City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

Yes. We must tear down these monuments to systemic exploitation, rape, pedophilia and ritual abuse of women and children

Speaking of things coming up out of their's skewey!
From posts on this thread

There seems to be a direct link between reb sympathisers and the maga trash who tried to bring down the govt on Jan 6th.

They seem to be the same people.
But how can maga trash feel so strongly about dead democrats ?

When did they leave the Dems ?
Are you brain dead?

City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

13 Dec 2022 ~~ By Leif Le Mahieu

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has dug up the remains of Confederate General A.P. Hill as it continues to purge Confe~Snip~!derate symbols and monuments from public spaces.
The remains of Hill, which had been buried under a monument to the general, were located on Tuesday after two days of digging. The casket of Hill, who was reportedly buried standing up, was rotted away when workers finally found the remains using an excavator.
According to local reporter Riley Wyant, the remains of Hill were blocked from public view using a tarp before they were transferred into a body bag and wheeled away on a stretcher. The remains were transferred to the general’s relatives, including John Hill, the general’s closest indirect descendent.

The removal of the statue and remains comes after a legal battle between the city and descendants of Hill, which was complicated by the monument’s usage as a headstone. The move was hailed by Democratic Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, but decried by Hill’s relatives.
“Over two years ago, Richmond was home to more Confederate statues than any city in the United States. Collectively, we have closed that chapter,” Stoney tweeted. “We now continue the work of being a more inclusive and welcoming place where ALL belong.”

Even though I disagree with the confederacy, I also disagree with removing anything related to the confederacy. I say keep them as a reminder of history.
The ghoulish removal of the remains of soldiers that fought in te Civil War on either side is wrong.
Erasing our history, culture and traditions one statue and body at a time.
Maoist Racist Democrats have become the American Taliban.

I don't see the point in monuments to traitors to the United States. Especially traitors that murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve the power of the State to strip people of every right and make them property.

Germany need not forget WW2 to recognize the folly of "Josef Mengela Elemenatary" or statues lauding Gobbels.
Remember the statement “The south will rise again?’

Well it hasn’t happened as our leaders at the end of the Civil War were smart enough to let the Confederacy honor their dead and their leaders. ,

I have noticed how other nations hold long term grudges over wars that happened centuries ago and felt we were lucky to have avoided that trap with our Civil War.

But now the Democrats are going back to seeking payback for a war that ended in 1865.

Do you know why the Democrats are doing this? They are hoping to keep the black vote that seems to be escaping the Democratic Plantation. The Dems want to convince the blacks that Republicans want to put them back in chains again.

The Dems must think the blacks are really stupid to believe bullshit like that but then the true raciists in our nation are the Democrats. They always promise the blacks diamonds and roses but deliver zirconium and Daisy Weeds.

Payback? How about simply ending the adulation of traitors to the United States?

We can find better people to admire than those slavery defending seditionists.
Payback? How about simply ending the adulation of traitors to the United States?

We can find better people to admire than those slavery defending seditionists.
Here's a flash for you.

Even Jefferson Davis was pardoned. So, why should someone like you that has never even heard a shot fired in anger be so critically racist and hateful toward people long dead?
Here's a flash for you.

Even Jefferson Davis was pardoned. So, why should someone like you that has never even heard a shot fired in anger be so critically racist and hateful toward people long dead?

Just because they received pardons doesn't make them any less traitors to the United States. They betrayed this country.

Why would we celebrate them?
Just because they received pardons doesn't make them any less traitors to the United States. They betrayed this country.

Why would we celebrate them?
In the same vein you support a fraudulent president Biden that is racist, a National Security risk and a traitor who has sold out America to a foreign country.
In the same vein you support a fraudulent president that is racist, a National Security risk and a traitor who has sold out America to a foreign country.

What fraudulent president?

And it doesn't sound like you have any good reason for me to laud or celebrate these traitors to our nation who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans to defend slavery.

Me either.
What fraudulent president?

And it doesn't sound like you have any good reason for me to laud or celebrate these traitors to our nation who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans to defend slavery.

Me either.
Funny tin is that the most of the Southerners that fought in the Civil war did not own slaves.
Funny tin is that the most of the Southerners that fought in the Civil war did not own slaves.

And? The war was fought to preserve the power of the State to strip actual people of every right in order to turn them into property.

