And we'd have socialized medicine today.

Unfortunately, we are still living in the timeline where the slave rapists won.
That's fine but that isn't a fact it's an opinion and an uniformed one. Forced labor exists in China, Russia and here in the United States. Our own 13th Amendment carves out an exception for indentured servitude for prisoners.

Says the man who doesn't know the laws in his own country.
Forced labor is not legally sanctioned here in the US. The forced labor illegally operating here in the US is done by non-white immigrants. As for slavery on a global basis, check the rate of slavery in today’s Africa - where it all started.
Forced labor is not legally sanctioned here in the US. The forced labor illegally operating here in the US is done by non-white immigrants. As for slavery on a global basis, check the rate of slavery in today’s Africa - where it all started.
Illegal forced labor happens all over the world be every color of human being. That you think no white people engage in illegal slavery just shows how incredibly racist and naive you are.
Illegal forced labor happens all over the world be every color of human being. That you think no white people engage in illegal slavery just shows how incredibly racist and naive you are.
Give us some numbers on slavery /forced labor practiced by whites. Also, what/where are the white countries where slavery is still legal or anti-slavery law enforcement is relaxed. Calling this out is not racist. Check out the numbers below. How many white-dominated countries do you see? Where is the US? Where is the UK?

Give us some numbers on slavery /forced labor practiced by whites. Also, what/where are the white countries where slavery is still legal or anti-slavery law enforcement is relaxed. Calling this out is not racist. Check out the numbers below. How many white-dominated countries do you see? Where is the US? Where is the UK?

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You see Russia on that list right....
You see Russia on that list right....
You saw the 9 other countries on that list…. all non-white. Simple ratio analysis (9 to 1) will validate my original position that modern day slavery is dominated by non-whites (not racist, just fact). Again, where is the US and/or the UK?
You saw the 9 other countries on that list…. all non-white. Simple ratio analysis (9 to 1) will validate my original position that modern day slavery is dominated by non-whites (not racist, just fact). Again, where is the US and/or the UK?
What it shows is that slavery isn't inherent to race. And I showed where it is in the US. The 13th Amendment. Just because we don't call it slavery doesn't mean that it isnt.
It's a hilarious window into your own perspective that you think of them before you think of Black American Civil Rights heroes who actually tried to forge a country that respected the equal rights of all.

No. George Floyd was a victim Of police brutality. Whatever misdeeds George Floyd did however, it wasn't anywhere near as depraved and deplorable as keeping entire families in forced bondage.
The fact that you think only blacks were slaves when the first slaves sent to the New World were Irish shows your lack of education. Then you had Cromwell sending Scots- Irish over the term getting barbadosed. Then you had Scots sent over after Culloden. Learn some real history before acting like you know
What it shows is that slavery isn't inherent to race. And I showed where it is in the US. The 13th Amendment. Just because we don't call it slavery doesn't mean that it isnt.
Modern day slavery in happening the world over while you American Leftists cry racism from your 1000$ cellphones (made from slavery in China) and Libya has an actual slave trade thanks to us removing Ghaddafi

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