City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

Now you're blaming others for your people being sharecroppers?

Jeezuz. Where does it end?
Generational poverty among tenant farmers was very much the fault of the landlords. There was a big lie back then too. Men were promised land in return for fighting and got doodly-squat.
For someone crying about history you sure seem to be ignorant of it.
My family did very well for themselves after the war and I'm talking my side. Farmers, millers, tanners, and gun smiths.

My wife's side actually made money off the Yankees digging-up and replanting them for so much a head. They used freed slaves for the labor for the most part and paid them wages.

In fact they sold the graveyard to the Yankees a couple years later and it's now the National Cemetery in Culpeper, Virginia.


A native Virginian, Hill was a career United States Army officer who had fought in the Mexican–American War and Seminole Wars prior to joining the Confederacy. After the start of the American Civil War, he gained early fame as the commander of the "Light Division" in the Seven Days Battles and became one of Stonewall Jackson's ablest subordinates, distinguishing himself in the 1862 battles of Cedar Mountain, Second Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg.

Following Jackson's death in May 1863 at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Hill was promoted to lieutenant general and commanded the Third Corps of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, which he led in the Gettysburg Campaign and the fall campaigns of 1863. His command of the corps in 1864–65 was interrupted on multiple occasions by illness, from which he did not return until just before the end of the war, when he was killed during the Union Army's offensive at the Third Battle of Petersburg.

A filthy piece of white trash Yankee killed him.....
He was shot dead by a Union soldier, Corporal John W. Mauck of the 138th Pennsylvania, as he rode to the front of the Petersburg lines, accompanied by one staff officer.

He rode up on a imperiled Yankee position and called upon them to surrender. Instead, the the filthy trash refused the demand and shot Hill through the chest. The rifle bullet traveled through his heart, exited his chest and Hill fell to the ground and died within moments.

He was a relative of my wife whose family were from the same Culpeper, Virginia area where Hill was born.

Richmond could be reduced to ash and the state would be 100% better for it.
I hear he identified as a male.
Notice that the folks who are always crying about it are Republicans, but they claim all these folks who are being dug up were Democrats. Perfect example of your party Struth.
My family did very well for themselves after the war and I'm talking my side. Farmers, millers, tanners, and gun makers.

My wife's side actually made money off the Yankees digging-up and replanting them for so much a head. They used freed slaves for the labor for the most part and paid them wages.

In fact they sold the graveyard to the Yankees a couple years later and it's now the National Cemetery in Culpeper, Virginia.
My family is from the north Alabama hills. It's still a depressed area. I can't figure out why they never tried to leave. From what I know of the family history they spent their short lives picking another man's cotton. I still have family there toiling away at their shitty unstable jobs for lousy pay.
Cool. Now I don't feel so bad about digging around those Indian mounds by the River near here.

I'd sure like to find a skull for my fireplace mantle.
The cretins who despoiled that grave have not one one hundreth of the decency, honor and nobility of the man whose grave was desecrated.

On some level, they must know that.
Oddly enough it was President Woodrow Wilson (Dem) that promoted the erection of many Confederate statutes in the South, supported the KKK revival, segregation of blacks in the Federal government and military. He also promoted the naming of Military Bases after Confederate Generals.

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