City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

wtf does it matter....if they need to dig up graveyards for mega developments ....does anyone really object.....the highest and best use of land is not graveyards...its that simple...some day in the future they will consider tearing out arlington...
History exists in books and records and the ongoing discussions about them. Monuments say only what the people who placed them wanted to say. Confederate monuments are like the Lenin monuments that still exist in some corners of the old Soviet union. They say nothing about the misery and strife of the Bolshevik revolution. They just say this guy was honored with a grand monument.
So I am a Yankee but live in the South. I enjoy reading about the Civil War and statutes of generals of either side are interesting to look at and make history seem more real.

I understand that civil wars and revolutions bring misery to many people caught in the middle of the conflict. That is why I always say that if our nation breaks apart again it will be a peaceful split.
So I am a Yankee but live in the South. I enjoy reading about the Civil War and statutes of generals of either side are interesting to look at and make history seem more real.

I understand that civil wars and revolutions bring misery to many people caught in the middle of the conflict. That is why I always say that if our nation breaks apart again it will be a peaceful split.
Americans were living in misery before the civil war.
So I am a Yankee but live in the South. I enjoy reading about the Civil War and statutes of generals of either side are interesting to look at and make history seem more real.

I understand that civil wars and revolutions bring misery to many people caught in the middle of the conflict. That is why I always say that if our nation breaks apart again it will be a peaceful split.
Any state or area attempting to secede will be forcibly slapped back to where they belong.

City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Leif Le Mahieu

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has dug up the remains of Confederate General A.P. Hill as it continues to purge Confe~Snip~!derate symbols and monuments from public spaces.
The remains of Hill, which had been buried under a monument to the general, were located on Tuesday after two days of digging. The casket of Hill, who was reportedly buried standing up, was rotted away when workers finally found the remains using an excavator.
According to local reporter Riley Wyant, the remains of Hill were blocked from public view using a tarp before they were transferred into a body bag and wheeled away on a stretcher. The remains were transferred to the general’s relatives, including John Hill, the general’s closest indirect descendent.

The removal of the statue and remains comes after a legal battle between the city and descendants of Hill, which was complicated by the monument’s usage as a headstone. The move was hailed by Democratic Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, but decried by Hill’s relatives.
“Over two years ago, Richmond was home to more Confederate statues than any city in the United States. Collectively, we have closed that chapter,” Stoney tweeted. “We now continue the work of being a more inclusive and welcoming place where ALL belong.”

Even though I disagree with the confederacy, I also disagree with removing anything related to the confederacy. I say keep them as a reminder of history.
The ghoulish removal of the remains of soldiers that fought in te Civil War on either side is wrong.
Erasing our history, culture and traditions one statue and body at a time.
Maoist Racist Democrats have become the American Taliban.

What nuts. Desecrating graves of the dead for pure politics is just wrong. This is going too far. Let the damned guy rest in peace.
Tje ones in chains acttually. The british freed slaves during the war 100 years earlier.
Wrong again as always, you're full of crap.
Wrong again as always, you're full of crap.
We have always known how ignorant Tommy Tainant is about America

But I’m surprised to find he’s ignorant about British history also
Wrong again as always, you're full of crap.
The british offered freedom to all American slaves. There are books written about this fact.You might want to read Mr Schamas history of this and educate yourself.

Of course the affect is moot. The slaves only had to wait another 100 years for their freedom. A great reward for loyalty.

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