Why laud that? Why admire it? Why celebrate those traitors who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and betrayed our nation in order to defend it.

I can't think of a single reason. And apparently, neither can Richmond.
Even though I disagree with the confederacy, I also disagree with removing anything related to the confederacy. I say keep them as a reminder of history.
The ghoulish removal of the remains of soldiers that fought in te Civil War on either side is wrong.
Erasing our history, culture and traditions one statue and body at a time.
Maoist Racist Democrats have become the American Taliban.

Hill's remains had already been moved before they put him under a statue he didn't merit. In 1867, Confederate Veterans moved his body from it's original grave. It was moved again in 1892 to the spot under the statue.

No one really remembers who Hill was except Civil War Buffs...

Every last statue and monument to these racist traitors needs to be torn down. Period. Full stop. People should feel the same shame finding a Confederate in their genealogy they would feel finding a Nazi.
Payback? How about simply ending the adulation of traitors to the United States?

We can find better people to admire than those slavery defending seditionists.
Now the ghettos of Richmond will become incredibly rich. The dead Southern leaders have finally stopped keeping people down. Next year I expect Mensa from most ghetto people. Chop chop!
Payback? How about simply ending the adulation of traitors to the United States?

We can find better people to admire than those slavery defending seditionists.
Sure it just makes wonderful sense to go back in History 150 years and make damn sure nobody who fought for the Confederacy gets any honor at all. Next you will want to go into graveyards and exhume every Confederate soldier‘s grave and incinerate the remains.

It does seem the Democrats are out to divide our nation and totally ruin it so we can fall under the control of a wonderful Marxist socialist Globalism World government that will rule with an iron fist.

What was so God awful about the Dukes of Hazzard. When that program was popular, racism wasn’t the BIG deal it is today. That all changed when the Great Divider, Obama, came along. Now an entertaining comedy has been pulled from TV because of a Confederate flag.


What was so God awful about the Dukes of Hazzard.

Because the poor little guys with criminal records who everyone in town loved and supported ...
Always got away with sticking it to the crooked law enforcement and corrupt politician ... :thup:

I am only just now seeing this news. Whoever wanted that person dug up, what did they think was going to happen if they didn't do such a thing? Did they think that the corpse was going to rise up out of the dirt and eat every last person who lives in that area? Such a thing has never happened to anyone anywhere before and so why would now be any different?

God bless you always!!!

"I don't see the point in monuments to traitors to the United States."
Yupper, should we wait for Doc7505 to lobby for statues to Aldrich Ames, Benedict Arnold, Tokyo Rose?
How 'bout Axis Sally?

Wicki: "Following her capture in post-war Berlin, she became the first woman to be convicted of treason against the United States.[2] In March 1949, she was sentenced to ten to thirty years' imprisonment.[2] She was released in 1961. Along with Rita Zucca she was nicknamed "Axis Sally".

Even Jefferson Davis was pardoned.

Yupper, he was. So was Steve Bannon and Roger Stone. Statues for those blokes?

Davis's pardon was a gesture from the Licolnesque/Grantesque mindset that 'we are friend, we are not enemies. We must not be enemies." But a pardon by the United States is not the same as a statue.

Why? Well, what the hell was he pardoned of? Sedition, insurrection, betrayal, treason. Not exactly resume' building stuff. Remove all confederate statues of individual players ...generals, politicians, identifieable solders.....from taxpayer public lands.....and put 'em in a private park if someone thinks there is a market to be made for such.


Now the ghettos of Richmond will become incredibly rich.
Non sequitur much?
Why would a poster wish to appear frivolous and foolish on a public social media site?
Unless, of course, they can do so anonymously under a fake name?
Such a thing has never happened to anyone anywhere before
Ummm, I don't think so.
Lotsa dead folks get dug up later. Lots.
Do a little googling, poster SweetHeart.
Come back and give us a brief executive-summary of what you found.

And....importantly....thank you for this: "God bless you always!!! Holly"

Because the poor little guys with criminal records who everyone in town loved and supported ...
Always got away with sticking it to the crooked law enforcement and corrupt politician ... :thup:

As I said a great program.
You and your Maoist Democrat friends have become more and more like the Chinese Red Guard each day you exist.
Democrat friends? Last I checked it wasn't Democrats trying to overthrow the Gov't, that was you and your GOP friends.

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